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Everything posted by Roxas

  1. Looking at others' post count makes you kinda go... Aw crap. loook at that girl with all of teh postz. I wanna b that hi lol. And then you pretty much feel bad about yourself for not dedicating your life enough to an internet forum.
  2. Up to the split. Right before chapter 9 excluding skirmishes and tower.
  3. Give me 50000 gold, and I'll let you keep my Olwen in a torture chamber.
  4. What the heck is with you and Daim Thunder/Olwen? XD
  5. it seems like a little pointless goal once you think about it... :P
  6. Kingdom Hearts = expect a lot of button-mashing X and pressing start to skip the cutscenes Kingdom Hearts 2= More button mashing. Only this time, X, start, and TRIANGLE.
  7. I'd say go for it, cuz there's nothing else to respond to, as the newest topics I planned to reply to are now gone. XD
  8. ...Somebody loves him?
  9. Ah? So just up to 2:30 is the end of anything Fire Emblem? Cuz I swear I heard that Nutcracker thingy...
  10. Eh. With the rollback, at first glance, you can't really tell if you're necroposting or not. XD
  11. arch knights pwn.


  12. OOH lol. We aren't friends...


  13. Aw... crap Ray. You need to get your patch up again. :P
  14. Roxas

    ...You're not a mod... xD

  15. Roxas


    ...You counted? XD
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