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Melee is still not dead


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Florida is Brawl

lol it's like republican and democratic states

Coming from the state which had FAST1 which had the best melee tourney set known to man after brawl was released. (DSW vs M2K)

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lol, I was just watching FAST1 vids before I opened this thread up. M2K is a beast, I wanna be him :<

You don't realize that he has Aspergers and not really any friends outside of the smash community :/. He's a funny guy though, especially when it comes to smash.

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Yeah, like games have a life <_<

Anyway, I haven't played Brawl a lot, since I don't have a Wii. And even if I will eventually enjoy Brawl more than Melee, Melee will always have a place in my heart <3

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Why is melee so much more faster than Braw?

Because it was made back when games could be catered to hardcore gamers and casual gamers alike, and Sakurai wanted to destroy the competitive scene with Brawl.

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Because it was made back when games could be catered to hardcore gamers and casual gamers alike, and Sakurai wanted to destroy the competitive scene with Brawl.

Sucks if brawl was that fast, it would be awesome

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Sucks if brawl was that fast, it would be awesome

If brawl didn't have tripping, and if it had hitsun. It would be fucking amazing. Don't need wavedashing or L-Canceling.

Edited by Rei
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I'd be quite the jolly fellow if they had left L-cancelling in. But I guess that'd be a bit hard to pull off on a wiimote without a nunchuck...

That's just what i was thinking,

Maybe he took them away because of it.

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I doubt Melee will die until a really long time has passed, seeing as Brawl doesn't have everything Melee has, and just by analyzing the activity of Melee gameplay across the U.S.A., about half the brawlers I know also play Melee and there are plenty of Melee tournaments (I've been to one), all these things contribute to the fact that Melee was a great game of its time and will continue to be a great game that is still played until something huge happens (like a 4th smash game O.o)

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