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Darkest FE game


Darkest FE game.  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think is the darkest?

    • FE3
    • FE4
    • FE5
    • FE6
    • FE7
    • FE8
    • FE9
    • FE10

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and the game can't exactly be infinitely long.

Sure felt like it. They could have cut out the massive amounts of time you are walking from castle to castle with no enemy in sight and added more story.

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I think I'll vote FE7: the main themes of the story where the meaning of death and the loss of loved ones.

And in the end even the main villain

was not a real evildoer but a tragic victim of fate broken and warped by the nature of dark magic.

FE7 wins my day here, from the painful struggle of the main characters to the regretful deaths of the black fangs leaders.

It is a good representation of the tragedy of war: everyone here is a victim, the villains no less than the heroes.

Edited by Dark Kain
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Manfloy is the Big Bad of Seisen, even Yurius was a mere part of his master plan (albeit a key one - "hello fair imperial prince, I have a book for you"). I don't find him cool at all (just a bastard), but hey. This is a "darkest" thread, not a "coolest" one, so... yeah.

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Manfloy was an amazing villian.

Not as cool as Julius though.

Unfortunately...it's pained my heart to say this...I'm so sorry Yurius...but really I never think less of you...;_;

In term of better villain: Manfloy>Yurius.

Yurius is simply possessed by an Evil Dark God, while Manfloy spent his time creating such a grand scheme. Lopto Cult was nothing when he started his planning, but look! That old man managed to blackmail Alvis, tricked Sigurd/Diadora/Alvis, and resurrected Loptous in Yurius. I can just call him the greatest villain in FE better than Sephiran, who is lame. :o

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Sure felt like it. They could have cut out the massive amounts of time you are walking from castle to castle with no enemy in sight and added more story.

Added more story? The game was filled with story. But yes, the story telling wasn't that good.

I see Yurius as this fragile child who was mind raped by Loptous.

Loputousu is the God of Darkness. Any child would naturally get their mind raped by the God of Darkness.

In term of better villain: Manfloy>Yurius.

I agree. He was pretty similar to Darth Sidious. However, Julius is a cooler person, also far more awesome.

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Manfloy is the Big Bad of Seisen, even Yurius was a mere part of his master plan (albeit a key one - "hello fair imperial prince, I have a book for you"). I don't find him cool at all (just a bastard), but hey. This is a "darkest" thread, not a "coolest" one, so... yeah.

I wouldn't call him a bastard, he was tormented his whole life and had faced prejudice from all of the witch hunts. If he had no one to turn to but that despised god, he would (and did) try to revive him so the killings would stop. And later witch hunts turned into child hunts.

Also, it takes guts to kill your own son.

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Also, it takes guts to kill your own son.

If I remember correctly, Manfloy didn't actually kill his own son. His daughter died of natural causes while he killed the person who married his daughter.

Manfloy is a sick bastard, though.

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I think that FE8 was the darkest I've played (I've never played FE4, though it sounds pretty dark too). Lyon's story is incredibly dark and it was pretty evil what Orson's wife was.

And while FE9 was sad (I had to fight back tears in Ike and Mist's convo. after Greil died) it wasn't very dark. The Serenes Massacre was dark, but the game as a whole was a bit lighter than many FEs.

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No Gaiden ?_?

Nobody would put Gaiden as darkest story in their right mind sure you have...


Arum/Alm killing his own father without knowing his relation

And, erm...well...somebody else can think of the rest. I don't exactly play FE games for plot you see much less Gaiden which had the tendancy to turn into moonspeak at key points :(

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I agree. He was pretty similar to Darth Sidious. However, Julius is a cooler person, also far more awesome.

But this is the darkest topic. And what make FE4 as dark as it's now was Manfloy instead of Yurius. Yurius is only available in 2nd Gen, and under an impression of being possessed by Evil Dark God (he is really possessed btw). While Manfloy left you with his own image.

I wouldn't call him a bastard, he was tormented his whole life and had faced prejudice from all of the witch hunts. If he had no one to turn to but that despised god, he would (and did) try to revive him so the killings would stop. And later witch hunts turned into child hunts.

Also, it takes guts to kill your own son.

Manfloy is twisted in every sense. All he wants is for Lopto believers to live a better life, and he will make sure it happens without looking at the price. As much as it can be justified, that doesn't make him less a bastard.

And by the time he killed his own son, he was already too absorbed on reviving Loptous to care.

Edited by Tiltyu
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Manfloy is twisted in every sense. All he wants is for Lopto believers to live a better life, and he will make sure it happens without looking at the price. As much as it can be justified, that doesn't make him less a bastard.

Evil is a point of view.

Levin's children aren't bastards.

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Sociology classes do this to me. Manfloy turned corrupt at some point and is possibly on literal terms, a bastard.

And all of the second generation children are bastards.

Celice, Leaf, Althena and Aless would like a long, meaningful chat with you.

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And all of the second generation children are bastards.

How so? They don't strike me as bastards Selis is a fucking saint after all >_< as much as having no personality at all.

Child #1: We are going to against the Empire now! Join us!

Child #2 (possibly Child #1's sibling): YEAH!

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How so? They don't strike me as bastards Selis is a fucking saint after all >_< as much as having no personality at all.

Child #1: We are going to against the Empire now! Join us!

Child #2 (possibly Child #1's sibling): YEAH!

"Bastard" can also mean "illegitimate child."

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Celice, Leaf, Althena and Aless would like a long, meaningful chat with you.

I don't know... I question Celice's birth. That, and I said second generation children, not characters.


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I don't know... I question Celice's birth. That, and I said second generation children, not characters.

They're children of the 1st generation characters, unlike Shanan, Oifaye or Hannibal. And I believe Sigurd and Diadora were wed, no?


Boobs. He's hiding boobs.

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They're children of the 1st generation characters, unlike Shanan, Oifaye or Hannibal. And I believe Sigurd and Diadora were wed, no?

By children, I meant what the game deemed of being worthy enough to be called children; Substitutes are Characters, while Children are Children. And I think all of the substitutes are as well.

And your guess is as good as mine when it comes to Celice... I don't recall a wedding ever being announced. I think they were waiting to be wed in Chalphy :o

Boobs. He's hiding boobs.

No. Something more sinister than that.

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I think they were waiting to be wed in Chalphy :o

AFAIK they were wed in Evans.

Boobs. He's hiding boobs.

No. Something more sinister than that.

Will you two stop insulting his barely-there-manliness? Give the poor boy a rest!

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