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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom!!

Metal Rabbit

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I suppose I'll add this episode:

Part 1: Premonitions

Fourth Fox: After much thought after the Serenes Revolution, I hereby announce that in the untimely event of my death, the throne shall go to CGV!

*the crowd cheers*

Kiryn: At least it's better than Bianchi...

Coolguyvaters: What do you mean "at least"?

Metal Rabbit: Does this mean that CGV will be the new queen if Fox dies?

Fourth Fox: Yup.

Coolguyvaters: Alright! I get to be the next queen! ...Wait a minute...

Fourth Fox: I meant king.

Coolguyvaters: That's good. I thought I'd have to go get a sex change...

1 week has passed. It's nighttime. The crickets are chirping. The wolves of Hatari are resting. The moon's silver glow is reflected on the lake's delicate surface. Above it all, CGV is all alone with Angel in her apartment.

-in Angel's room-

Coolguyvaters: Hey Angel. Wanna play another game of Naked Twister?

Angel: Ooh! I'll get the board!

Coolguyvaters: Alright...

Angel: I couldn't find our Twister board, so I borrowed Archy's Twister board.

Coolguyvaters: Alright...

-meanwhile, in another part of the forest-

*a Rexcalibur is launched at a cloaked man*

*the cloaked man dodges*

Zephrion: *pant* *pant*

Google Adsense: Bringing out the powerful tomes already?

Zephrion: If it's you, then it's no mercy.

Google Adsense: Geez, Zeph. You sure can be mean.

*Zeph launches a Tornado at Google*

*the Tornado hits, but it does no damage*

Google Adsense: I didn't come here to be hit by Tornadoes. I have a message.

Zephrion: What is it?

Google Adsense: Midnight, tonight. Your group will be invaded by a secret stealth force.

Zephrion: How will we know it's them.

Google Adsense: They'll be wearing purple paper bags on their heads.

Zephrion: Why?

Google Adsense: We're trying to be more eco-friendly, so we use paper instead of plastic.

Zephrion: That wasn't what I was asking...And why are you telling us that you're going to invade us.

Google Adsense: Curiosity. I am curious as to whether your group can actually stop our invasion.

Zephrion: Curiosity killed the cat...

Google Adsense: So long, Zeph 'ol pal.

*Google disappears into the night fog*

Zephrion: Damn. Let him get away. Whatever. I have to tell the others.

-outside CGV's room-

*you hear moaning and giggling*

*Archy, CGV's son, returns with his babysitter, Bianchi*

Archy: What's mommy and daddy doing in there?

Bianchi: As a goddess, I know that you don't think you want to know.

Archy: I demand to find out!

Bianchi: I'm pretty sure you don't wanna know.

*Archy slams the door open seeing CGV and Angel all naked and wrapped around each other*

Archy: Why is daddy squeezing mommy like that? Ahhh! Daddy's trying to kill mommy by squeezing her to death!

*Archy runs away*

Coolguyvaters: I'm sure Archy will get over it.

Angel: Let's get back to Naked Twister!

Bianchi: Mind if I join?

Coolguyvaters: Heck! Why not?! I love three ways...

-at the base-

*Kiryn enters*

Fourth Fox: So where'd you go?

Kiryn: I always like to go for night time jogs when the moon is full.

Fourth Fox: You sound like some sort of werewolf.

Kiryn: *cold sweat* Yeah...heh...heh...wolf...That's a good one...

Fourth Fox: Say, Kiryn...

Kiryn: Yes?

Fourth Fox: No one else is here in the base. We could...

Kiryn: Like that other time?

Fourth Fox: What d'ya say? You could teach me how to do it again...

Kiryn: Alright. It'll be fun like last time!

Fourth Fox: Awesome! I'll get the checkers board!

Kiryn: I'll get the snacks!

*Zephrion crashes through a window*

Fourth Fox: Don't you have a key?

Zephrion: Yeah...

Fourth Fox: MR!

*Metal Rabbit crashes through the wall, eats the broken glass, spits out a new window, and super-glues it back into its original position*

Kiryn: How did he-?

Zephrion: AHHHH! Goddammit...There's glass in my veins!

Fourth Fox: Need healing?

Zephrion: No time! We're going to be invaded in an hour.

Kiryn: Does this mean no checkers?

Fourth Fox: Zeph, find Hika, CGV, and take MR with you to attack the enemy base at Mt. Mount. We'll hit them before they hit us.

Zephrion: They named a mountain Mount?

Fourth Fox: It's a history thing. Don't question it. Kiryn, find Lyle and Fireman. You seem to always know where they are. You'll be CGV's reinforcements.

Kiryn: Sure.

*Kiryn and Zeph run out the door*

Fourth Fox: MR, find Raven and his mercenaries. Bring them to the base and then meet up with CGV. We'll defend the throne.

Metal Rabbit: Okey-dokey Ms. Fox.

*MR jumps out the window he fixed, breaking it again*

Fourth Fox: I have a bad feeling about this...

-at Mt. Mount-

Coolguyvaters: Where is their base? There's nothing but a mountain!

Metal Rabbit: Maybe it's in the sky?

Hikarusa: No. My dragon would have smelled it.

Zephrion: Perhaps if I launch a Tornado...

Coolguyvaters: There will be no Tornado launching while I'm around!

Zephrion: Party pooper...

Metal Rabbit: Heh heh...He said poop...

*a group of people with purple, paper bags on their head jump out out of the bushes behind the group launching a barrage of arrows at them*

Coolguyvaters: I did not see that coming...Charge!

*the (half-dead)group and the enemies' weapons collide*

-1 year later, at a local orphanage in Begnion-

Coolguyvaters: And that is the story of the Serenes Invasion. Hikarusa and MR died in the battle. Zeph destroyed half of their units with a single Tornado, and then I killed the rest. Fourth Fox, Raven, and Nightmare were killed in the base. Kiryn, Lyle, and Fireman were believed to have been captured by enemy forces. Kaono was the only one who escaped. He currently works at a liquor store.

*silence among the orphans*

Coolguyvaters: Thank you.

(As you can tell, the orphans are now more depressed than ever.)

orphanage owner: No, thank you, King CGV.

*CGV leaves the orphanage*

*Zeph is waiting outside*

Zephrion: Hello, King CGV.

Coolguyvaters: Hey, Zeph. Haven't seen you for a while.

Zephrion: I didn't come here for a reunion. Something's been bothering me.

Coolguyvaters: What?

Zephrion: Ever since that day most of our group died, I've been having nightmares.

Coolguyvaters: That's only natural. That was a traumatizing experience.

Zephrion: No. It's not that. Every time it's the same nightmare. I'm in a dark room with our old group. We're all unconscious, but our eyes are wide open. There are these guys operating on us. Carving us open. Putting something inside us. Every night, I have these horrible nightmares...

Coolguyvaters: Like I said, it's probably just the trauma affecting your brain.

Zephrion: No. Before the Serenes Invasion, I always had these nightmares, except there was one difference.

Coolguyvaters: What?

Zephrion: In my old nightmares, I was the only one they operated on. You guys weren't in the room. And I escaped from the room, and ran. And ran and ran. And that's when I would wake up in a nervous sweat.

Coolguyvaters: ....

Zephrion: At first, I just thought I was crazy.

Coolguyvaters: You should get some help...

Zephrion: LISTEN TO ME CGV! These nightmares...I think my inner-self is telling me something!

Coolguyvaters: ...Go home Zeph.

Zephrion: You don't understand... I think we're both in terrible danger.

Coolguyvaters: ....

It has started raining. CGV walks away with an umbrella, leaving Zeph alone in the rain, his pleas unanswered.


Also, no one's goint to get revived in this arc...Just to let you know...

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how can they be revived if they're not actually dead?

How would you know?

Anyway, I just put that there just in case someone dies. To get rid of that last hope that that guy gets revived. I'm clearly a nice person...

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I'd have to say I agree with kiryn. Why else would you put "By the way no one will be revived in this arc." unless you actually plan on killing someone, or bringing them back to life in another arc.

Regardless I'm interested to see what you have planned.

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I'd have to say I agree with kiryn. Why else would you put "By the way no one will be revived in this arc." unless you actually plan on killing someone, or bringing them back to life in another arc.

Regardless I'm interested to see what you have planned.

I meant no one will get revived, period. I also don't plan on reviving them in another arc. I'm just nice that way...

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Heck, I'll add the second part then:

Part 2: Visions (I feel as though I've used this title before.)

-at the liquor store-

Coolguyvaters: *Sighs*

*CGV puts a 6-pack of beer on the cashier desk*

Kaono: That will be...Hey! It's King CGV!

Coolguyvaers: Do I know you?

Kaono: I'm Raven's subbordinate.

Coolguyvaters: Nightmare?

Kaono: No. I'm the only one who escaped.

Coolguyvaters: Kory?

Kaono: Close enough. So what brings you here?

Coolguyvaters: Just thinking. Hey, you haven't had any nightmares recently, have you?

Kaono: No.

Coolguyvaters: Maybe it is just Zeph...

*CGV leaves with the beer*

Kaono: So long...Hmmm...He didn't pay...again....I'm so getting fired...

-at the base-

Coolguyvaters: Sure is lonely now that I'm the only one living here. Maybe I should turn this into a whore house...Maybe it was best that Angel and Archy died...What am I saying? I loved the both of them, most of the time anyway...

Zephrion: Talking to yourself?

Coolguyvaters: Where'd you come from?

Zephrion: I was standing in front of you the whole time. You've just been too drunk to notice.

Coolguyvaters: Oh....Want some booz?

Zephrion: I've had enough for a lifetime. CGV, have you thought about what I said earlier.

Coolguyvaters: Yeah....Listen, Zeph, you really need to see a doctor, or a rapist.

Zephrion: Rapist?

Coolguyvaters: What?! Where?!

Zephrion: Nothing. Listen, CGV! I'm not crazy! I really think these nightmares of mine are trying to tell me something!

Coolguyvaters: I don't have time for this! I don't want anything to do with my old mercenary life!

Zephrion: Then trust me on this, for old time's sake.

Coolguyvaters: ....Fine. What is it you want me to do?

Zephrion: I need you to kill yourself.

Coolguyvaters: What?

Zephrion: Trust me on this. It's too complicated to explain, but just trust me!

Coolguyvaters: I didn't want to believe it at first.

Zephrion: What?

Coolguyvaters: I thought you had changed!

Zephrion: What are you talking about?

Coolguyvaters: I did some research earlier. The invasion didn't kill Fox. You did.

Zephrion: What?! That's absurd!

Coolguyvaters: She had barely survived the invasion. You told her to trust you. That you had been having nightmares. The same thing you were telling me. Then you told her to kill herself, to trust you in doing it.

Zephrion: I-

Coolguyvaters: Is it true?

Zephrion: Ummm...

Coolguyvaters: TELL ME!

Zephrion: Yes, but-

Coolguyvaters: You knew that I would get the throne. And then, after a good amount of time had passed, you would try to kill me too.

Zephrion: It's not like that!

Coolguyvaters: After my death, there would be another election to determine the next ruler of the forest. You would plan to rig the election, making you the next king.

Zephrion: That's not why!

Coolguyvaters: Then why did you try to kill me that last time?

Zephrion: I don't know. I was just overcome...by some force...I suddenly felt that I deserved the throne. That the world would be happier under my rule.

Coolguyvaters: You sound like Bianchi!

Zephrion: Enough! If you won't choose to see it my way, then I'll make you see it my way!

*Zephrion shoots a Tornado at CGV, who dodges it*

*CGV jumps behind Zeph and pierces through Zeph's back with his Reever*

Zephrion: *spits out blood* Not yet!

*Zeph grabs the Reever from CGV and stabs CGV in the stomach*

Coolguyvaters: Dammit, Zephrion!

*CGV falls unconscious and everything fades away*

The next second, CGV wakes up half-conscious, but sees that he is surrounded by cloaked men in a dark room. The cloaked men are carving him open and talking. CGV cannot move, cannot speak, and cannot hear very clearly. Although, he does hear some undiscernible noise coming from all the people's mouths. He sees the rest of the group in the same position as he is. They have gaping wounds in them. They are fully awake, unlike CGV who is only half-awake. They cannot move any muscle or speak a single word, but CGV sees in their bloodshot eyes that they are in a state of terror.

*the next second, CGV wakes up and sees Zephrion in front of him at their base*

Zephrion: Did you see what I see in my nightmares? Did you see what your sister wanted to see?

Coolguyvaters: Yes. What was that?

Zephrion: I think it might be some sort of memory that is triggered whenever we reach a state equivalent to death. It's a theory I have anyway...

*Zephrion falls down*

Coolguyvaters: What is it Zephrion?!

Zephrion: The wound you gave me...Everything's going dark.

Coolguyvaters: I'll go turn on the lights!

Zephrion: No you dumbass! I'm dying!

Coolguyvaters: Oh....Sorry about that....Usually I'm the one in your situation...

Zephrion: CGV.

Coolguyvaters: Yes?

Zephrion: I see them again. The people. They're putting sharp objects into us again. Whispering words into us...But I hear what they're saying this time! It all makes sense now...

Coolguyvaters: What? What makes sense?

*Zephrion dies*

Coolguyvaters: Dammit, Zephrion!

That night, when CGV was asleep, he had a nightmare. It was what he had seen earlier. Cloaked people carving him open. Other cloaked people whispering words into his ear. CGV couldn't discern any of the words, but he could make out one thing. He heard twisted, maniacal laughter in the background.

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*Throws huge bag of gold* There you go.

*Throws another bag* I'm richer than Bill Gates, so here's more.

There's only 2 known people in the world richer than Bill Gates...Ha! Now it is only a matter of elimination until I figure out your name L!

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My gawd, this topic isnt more than 2 weeks old and its this big.

When I get home, since I have no work to do otherwise, I will put the episodes into box sets...

I do have a confession: I haven't read more than a couple of other episodes that weren't mine...

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Coolguyvaters: What was that dream? It was so vivid, so detailed....Well, I'm not surprised. I've gone through a lot this past year. Guess my stress got all piled up into one huge nightmare. But what was that laughing. It sounded so evil, yet so familiar...

*CGV walks to the liquor store*

*Kaono gets thrown out the window*

Coolguyvaters: Please tell me you didn't get into another gang war?

Kaono: No. That was my boss! He got sick and tired of you getting free booze for the 56th time!

Coolguyvaters: 58th by my count.

Kaono: Uggghhhh.....

Coolguyvaters: That's some boss you got there...

Kaono: He has anger issues. He was seeing Fireman the therapist a year ago, but ever since Fireman got captured in the Invasion, my boss has been pretty angry....

Coolguyvaters: Uh-huh...Let me see something....

*Coolguyvaters walks into the liquor store*

boss: Hey! It's you! Listen, you! I-

*the sound of a chair smashing and blade being drawn is heard*

*CGV runs out the liquor store holding two packs of beer*

Coolguyvaters: Grab what you can hold and run!

*CGV and Kaono run as fast as they can with police hot on their pursuit*

Kaono: CGV! Stop!

Coolguyvaters: What?! The Begnion police will get us any second now.

Kaono: Killing a store manager and stealing beer is not the antics of any respectable king!

Coolguyvaters: Don't be such an ass, Kaono! LET'S GO!

*CGV turns around to run, but Kaono stabs CGV with his lance in CGV's wounded area*

Kaono: I'm sorry, CGV...You're just another common criminal now...

Coolguyvaters: Ugghhhh....

The next thing he knew, CGV woke up in a room used for interrogating criminals.

good cop: Tell us, King CGV. What was going on in your head that you would resort to murder and robbery.

Coolguyvaters: ....

bad cop: Not talking, eh? Listen you f*cking son of a bitch! What the hell were you thinking?! Killing, stealing, running away?

Coolguyvaters: ...

good cop: CGV. We found Zeph's body in your base this morning.

Coolguyvaters: ....

*CGV looks at them*

bad cop: Finally looking at us, eh? We found him dead with a wound caused by a certain type of blade. A blade only you possess!

Coolguyvaters: I didn't mean to.

bad cop: Finally talking, eh?

Coolguyvaters: Why does this guy keep saying 'eh'?

bad cop: Why I oughta-!

*CGV hits the bad cop in the face, giving him a bloody nose*

bad cop: That's it!

*the bad cop draws his sword, only to be stopped by the good cop*

good cop: *sigh* Listen, CGV. We did some forensic testing. All the clues point toward you. Reports say that you've been acting strangely lately. More paranoid. More easily angered. Why did you kill Zeph? Did he make you angry? Did you think he was gonna kill you?

Coolguyvaters: ....

good cop: We're obviously getting nowhere with this. Normally, you'd have a trial, but since you're king, we'll let you off with a warning.

bad cop: Murder and theft and he gets away with that! Being king sure is great, aint it CGV?

Coolguyvaters: No, it's not great. It's a living nightmare.

bad cop: ....

good cop: ....You may leave now...

*CGV leaves the police headquarters*

-at the base-

Coolguyvaters: *sighs*

Bianchi: Must be hard being king.

Coolguyvaters: Bianchi?! Where did you-?

Bianchi: It doesn't matter. Tell me, CGV. Do you want to free yourself from your depressing life.

Coolguyvaters: Please don't tell me I have to kill myself...

Bianchi: No, no... Watch this.

*Bianchi waves her arm and Fourth Fox magically appears out of nowhere*

Coolguyvaters: Sis?

Fourth Fox: CGV?

Coolguyvaters: Where were you all these years? Zephrion said you killed yourself.

Fourth Fox: I don't know....

Bianchi: She had been captured by enemy forces. I just rescued her. I think she has amnesia.

Fourth Fox: I don't remember anything after the invasion.

Coolguyvaters: Let me guess, Bianchi. You want to be queen of the forest.

Bianchi: No, no. I did this out of the purity of my heart.

Coolguyvaters: Uh-huh...Maybe I should have just killed myself...

Fourth Fox: Kill myself? Why does that sound so...

Coolguyvaters: What's wrong?

Fourth Fox: Nothing! Nothing! I have to go...see how Begnion has changed. I'm pretty curious. See ya!

Coolguyvaters: What was that all about?

Bianchi: ...

-at an abandoned library-

*Fox takes out the encyclopedia called Encyclopedia to Reading*

*a trapdoor opens, revealing a box inside the hole*

*Fox takes out the box and opens it, revealing a note*

*Fox reads the note*

*Fox has a sudden flashback*

She remembers the men carving her open. The men whispering words into her ear, implanting messages in her brain. Messages that she couldn't understand at first. The men whisper some words into Fox's ear. This time, she can hear what they're syaing. She gets up, her eyes wide open. Fox casts Rexflame on MR and keeps firing at him, without emotion. MR stands perfectly still while being hit. Neither Fox nor MR display any emotion during the whole event, almost as though they are already dead. The men tell her to stop, and Fox stops as soon as they their sentence is over.

Fourth Fox: ....oh my god...

*Fox feels a sudden chill in the air*

*Fox decides to leave the library, it is now midnight*

Fourth Fox: I have to tell CGV! Before it's too late!

*Fox runs towards the base*

-the next day, noon-

TV Reporter: Breaking news. Fourth Fox, the previous queen, was found dead this morning at 6 AM. Autopsy reveals that she was killed sometime around midnight due to suffocation. It appears that she was strangled to death. How Fox was still alive for all this time, remains a mystery. Experts hope to-

*CGV turns off the tv*

Coolguyvaters: Bianchi.

Bianchi: Yes?

Coolguyvaters: I want to cleanse this world. There is far too much suffering on Earth. With your power, we shall bring about a new, peaceful era.

*CGV gets out another bottle of beer and drinks it*

Bianchi: If that's what you want, CGV.

*the smell of smoke engulfs the base the next second*

Coolguyvaters: What is that?

Bianchi: Let's go check it out.

*Bianchi and CGV step out the door, triggering the bomb device that someone put there*

*the bomb explodes with Bianchi and CGV in the heart of the explosion*

CGV sees the cloaked men again. They are in the same, dark room. They have stopped carving him open. They're still whispering in his ear, but this time, he can understand what they're saying. The words are as clear as the memory itself.

Strangle Fourth Fox to death.

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