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Hey guys. Catchy name huh? Anyway, here is some of my stuff. I started a couple years ago. I was really into it, but then I stopped for a LONG time. I just started getting into it again. Anywho, here is some of my more recent things as well as some of my favorite stuff.


I'm not very good at mugs. They're mostly just splices with a few custom stuff here and there. I can full custom battle sprites and weapon icons though.


Aeris/Aerith from FFVII


Sephiroth from FFVII


Vincent Valentine from FFVII


Cloud from FFVII


Mist from FE9


Rhys from FE9


Ace from Devourer of Time (my old FE7 Project)


Battle Stuff

Custom Cid from FFVII


Reenactment of an FFVII battle


Random from FFVII (Aeris made by tails8s)


More on next post:.

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Omnislash V5 from FFVII:AC (incomplete, but I doubt I'll ever finish it)


Something random:


Cloud head and sword by Dark Seraph.


Weapon Icons (all custom)


Comments and criticism would be appreciated.


And my two most recent things:

Cid from FFVII:


Arion from FE4 (my first full custom):



ashnard1.png (face by Blackavar and armor by me)



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Cid doesn't have shading where his goggles go over his hair.

Arion's eyes are too small.

Sailor Moon's headshape is really weird, and the way her body faces and the position of her hair suggest there is wind blowing, which there shouldn't be.

Cloud's hair is poorly shaded, has an unusual shape, and the eyes are too much like his OA. It's not FE style at all, to say the least. His shoulder plate also employs bad shading techniques.

Lachesis' head is way too small, and the lock of hair that goes from the leftmost side of her face has an odd shape.

Magus is not at all like an FE-styled portrait. I know that your reference picture is probably not the best since that art style (what was the designer's name again?) is drastically different to the Fire Emblem styles.

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Oh yeah. If it wasn't apparent, I don't do my sprites strictly FE style. I have my own combination of things, which include FE and other things. Other things about me just so you know. I hate doing hair and eyes. They are my worst thing.

@Wander: Cid was done a while ago, and I have since updated the shading. I just have not bothered to reupload it. I've posted these on other forums before and have fixed most of these errors.

Arion: Eh. I'll somewhat agree with you. It was my first attempt at a full custom. Just for fun. I have a new one for my hack anyway.

Cloud: I don't see what you mean about the shoulder pad part. I've never got that comment before. I didn't shade it at all. I spliced that thing. And I already told you about the my style not sticking strictly to FE.

Lachesis: I do agree with you on that. Her head is way too small. Someone else did the lineart and was not able to finish it, so I took his job from there and did basically everything else. I will probably edit Lachesis a bit in the future, and I will take this into account. Thanks.

Magus: My linearts tend to not look like my finished product at all. That's just a rough estimation of where the facial features go. Look at my Sephiroth for instance.

As I said previously, I will not work on these anymore. As long as I like them (which I do), I don't work on them anymore. Thanks for your critique though, Wander. I'll take them into account for any future sprites.

@Phoenix and Yuli: Thank you. I like to think I'm good for something other than hacking.

Edited by Tuxedo Kamen
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Try looking at Lundgren's hair for reference (can't think of any better examples). It actually looks alright, but I can;t give as much critique since it (obviously) isn't FE-styled.

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You simply need to add shading to it to make it appear as though those are hair strands and not one massive clump of hair. Just like any other face sprite, find some kind of reference that has a similar shading style to what you're trying for and try to apply it to your face sprite. You also might consider referencing Magus's status screen portrait for an idea for the shading (as it is a closer image than your current reference) for the top portion of the hair.

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Tried referencing Hawkeye, Darin, and Lundgren for the hair. To no avail, however. Then I just tried to do it on my own. This is what I have.

Draft 1:

I don't really like the hair, but it's a first draft. What do you guys think?


The hair's not bad. His shirt thing shouldn't cover one shoulder though, possibly show both of his shoulders?
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That's better. The "strand" effect at least makes it seem like Magus has normal hair. Right now, the shading is just too pillowy. Given the style of Magus's hair, you'll probably have to make more use of all three hair shades within the hair, as opposed to just using the darkest shade as the "border" shade. I also think that the shadowing on the hair from Magus's ear is also a bit too heavy, but that could also just the surrounding shading making it look more apparent than it is.

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Looks a hell of a lot better to me. Just a question, though: His mouth seems to be at an awkward angle. How are you going to do his talking frames (if at all)?

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I did raise the head a bit and rounded out his features.

Anyway, further progress. Things I should fix before I do the dreaded hair?

I'm not too happy with the face. It hasn't turned out how I wanted it to. Mostly the nose and the mouth. And tips?


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The construction and shading of the nose doesn't really match what you see on a majority of FE8's sprites, which is why it probably doesn't look like you want it to. For the most part, the bridge of the nose doesn't drop straight down, but "curves" down to the bottom (with a few acceptions, though those stem from the respective angle of the face). For the mouth, I'd just try changing the shading around, after looking at some of FE8's sprites. I think Artur might prove a useful reference for that, but it might not fit exactly right.

Also, the shading by the light source on Zephiel's face doesn't look quite right to me. Something about it just makes the face's shading seem... pillowy, almost. Also, Zephiel's headband needs re-angled or something, since, with the position of his eyes, it seems like his head is angled downwards slightly, while the headband is still parallel to the ground, which doesn't make much sense to me. Also, IMO, the headband could use a pseudo-outline (using the colors on the headband) to make it seem "tight" to his forehead. Yes, kid!Zephiel in FE7 has a similar thickness headband thing and doesn't have an outline, but it seems like most other characters that have something to that effect do have an outline of sorts (at least in places).

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