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Current notes on: Is it possible to complete Chapter 20 of Thracia 776 without killing the boss?

Ansel G

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A while back I made a post asking if anyone knew if it was possible to complete chapter 20 of Thracia 776 without killing the boss, who is required to be defeated.

I've tried pretty much everything

  • Stealing all weapons to deactivate the boss (deactivating means it will either run away or do nothing at all. in this case, the boss does nothing since his escape point is the throne)
  • Status effects like sleep, and berserk were used, but berserk just gets him killed by his own army, and sleep doesn't remove him from the map.

The only things I can think of for removing a unit from the map are things that work for other chapters.

  • Capturing allows the enemy to live, but this boss has 20con making it impossible.
  • Making the boss an ally which does work in chapter 12x where the enemies will flee if the boss is defeated or becomes an ally. This would be the same case for this chapter if we could somehow turn him to our side. Unfortunately there is no way to do this as far as I know so I hope someone here will have an idea that could work since this is probably my best bet.


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