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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Yeah.


    Abschicken = send.

  2. I know mk404 has one, but you might have to pull some strings for him to willingly give it to you. :|
  3. There's quite a few people here with that problem. ... oh boy. <_<
  4. Don't say such things. ;_; What's with the tears? BAWWWWWWWW. I'm not confident in myself. D:
  5. You make me proud. :') My first and last witty comment on this forum. >_<
  6. ...i'm fine with my instant noodles thanks. BEHOLD! SHIN RAMEN! >=D
  7. Oh oops. Tainan is in the south. Taipei's in the North *slaps self*. How did I miss that? xD

    Taipei's so hot because every single Taiwanese person here over the age of 16 rides a motorcycle to school/work/whatever EVERY SINGLE DAY. blah blah blah global warming :O

  8. Practicing the piano? Excellent. So... I was just about to make some soup. Want some? What kind?
  9. ...so i came back from practicing piano to see a shitload of arrows stuck in my monitor...
  10. It's too late for nerves, Lux. If your not up to it, just leave it to the master, eh? Huh. Watch and learn. One clean motion. No hesitation.
  11. It's 8:09. :o Last one. For tonight anyway :P. Don't worry. It's not as disturbing. -_- I need to figure out how to make Ninji's little black blob thing look normal... then I can unleash some REAL pain.
  12. Then give me something to do, teacher. <_<
  13. sorry. How does this look? :3
  14. 1997,1998,1999,2000...! I'm done! Celebration! http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/UHGC7l1LpS9vEiMg some good old teacher/pupil fun.
  15. Oh my... Hey Jay, you know what bondage is? Something like a sex slave, right? Being chained and then being clothed with bondages, then being at the sexual whim of the assaulter? Heh. You're not as hopeless as I thought then...
  16. Oh my... Hey Jay, you know what bondage is?
  17. No, I'm freaked out that there's sex in video games! : O That's been around since the Atari. LOLOLOLOL Everything I know is a lie! : O ...you're my age. Where the hell have you been..? :o 1857,1858,1859...
  18. Of course you do. Now hurry up and finish. You're falling behind. Is Ninji more behind? 208,209,210... Seriously. This shit reminds me of my Taekwondo Doejang. >_<
  19. 15 turning 16 soon. Okay. Clears up my suspicions of you being too young to be whoring with lady Fia. Finished dinner, so: 156,157,158... Teacher, do I have to do 2000 like Lux? :/
  20. Ausfarht = exit

  21. Same! Wha--? Chalis, you're our age?
  22. Roxas

    High School

    Just asking: is taking all Honors classes that difficult?
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