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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom!!

Metal Rabbit

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Here's a new original filler episode.

Damn that's a mouthful...

That's what she said...

Just a warning, parts of this may be NSFW, although there's no actual sex scenes.



Hika: ...

*he's looking in the fridge for something*

Hika: What's this? Apple soda?


Hika: ...

This isn't bad...

Metal Rabbit: Aw come on! I was saving that for later!

Hika: Chill, you can have half.

Metal Rabbit: I made that myself.

Hika: No way... If YOU made it it'd probably be poisonous.


Metal Rabbit: I haven't tested it yet.


Hika: ...oh...

Should we like call 911?



Bianchi: Are you done yet?

*Lyle and Raven are moving heavy boxes*

Lyle: *grunt*

Raven: No...

Bianchi: C'mon, I only have the van for another day!

Fox: What are you up to?

Bianchi: I'm moving out.

Fox: I wasn't aware you were living here in the first place...

Bianchi: Of course I wasn't! I was never invited!

Fox: How rude of us... Would you like to stay Bianchi?

Bianchi: Yay!!!

You two, start moving the stuff back in!

Raven: What?!

Lyle: o_o

But we were almost finished...

Bianchi: Do it now!!!

*they do it*

Bianchi: It's hard to find cheap labor these days.

Fox: How much are you paying?

Bianchi: Paying?

Fox: ...


(In the forest)


*lunges at Fireman*

Fireman: *shoves him back*

No, your footings all wrong. You're never gonna touch me like that.

Zephrion: Just as well. I can't heal what injuries don't form.

Fireman: There'll be injuries alright...

*throws knife*

CGV: Ahh...

*pulls knife out of arm*

CGV: I think you cut my muscle.

Fireman: Why would you think that?

CGV: Cause I can't move my arm.

Zephrion: Dammit...

*heals wound*

CGV: ...much better, thnx.

*Kiryn comes in*

Kiryn: Hey, what are you all doing?

CGV: Contest.

Fireman: Killing contest.

Zephrion: And I'm here to heal things.

Kiryn: Oh...

CGV: Something the matter?

Kiryn: It's just that I can heal too, so you could have asked me...

Fireman: ...

CGV: Well, we'll keep that in mind.

Kiryn: You think he's better than me?

Fireman: Yes.

CGV: Who?

*she points to Zeph*

Fireman: Certainly yes.

Zephrion: I'm a mage, you're a mounted unit.

CGV: Lol, mounted.

Zephrion: ._.

Kiryn: o_o

Fireman: ^_^

CGV: ...I was up all night watching comedy central with MR...

He kinda rubbed off on me...

Kiryn: Well, I'm a better healer.

Zephrion: I say not.

Fireman: Looks like we have a contest then...

CGV: They're gonna fight to the deaths?

Fireman: Quite the opposite. The one who saves the most lives today with healing staves wins.


CGV: I still can't figure out how he does it...

*Fireman re-appears*

Fireman: I set up a tent for each of you. CGV will send clients into each tent without prejudice.

All you gotta do is heal them up before they die.

Kiryn: How do you know they'll die?

Fireman: My victims aren't known to live long...

Zephrion: ._.

Kiryn: I question the morality of this... but let's do it!

CGV: ...that's what she said...



Lyle: ...we're done...

*Raven's passed out*

Bianchi: It was nice of you to let me stay!

Fox: Oh... yeah, about that. I didn't think you'd say yes.

Bianchi: What?! I've never felt so stupid!

Fox: ...really?


Bianchi: huh?

Fox: Nothing...

Bianchi: Well I'm moving out then!

Boys, we're leaving!

*Lyle sobs*

*Raven's still passed out*



Hika: Well I'm still alive. So how did you make it?

Metal Rabbit: I have a secret area to do it in. I can show you if you'd like.

It's outside.

*He closes the basement door as he leaves*

Fox: Hello? The door doesn't open from this side!!!

Unlock it!


(Outside the city)

Fireman: I'm gonna create victims and send them here. CGV you handle the rest.

K thnk bye!


CGV: Well you two go into your tents...

Kiryn: You're going down mage boy!

Zephrion: ...that was kinda lame smack talk.

CGV: Yeah really.

Kiryn: :(

*she slumps into her tent*

*6 victims warped in*

CGV: Let's get it on...



Metal Rabbit: Here!

*moves bush and reveals passage*

Hika: Cool.

Metal Rabbit: So what I do is take bubbly water and sugar and syrup and add whatever I want. I can make anything.

Hika: Kay... how bout grape?

Metal Rabbit: I can't do grape.

Hika: ...orange?

Metal Rabbit: Nope!

Hika: Bet you can't make flaming soda...

Metal Rabbit: I'll take that bet!

*pours hot sauce into mix*

Hika: I meant FLAMING soda as in its on fire!

Metal Rabbit: I can do that too!

*lights equipment on fire*

Hika: Are you sure we should be doing that?

Metal Rabbit: Idk, it's not mine anyway.

Hika: *getting nervous*

Metal Rabbit: I'm getting sleepy watching the fire...

*lights self on fire too*

*goes to sleep*

Hika: o_o



Fox: Okay, I'm trapped in here...

Bianchi: Where'd the lights go?

Lyle: Aww, I light up when you're around Bianchi!

Bianchi: Could you do it? I can't see!

Raven: I'm feeling something...

Lyle: Dude! Stop touching my junk!

Fox: ...with idiots.

Atleast with MR He wasn't a horrible person...



Hika: WAKE UP!

The fucking forest is gonna burn down!

Metal Rabbit: It's saturday, I don't have to get up!

Hika: It's monday!

Metal Rabbit: Well... go fuck yourself.

*falls back asleep*

Hika: ...!

You'll get this potato if you stop the fire!

Metal Rabbit: :D

*Jumps into air and eats fire*

Metal Rabbit: Now where is it!?

Hika: Yeah, I don't really have one...

Metal Rabbit: :(

*the machine catches fire again and explodes*


(Kiryn's tent)

Kiryn: There you go!

Old man: I'm having a heart attack!

*lands purposely on her boobs*

Kiryn: ... #


(Zeph's tent)

*an old man falls through the roof*

Old man: It was worth it...

Zephrion: ._.


(Outside the tents)

CGV: *whistles*

*MR and Hika come falling out of the sky*

CGV: ...I'll just admit you two now...



Bianchi: Where's Hika? I haven't been shagged today...

Fox: So, you can't go a day without it?

Bianchi: Hey now, don't make me out to be a slut!

Fox: What else would I call you?

Lyle: Here's a lantern.


Fox: ...Bianchi why are you half neked?

Bianchi: ... *changes subject*

Lyle, come here!

Lyle: Okay...

*she starts making out with him*

Fox: ...

Raven: Are you jealous milady?

Fox: Jealous of what?

*eye twitches*

Raven: We're twice the pair they are...

Fox: ...fine!

*they start making out*

*Raven puts his hands on her butt*

*Fox slaps him*


(Zeph's tent)

Zephrion: Hika, how'd this happen?

*he has burns all over him*

Hika: You have one guess.

Zephrion: Ah... MR.

Hika: Yep. Ow!

Zephrion: Hold still!

(Kiryn's tent)

Kiryn: I've never seen such bad burns...

Metal Rabbit: ._.

Kiryn: BTW, I feel I should warn you: The last guy who tried to touch me got blasted out of the tent like a cannonball.

Metal Rabbit: Fine, but I can still make you feel uncomfortable!


Kiryn: Oops... <_<

I missed...[/monotone]

Metal Rabbit: Can you heal my heart?

Kiryn: ...huh? You mean there's something wrong with your heart?

Metal Rabbit: No, it's not physical. I need healing Kiryn...

Kiryn: *she blushes a bit*


Metal Rabbit: Because... when I get this feeling, I want sexual healing!

*Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing" plays*


CGV: *smokes joint*

*MR crashes*

CGV: Sup?

Metal Rabbit: Share the doobage man!


Bianchi: Lyle, you can touch my boob...

Lyle: If you insist...

*does it*

Raven: Can I?

Fox: No!

Bianchi: That feels good!

Fox: ...okay.

*lantern goes out*


Fireman: Okay! This contest is over!

CGV: The results say... it's a tie!

Zephrion: Dude! WTF?

Kiryn: That's so anticlimatic...

Metal Rabbit: I have jaundice! :D

Zephrion: So who wins?

Fireman: Noone. It's a tie.

Kiryn: But somebody has to win!

Fireman: Nope.


CGV: Okay, lesss go home!

Kiryn: ...I'll drive. You're high anyway.



CGV: I'm gonna jump off the roof!


Zephrion: Hey Kiryn, I'm sorry I got so competitive and territorial.

Kiryn: You peed a circle around CGV.

Zephrion: Yeah...


Kiryn: ...thnx.

Zephrion: And you can heal the next time, okay?

Kiryn: Yeah!


CGV: My body hurts...

Zephrion: ...

Kiryn: ...I better go take care of that.


*MR opens the basement door and turns on lights*

Metal Rabbit: ._.

*Everyone's neked*

Metal Rabbit: ...can you hand me my shirt plz?

*Raven gives him his shirt hanging on a hook*

Metal Rabbit: Thnx.


Fox: ...Well are you just gonna stare at us?

Metal Rabbit: Nope, I'd never do that. Rabbit's honour.

*takes out camera phone and snaps pic*

Fox: !

Raven: How dare you take a nude pic of my girlfriend!

Fox: I'm not your girlfriend!

Raven: Now's not the time!

You hand that phone over!

Metal Rabbit: Well today alone I was set on fire, shot like a cannonball... twice, and on the way back CGV gave me a noogie.

What else can you do to me?

Fox: *sets on fire*

Metal Rabbit: -_-



That's it.

It wasn't as funny as the others. I just wasn't feeling my mojo.

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Other than making some akward memories, it was pretty good.

Edit: Dude, MR, what's with the sudden name change?

Edit:Edit: Sorry, I didn't see the other topic

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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haha, a little disturbing with the make out scene, but I lawled

And uh, where am I when all this making out nude is going on?

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I'm actually coming up with an episode idea. Though I don't want to overstep my boundaries. I am pretty new here. And I've got finals all next week. And a 20 page paper due next thurs. So once I'm done with that I'll start working on it. I may write the first episode for it soon though. If I wind up feeling like it. maybe a prologue.

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Here's my episode. Sorry if you don't like it.

(In a dark cave, Lyle Dayek and The Fireman are sitting on rocks having a conversation. It appears as though they are waiting for something).

Lyle: .....You gonna chicken out?

Fireman: I have a contract. I won't get paid if I leave. Plus, I figure if something does go wrong, I could handle it.

Lyle: That's some confidence.

Fireman: How about you? What's keeping you here?

Lyle: I ain't afraid to die. And if I'm right, we're only gonna get orders today.

Fireman: You don't think he's got it yet?

Lyle: Well you asked for such an outrageous sum, even by your standards. It's obvious that it's not gonna be easy to find.


Lyle: .....

*A man appears from nowhere. He is cloaked so his face is not visable

????: As Lyle has guessed, and I'm sure you as well Fireman, I have not been able to obtain the item yet. It's proving harder to find then first thought.

Fireman: I'm still open for the offer.

????: That's generous of you Fireman, however I believe it would take you just as much time to find it as I will.

Fireman: .....

????: While I'm searching for it, the two of you will continue on with the plan as scheduled. I'm certain you can handle that. Correct?

Lyle: No problem.

Fireman: So long as I get paid.....

????: Good. We shall meet in one weeks time. I do not expect to have obtained it yet, however I will update you on your orders then. So long.

*The man disappears. Leaving Lyle and the Fireman to themselves.*

Angel: You know CGV, you've been a bad boy.

Kiryn: Yessss, you sure have. *Giggles*

*Bianchi, Angel, and Kiryn are hovered over CGV sexily.

CGV: Oh please ladies, I promise I can change.

Angel: Too late for that CGV. Time to be punished.

*Angel lowers her face to his. CGV’s heart starts pounding. She opens her mouth and bites his face. Hard.*

CGV: *Wakes up* OWWW!!!!

*Metal Rabbit is biting his face and even as CGV flails MR is not letting go*

CGV: Get off you fucking rabbit!!!!

MR: Mhmhmmhmhm!


*After one rapid flail, MR goes flying. A crash is heard in the distance*

Zephiron: (In the other room) MY FOOD!!!

Fox: Good, you're up.

CGV: *Rubs face* How could I not? What's up?

Fox: We've got a mission lined up.

CGV: A what?

Fox: A mission. You know. The things we take to get money?

CGV: .....Not ringing a bell.

Fox: UGH! Fine! Just get up. We've got stuff to do.

*She drags him out of bed*

*At the edge of the forest Vincent stands looking at a withered flower*

Vincent: Hmmm.

To be continued.....

So it wasn't very funny. But I gave it my best.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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I'm more focused on plot right now then the randomness, but I'm probably not gonna continue till after all my finals are done. So by then I'll be able to develop a sence of humor hopefully.

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I wrote this episode as a way to avoid my homework...

~Part 5: Doom~

-at Mt. Doom-

Sauron: You shall not obtain the Ring, MR. Nor the Bow.

Metal Rabbit: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!

Sauron: What?

Metal Rabbit: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!

Sauron: I'm not trying to pass you. WTF are you talking about?

Metal Rabbit: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!

*MR slams his staff onto the cliff, the cliff breaks, and MR falls into the lava*

Sauron: Okay...

Frita: oh no! Metal Rabbit!

Sauron: You're next.

*Sauron walks over and draws his sword*

*MR jumps out of the lava and uses his ear to cut off Sauron's hand*


Frita: MR! You're alive!

Metal Rabbit: Of course I am, silly rabbit. Trix are for kids!

Sauron: What?

Frita: I dunno. Sometimes he just says these things.

Metal Rabbit: Time to finish you off, Sauron!

*MR jumps into the lava*

Frita: Umm....Okay...

Sauron: What is wrong with this guy?! Everything is so anticlimatic with him!

*Metal Rabbit sucks up the lava and jumps back onto the cliff*

Metal Rabbit: I'm baaackkk!

Sauron: It doesn't matter. Soon, the world shall be plunged in endless java and orcs shall rule the day and night!

Frita: You mean lava?

Sauron: Same thing!

Metal Rabbit: Not if I have anything to say about this! MR puts on a cowboy hat, takes out a whip, and runs full speed at Saruon, knocking both of them into the lava*

*MR uses his whip to get back up*

Frita: Hey, look! It's Sauron's ring!

*the ring is on the floor*

Metal Rabbit: So beautiful...so magnificent...so...precious...

Frita: MR?

Metal Rabbit: My....precious....

Frita: You okay?

*MR snaps out of it*

Metal Rabbit: Oh, uh, why don't you keep the ring, Frita?

Frita: Sure. *picks up ring* Wow. This is...precious...

Metal Rabbit: See ya.

Frita: My...precious...

*MR leaves*

-flashback over-

~Part 6: Epilogue~

*Metal Rabbit is sitting on a fire on a stove*

Metal Rabbit: I feel sleepy...

Fourth Fox: What are you doing?

Metal Rabbit: Writing a story based on personal experience.

Fourth Fox: You write?

Metal Rabbit: Just cuz I'm a rabbit doesn't mean I'm a complete idiot!

*MR falls asleep in the fire, setting the whole room ablaze*

Fireman: I'll get the shotgun...

*Fireman shoots out the fire with his shotgun*

LyleDayek: How did he-?

Zephrion: Don't question it.

*Fireman shoots MR to wake him up*

Metal Rabbit: I shall name my story Lord of the Rings.

Coolguyvaters: That's a stupid name.

Metal Rabbit: CGV is a stupid name!

Fourth Fox: He got you there.

Coolguyvaters: Damn it, Zephrion!

Zephrion: What?!

Coolguyvaters: Sorry. Forcive habit...Dammit MR! Now I have to physically project my insecurities about the characteristics of my name on those little girls again!

*CGV leaves*

Kiryn: Who's up for tacos?

Zephrion: I'm in as long as I don't meet Google Adsense there.


(Google Adsense is spying on Zephrion through the window)

*Zephrion turns around and sees Google Adsense*

Zephrion: Aha!

*Zephrion shoots a Tornado out the window, hitting Google Adsense*

*Zephrion jumps out the window, lunging at Google Adsense*

*Zephrion and Google Adsense begin there epic, 3 episode battle*

(unfortunately, their epic battle is cut out of the episode along with the first 4 parts of this episode due to budget cuts caused by Fireman's demand for higher pay)

-on the streets-

*CGV is sitting on a chair*

girl scout: Hey, mister! Wanna buy some girl scout cookies?

*CGV smashes the chair against the little girl*

girl scout: uuugghhh....

Coolguyvaters: This is what I do for a living...

*CGV drags the little girl into the dark alley*

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*CGV smashes the chair against the little girl*

girl scout: uguu~

Coolguyvaters: This is what I do for a living...

*CGV drags the little girl into the dark alley*

fix'd. He would do that, wouldn't he....

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Angel: You know CGV, you've been a bad boy.

Kiryn: Yessss, you sure have. *Giggles*

*Bianchi, Angel, and Kiryn are hovered over CGV sexily.

CGV: Oh please ladies, I promise I can change.

Angel: Too late for that CGV. Time to be punished.

*Angel lowers her face to his. CGV’s heart starts pounding. She opens her mouth and bites his face. Hard.*

Best... part... EVAR

fix'd. He would do that, wouldn't he....

nah, she's not 18.... Then again, if she had an older sister I could make a bargain....

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Not bad.

Do you think I should make an episode following Lyle's plot?

If you really want to. I mean I have the whole thing down in my head already, but if you want to throw something in, sure.

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Part 2(It's pretty long. Sorry about that)

*On the battlefield CGV is giving his troops a prep talk*

CGV: Alright troops. This is going to be a tough battle, but if we put our minds to it, we should all survive. And those of you who do manage to fall in battle, you shall be remembered and honored.

Hikarusa: Yeah right....

Fox: Is this really necessary? It’s only a group of about a dozen bandits.

CGV: ........As I was saying, we shall start by taking their left flank, and by which giving us time to move towards our goal and achieve victory.

Zephiron: You really have no clue what you’re talking about huh?

CGV: ......... Who’s in charge here?

Kiryn: Isn’t it Fox?

Hikarusa: Yeah I thought it was Fox to.

Zephiron: I’m pretty sure it was Fox.

CGV: ....... Alright fine, do whatever you want, just kill em all.

*Kiryn, Hikarusa, and Zephiron charge into battle Fox and CGV are standing talking*

CGV: Do we seem a bit short-handed today?

Fox: They’re only bandits. It’s not like the others are needed.

CGV: It feels like someone’s missing.

Fox: Well, Fireman has been gone for longer than he usually is, he’s probably just got one to many jobs to do.

CGV: Other than him though.

Fox: I locked Metal Rabbit in the basement.

CGV: That’s probably it. I left Raven and Rugal to watch the base, you know just cause of Metal Rabbit.

Fox: Good idea. You never know with him.

CGV: What about that other guy?

Fox: Who?

CGV: Kiryn’s body guard? Lyle?

Fox: Kiryn says she hasn’t seen him for a while. She isn’t worried though. We should get going though.

CGV: I’m already there. *Rushes into fray*

*Fox hears some rustling in the bushes*

Fox: Who’s there? Is that you Fireman?

Bandit: *Steps out of the bushes* Sorry. I only get paid if I contact you and you alone. I have a message for ya.

Fox: You? A message for me?

Bandit: Yeah, I was sent to tell you that Bianchi wants to have a final battle with you. One on one. Whoever wins is the queen.

Fox: So she’s behind the bandits? Fine I accept. Show me where she is.

Bandit: Right this way miss.

*The Bandit leads her through the forest for a few minutes. He suddenly stops*

Bandit: I was told only to lead you this far. If you go through thur she should be waiting.

Fox:........Thank you?

*The Bandit leaves. Fox steps through the final bush and sees Bianchi standing there*

Bianchi: So you’ve finally come, false queen. Prepare to face your end!

Fox: Still spouting that nonsense Bianchi? I would have thought you’d have learned by now.

Bianchi: You will regret having challenged me!

Fox: Hm?

*Bianchi charges. They battle.*

*Back on the battlefield.*

Bandit: Please! Let me live! I was only followin’ orders!

CGV: Oh please. Just give up.

Bandit: I am giving up!!!

CGV: I mean on life.

Bandit: AHH! *attempts to flee. Zephiron hits him with a tornado. CGV instinctively flinches*

Zephiron: What’s wrong with you?

CGV: ....nothing. Hey where’s Fox?

Kiryn: That’s a good question. Want me to go look for her?

CGV: Maybe later. We still have a few more of these guys to take out. It’s her exp loss.

*Back with Bianchi and Fox*

Fox: Wait what do you mean ‘I’ll regret challenging you’? You challenged me.

Bianchi: No I didn’t you challenged me. A queen with such grace as I would never stoop so low as to attack a lowly commoner.

Fox: Well that clearly is bull. You’ve attacked us countless times, and I never contacted you to have a one on one match. I was led here by one of the bandits you hired!

Bianchi: Bandits?

????: OH forget it. I hired the bandits to try and get you to kill each other.

*Lyle Dayek appears from the trees*

Fox: You?

Bianchi: Lyle?

Lyle: I really didn’t want to do this myself. I never wanted to draw my blades against a woman. Let alone two. Especially ones that are my friends. Sort of.

Fox: You want to kill us?!? Why?!?

Bianchi: Lyle....?

Lyle: I’m sorry my lady Bianchi. And your majesty Fox. But I’m afraid I must kill you both.

Fox: I won’t die without a fight!

Lyle: .....Of course.

Bianchi: Why?

*Back on the battlefield. CGV is about to finish the Bandit leader*

Bandit Leader: Yar har ho. So this is how a bandit’s life ends.

Zephiron: Why’s he speaking pirate talk?

CGV: Who cares? *Stabs Bandit leader*

Bandit Leader: Yar...Har....Blek. *Dies*

Kiryn: Should we look for Fox now?

CGV: Yeah. Zeph, Hika, you two go back to base, it shouldn’t take us too long to find her.

Hikarusa: Cool. Wanna play some brawl Zeph?

Zephiron: So long as you don’t be a cheap-ass and just constantly use Kirby’s down B move.

Hikarusa: It’s not cheap! It’s strategy!

Zephiron: EFF you! It’s cheap-ass! (They leave arguing)

CGV: Alright let’s get going.

*The two of them are searching. After a few minutes Kiryn catches a scent.*

Kiryn: CGV! This way! I smell Fox! It’s her blood!

CGV: What!?!

*Kiryn and CGV start racing towards the clearing where blood is strewn across it. No bodies are in sight, however two graves are on the ground each roughly marked with a name respectively: ‘Fox the queen’ and ‘Bianchi the false queen’*

CGV: .....What the hell happened here?!? WHO DID THIS!?!!?

*Kiryn is speechless. She smells another scent of blood*

Kiryn: (to herself.) This scent. It’s Lyle’s. But, why would he? He couldn’t. He must have gone after the killer.


*Hanz appears*


Hanz: Why the hell would I kill my own master fool?!? You’re wasting your time. Whoever did this has already left. I’ve been here for 10 minutes trying to figure it out.


Kiryn: He’s not CGV. You know that. You’re speaking out of anger.


Kiryn: We need to go back to the base and inform the group. Then we go after the killer.

CGV: *Pants* FINE! But you’re coming with us! *He point’s to Hanz*

Hanz: I was planning on it.

*At the base*

Hikarusa: Dude......

Zephiron: Raven and Rugal.....they’re dead.

*Rugal and Raven’s bodies are on the couch motionless. One long blade wound is on both of their torsos*

Hikarusa: They got their blood on the Wii!!!! Those assholes!!

Zephiron: Dude! They’re dead!!!

Hikarusa: I know!!! And they got their blood on the Wii!!!

Zephiron: Ugh.

*In the cave metioned earlier in the plot. Lyle enters his left arm is limp and covered with blood. Fireman is sitting on his respective rock*

Fireman: ......You look like you’ve been hit by a truck.

Lyle: I was. Back when I was a kid. Luckily there was a healer nearby so I didn’t get any lasting scars. But these I got from Fox and Bianchi.

Fireman: .....Are they-?

Lyle: Yeah......

Fireman: ........

Lyle: ......How about-?

Fireman: Yeah......

(Scene change. Hell)

Fox: nnng. *opens eyes* Where is this? *She sees Bianchi sobbing in a corner* Bianchi?

Bianchi: Why? Why did he kill us?

Fox: !!! *Remembers being killed* Then this is-

Rugal: Hell. Yeah.

Fox: Rugal? Raven?

Raven: Yeah. We were killed at the base.

Rugal: Asshole killed us so fast we didn’t get to see who he was.

Raven: Damn shame

Rugal: Yeah.

Fox: We’re in hell?

????: That’s right. Only Mormons go to heaven. You think Trey Parker and Matt Stone made that up?

*Fox, Rugal and Raven look at the person*

Wist: My master wishes to meet you all.

(Hopefully better than the first.)

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Hikarusa: Dude......

Zephiron: Raven and Rugal.....they’re dead.

*Rugal and Raven’s bodies are on the couch motionless. One long blade wound is on both of their torsos*

Hikarusa: They got their blood on the Wii!!!! Those assholes!!

Zephiron: Dude! They’re dead!!!

Hikarusa: I know!!! And they got their blood on the Wii!!!

Zephiron: Ugh.

????: That’s right. Only Mormons go to heaven. You think Trey Parker and Matt Stone made that up?


dude, you're really good. That was pretty funny

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Hey Lyle. About that blood on the Wii part... I would SO care about the Wii more than people named after video game characters. Seriously. That was pretty funny.

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It reminded me in that Rocket Power episode where Sam kept saying "They got sand in the potato salad!"

But as for the sitcom, I'll make an episode when I'm done with finals and work this weekend

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Sorry, this one is even longer. I think the next one won't be as long. but here you go:

(Scene opens again in the same cave. Lyle and Fireman are on their respective rocks.)



Lyle: You know......I gotta ask, what do you need all this money for?

Fireman: .........4,000

Lyle: ........You know what? Here. *Lyle gives Fireman the 4,000* Get talking.

Fireman: .....I wasn't expecting that.

Lyle: I don't care. Spill it.

Fireman: .....well.

Lyle: Well what?

Fireman: .........I'm trying to start a high-class whore-house.

Lyle: A high-class whore-house?

Fireman: Yes.

Lyle: .........Need a manager?

*The cloaked man enters swiftly, If you blinked, you would have thought he appeared from nowhere*

????: As you know, it has not been one week since our last meeting. However it appears that we are running low on time. This being the case, I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to find the sword in time.

Lyle: What!?!

????: Calm down Lyle. We're not dead yet. However, I will be needing Fireman's help to find it.

Fireman: That's gonna be-

????: I really wish you two would stop interrupting me. Fireman, you will be helping me to search for the sword while Lyle takes on your responsibilities. This way, you can keep the money from the previous job, and you will help me find the sword.

Fireman: That still wouldn't cover-

????: The price you asked for before was under the assumption that you would have to find the sword on your own. Now you and I will be working together to find it. Does that satisfy you?

Fireman: .......

????: Lyle, I'm sure you know what this means for you.

Lyle: Yeah. I'll have to get started soon.

????: Agreed. Fireman, come with me. Lyle, don't die till your done.

Fireman: Got it.

Lyle: .......

*Fireman and the cloaked man dissapear leaving Lyle alone.*

Lyle: Dammit.


*Fox approaches Bianchi, who is finally recovering from shock*

Fox: Bianchi, we're leaving now, are you okay to come?

Wist: Whether she is or not, she's coming.

*Fox glares at Wist, who doesn't show any sort of reaction to it.*

Bianchi: I'm fine. *She gets up* Let's get going.

Fox: Are you sure?

Bianchi: I don't need a false queen worrying about me.

Raven: Let's get going Rugal.

Nightmare: Who's Rugal? I'm Nightmare.

Raven: What? But weren't you called Rugal?

Nightmare: No.

Fox: Yeah, he was never called Rugal. Where did you get that from?

Raven: But...Wasn't....Forget it.

Wist: Well then, if you're all done, let's get going.

*Wist leads them through hell, all around them is lava and rocks.*

Raven: Where is everyone?

Wist: What do you mean?

Raven: Well I mean if only Mormons are allowed into heaven, shouldn't there be more people here?

Wist: Hell is a big place my friend. Plus this my master's lair. Not many people are ever allowed here.

Nightmare: This is Satan's lair?

Wist: Please, Lord Satan is too busy to be bothered with the trivialities of the mortal world. My master is called Sceleris.

Raven: Who is Sceleris?

Wist: My master.

Raven:.........You know what I mean.

Wist: He is hell's moderator of the mortal world. Heaven has it's own moderator as well. They decide when a person dies if they go to heaven or hell if they aren't Mormon.

Nightmare: So people who aren't Mormon have a chance to get into heaven?

Wist: Well of course. We're not that strict. Though only Muhammad Ghandi and Mother Teresa have gotten in that way.

Raven: ........

Nightmare: ........

Fox: Why does your master wish to meet us?

Wist: You'll see. We're almost there. ....Actually, we're here.

*They reach a stone wall. The wall is covered with a pattern of a demon on it. Though it is only a carving in the wall, there seems to be a demonic energy coming from it.*

Fox: I take it your master's behind this wall?

Wist: *Smiles* Not exactly.

*The carving in the wall starts breaking off from the wall. The eyes in the demon start glowing black as red dots appear as pupils. On the right shoulder of the demon is a spike extending from it. The left shoulder does not have one. Other than that the demon is perfectly symmetrical*

Sceleris: Greetings visitors from the mortal world.

*It’s voice booms. It feels more like the voice is surrounding them rather than coming from it’s mouth*

Sceleris: Wist. It seems we shall have more guests coming soon. Be sure to greet them. Also, tell them what I am about to tell these fleshlings. I do not wish to repeat myself.

Wist: Of course master. *Wist bows, then dissapears*

*The 'fleshlings' are motionless. Raven is the first to speak, though his words are shaken*

Raven: Ummm. You're not going to eat us? Right?

Sceleris: Don't be foolish. I am a Demi-God. I have long since discarded the need to eat.

Fox: What do you want with us? *Fox tries to sound like her normal commanding self. Though when Sceleris speaks her resolve nearly breaks*

Sceleris: I want nothing from you. I am merely here to give you an explanation as to why the ones you know as Lyle Dayek and the Fireman needed to kill you.

Nightmare: Fireman was the one who killed us?

Sceleris: Indeed.

Fox: What!?! Why?

Sceleris: Listen closely and I shall tell you.

(At the base. CGV, Kiryn, and Hanz arrive.)

CGV: What the hell happened here?!

*He sees Zephiron and Hikarusa carrying Raven’s body, while Nightmare’s body is still on the couch.*

Zephrion: Okay, I know what you're thinking. But it wasn't us!

Hikarusa: Yeah! They got the blood on the Wii before we even got here!

CGV: Why are they de- THEY GOT BLOOD ON THE WII!?!?!? Wait, that's not important right now! Why are they dead?

Zephiron: Why is Hanz here?

*Two explanations later. (And one quick cleaning of the wii.)*

Zephiron: Dude. What the hell is happening?

CGV: I dunno. But as of right now we don't have any leads. Plus Fireman isn't available to help us out.

Kiryn: Well.... I think we might have one lead.

CGV: What?

Kiryn: At the clearing, I caught another scent. It was faint. But it was the scent of Lyle's blood.

Hanz: Lyle?

Kiryn: Yeah. If we find him, he might be able to help us.

CGV: Can you track him?

Kiryn: I'll do my best.

CGV: Then lets get going.

*They walk outside the base. Kiryn stops*

Zephiron: What's wrong?

Kiryn: His scent leads off in two directions.

CGV: What?

Hikarusa: Is that even possible?

Kiryn: Whether it is or isn't, that's the case.

Hanz: Then we should we should split up.

Zephiron: How? Kiryn is the only one who can follow a scent.

Hikarusa: Yeah, unless you have some sort of tracking dog.

CGV: Your dragon stupid.

Hikarusa: Huh?

Hanz: Exactly. Dragons have a good enough sense of smell to be able to track.

Hikarusa: They do?

Kiryn: Yeah.

Hikarusa: Cool. C'mon boy, find Lyle! WAAAH!!

*The dragon takes off at breakneck speed.*

CGV: Should we just leave him?

Zephiron: Nah I'll go after him. You guys go the other way.

Kiryn: If you find him, send off tornado. We'll send off a flare or something.

Zephiron: Got it. Good luck.

CGV: You to.

*Hikarusa's dragon finally stops. Hikarusa is shaken and dizzy*

Hikarusa: Woah. That was crazy....BLARGH *He does what you think he does*

*Zephiron pops out from behind some trees.*

Zephiron: Hikarusa are you- AWW SICK I STEPPED IN IT! You ass Hika!

Hikarusa: It's your fault for not looking.

Zephiron: Is this where the scent ends?

Hikarusa: How the hell should I know?

Zephiron: He's your dragon! *Wipes foot on grass*

Hikarusa: It's not like I can tell what he's thinking. Man it's gonna take forever to find Lyle.

????: Then let me save you the trouble

*Lyle appears and quickly cuts down Hikarusa, knocking him off his dragon.*

Zephiron: Hika! So it was you who killed Fox and the others. You dastard!

Hikarusa: HEAL ME STUPID! *Lyle finishes him by stabbing him through the heart. Lyle's left arm is covered in bandages*

Lyle: Well I certainly killed Fox and Bianchi. And this guy here. But I was not the one who killed Nightmare and Raven.

Zephiron: Then who?

Lyle: I don't rat out my partners. And I don't have time for a long battle, so I'm going to have to finish you in one blow. *Activates Astra. Zephiron falls*

(Back with Hanz, CGV and Kiryn. They’re following the other scent)

Kiryn: !!!

CGV: What?

Kiryn: It's Zephiron and Hikarusa! Their blood!

CGV: What!?!

Hanz: Let's get going.

Kiryn: What about Lyle?

CGV: It's possible he's already dead at this rate. We have to save Hika and Zeph.

????: Don't bother.

Kiryn: Lyle!!

Hanz: .....

Lyle: They're already dead.

Kiryn: Did you see who it was?

Hanz: More than that. It was him!

Kiryn: What? Hanz it couldn't be-

Lyle: No. Hanz is right milady. I killed Zephiron, Hikarusa, Bianchi and Fox.


*CGV charges after Lyle, and manages to cut his left arm before Lyle dodges.*

CGV: Dammit!

Lyle: Ha! That's the same place your sister got me. *The bandages fall off. His arm is covered in burns.*

*Hanz leaps up and makes an attack for Lyle’s other arm. Lyle blocks it. And quickly moves away.*

Lyle: It seems you two are strong enough after all. I already knew Kiryn would be safe due to her unique ancestry. I’'m glad I don't have to kill you after all.

CGV: Too bad we're gonna kill you!

*CGV goes after Lyle again. This time Lyle manages to avoid completely. He lands on a branch above them*

Kiryn: Lyle. What are you doing?

Lyle: I wouldn't know where to begin. I'm sorry Hanz, CGV, but I must be going. *Lyle turns only to have a fist make direct contact with his face. He falls off the branch and onto the ground*

Lyle: Ugh. Who the hell-?

*Vincent Grabs Lyle by the neck*


CGV: Vincent?


Lyle: Urk....

Vincent: NOW!!

*The man in the cloak appears and takes Lyle from Vincent's hands.*

????: I apologize Vincent. But all will be explained soon. Feel free to follow us. That is if you can keep up.

Lyle: ....you?

????: We found it. There's no need to worry anymore.

Kiryn: Who are you?

????: Me? You don't recognize me?

CGV: Fireman?

????: Hah. No but he's working for me as well. I suppose they wouldn't recognize me in this, eh Lyle?

Lyle: Wait. Don't-

????: I am called Arc.

I hope you enjoyed.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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