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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Every two summers. Korea too.

    bleh. How's the weather usually like in Tainan? That's up north isn't it?

    It's SO FREAKIN HOT in Taipei. :(

  2. No! You'll have to find a way to practice and eat at the same time. I'm eating rice. Give me a break, teacher. D: unless swinging chopsticks up and down count too. ^_^
  3. I'd say why not, but I bet Teacher is going to be creative and give you something way different. 1561, 1562, 1563... nope. 25,26,27... brb dinner. That's an excuse to stop, isn't it? D:
  4. What do I get to do? Horizontal sword swings?
  5. Well, I don't start until the 8th.
  6. I just got my tennis ass kicked! 6-3, 6-4
  7. I'm only half though. :P

    My mom's Taiwanese, but my dad's Korean.

    So what part are you from? My grandparents are smack dab in the middle of Taipei.

  8. Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series The Lazer Collection.
  9. You don't care about grades -> you don't care about studying -> you obviously don't fit with Asians and our stereotype.
  10. Not just that. He died on chapter 6, against axe knights. If he had the javelin, then that might have been possible. :/
  11. There are more than two Lexes out there. I already have two aliases. Must I be a Lex, too? : O Anima, Light, and Staves vs. the Elite, Hero axe, and the ability to make pwnage children with Ayra. ..actually, this IS pretty tough. :P
  12. -English -Korean (my dad is) -Mandarin (my mom is) -Taking French in school
  13. FUCK YEAH! I'm about to get my ass kicked in tennis by the number 2 seed tomorrow morning!
  14. Teacher, may I suggest you take a short nap? Better to do it now, rather than when you often sleep. I appreciate the concern, but I'm feeling better now. ....wait.. so your our surrogate parent AND Lux's teacher? I CALL FAVORITISM! :( You're my student as well, Rox. ._. So is Chalis. Ninji was, but he turned to the dark side. ...what are you teaching us anyway?
  15. Teacher, may I suggest you take a short nap? Better to do it now, rather than when you often sleep. I appreciate the concern, but I'm feeling better now. ....wait.. so your our surrogate parent AND Lux's teacher? I CALL FAVORITISM! :(
  16. Yeah. I won a master class with some freaky German professor too. xD

  17. Yes, let's.Roger that.All go. I believe that while the quote will show up while you're typing the post, the actual post won't display them eventually.Who knows?In about 100 posts this'll look so weird.ZzzzoooomI'm curious; I'll help.Double posting to build the pyramid. .gif" /> .gif" /> .gif" /> What if someone gets ninja'd? : OThen too fucking bad for them.I guess.Build, pyramid, BUILD! MUAHAHAHA!It's already starting to squish together! : DMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!The pyramid shall soon crumble!WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!Is anyone else noticing the pyramid is changing it's pattern each post? EDIT: It's falling apart!!!Another double post to kill the pyramid! This is making my computer move slower. I... I think we killed it...Keep going, none of the text is hidden; let's see what happens! This is made of win. I think it's broken. This looks so fun. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!Suffer,foolish inanimate object. w00t
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