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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. What do you mean by "New York" tho dude like there's a HUUUUGE difference between West Village, Spanish Harlem, Williamsburg, Upper East Side, etc. the definition of a "good complex" is going to vary a L O T
  2. One day and not even a full page? Hi Connie
  3. The thing is, I'm trying to get this paper published before I send in my secondary apps for med school so I kinda CAN'T afford to be on set 12 hours a day. :<
  4. like I'm actually contractually obligated to be working in my lab for 8 hours a day or else I lose out on my $3500 stipend and housing for the summer. :L
  5. And I might have to turn it down because I'm also doing a research internship at school that eats up 40 hours/week I'M SO SALTY
  6. give it a massage ;))))))
  7. idk she also used to draw cutie pie avatars for cool people like Lyle (I wasn't a cool person back then)
  8. Why are there more people reading this topic than there are replies lowkey considering playing birthright now
  9. Can we get a return of Asked Forthis
  10. So i found this post on facebook from 6 years ago in which TE straight up slayed Enjo lol
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