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Oh. That's good to know. *Note to self: Lyle Dayek is not one of the perverts that I must kill torture beat into submission Avoid*

I'm sure there will be several people who will respond to my post saying "ZOMG! YOU FAIL LYLE! YOU IZ BIGGEST PERV ON FOREST!" Or something along those lines.

Ignore them, believe them, whatever. I'm sure you can get clarification from Matt on whether he thinks I'm a perv or not. If I were you, I'd trust him more than I would me. Since you know him from previous experiences.

Regardless, Welcome to the forest, and please forgive me if I call you "Princess Kilvas." as that is another member on the forum that I happen to talk to a lot. I'll try my best not to do that though.

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I'm sure there will be several people who will respond to my post saying "ZOMG! YOU FAIL LYLE! YOU IZ BIGGEST PERV ON FOREST!" Or something along those lines.

Ignore them, believe them, whatever. I'm sure you can get clarification from Matt on whether he thinks I'm a perv or not. If I were you, I'd trust him more than I would me. Since you know him from previous experiences.

Regardless, Welcome to the forest, and please forgive me if I call you "Princess Kilvas." as that is another member on the forum that I happen to talk to a lot. I'll try my best not to do that though.

By Matt, he means me, although you probably got that already. :\
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I'm sure there will be several people who will respond to my post saying "ZOMG! YOU FAIL LYLE! YOU IZ BIGGEST PERV ON FOREST!" Or something along those lines.

Ignore them, believe them, whatever. I'm sure you can get clarification from Matt on whether he thinks I'm a perv or not. If I were you, I'd trust him more than I would me. Since you know him from previous experiences.

Regardless, Welcome to the forest, and please forgive me if I call you "Princess Kilvas." as that is another member on the forum that I happen to talk to a lot. I'll try my best not to do that though.

Yeah, I'll get some clarification from my dearest Ivy about it; and, from the looks of it, it'll probably be more along the lines of "Zomg u fail lyle! ur the biggest perv on forest" Because they don't seem capable of saying "You" No offense to those that do use "u" and the ones who use "you" I obviously didn't mean you.

But, nevertheless, I'll find it in my cruel black heart to forgive you, oh gentleman Lyle, because I often-times do the name flub myself.

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Yeah, I'll get some clarification from my dearest Ivy about it; and, from the looks of it, it'll probably be more along the lines of "Zomg u fail lyle! ur the biggest perv on forest" Because they don't seem capable of saying "You" No offense to those that do use "u" and the ones who use "you" I obviously didn't mean you.

But, nevertheless, I'll find it in my cruel black heart to forgive you, oh gentleman Lyle, because I often-times do the name flub myself.

How very true. And to be completely honest, you're the first new member that I've actually held some interest in as a person for a long time now.

No offense to other new members, but frankly I haven't had much interest in any of you. None of you have really stood out and made something unique of yourselves. Other than the flammers. Which, since they're flammers, automatically SUCK.

And since you're a freind of Ivy/Matt, you're automatically a friend of mine.

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How very true. And to be completely honest, you're the first new member that I've actually held some interest in as a person for a long time now.

No offense to other new members, but frankly I haven't had much interest in any of you. None of you have really stood out and made something unique of yourselves. Other than the flamers. Which, since they're flamers, automatically SUCK.

And since you're a friend of Ivy/Matt, you're automatically a friend of mine.

I is flattered. No, seriously, I really am. I'd add you to my friend's list, but this crappy proxy won't let me do that; I'll add you once I finish my move. :D
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I is flattered. No, seriously, I really am. I'd add you to my friend's list, but this crappy proxy won't let me do that; I'll add you once I finish my move. :D

In that case, I'll add you as my friend. So at least we can have that going. ^_^

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I is flattered. No, seriously, I really am. I'd add you to my friend's list, but this crappy proxy won't let me do that; I'll add you once I finish my move. :D

Proxy? Aren't those for hiding people and letting them in from places where they were banned? I smell a rat. ^^

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Lyle: Good idea! ^_^

Princess Kilvas: Ohai there. My name is temporary, don't worry, I won't be turning it into what Ivy did with the Fox thing. :P

Lol. I think I'll change my name to Princess Lyle. XD

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Proxy? Aren't those for hiding people and letting them in from places where they were banned? I smell a rat. ^^
Proxies are for hiding IP addresses. I have issues caused by my Step-Father about people, and so I hide mine.
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Proxies are for hiding IP addresses. I have issues caused by my Step-Father about people, and so I hide mine.

Oh ok.

@Lyle lol.

I was gonna be Prince Rad, but I went with Quetzalcoatl instead.

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My name is Princess Alexis. You know Chaos incarnate, well, I'm pain incarnate, or something deviously similar. I've never played Fire Emblem, but a friend asked me to join. Try to guess who it was! Anyway, I'm using a proxy here due to personal issues. A little bit about me would fit in well here.

I'm in my early twenties, and I live in California at the moment, I'm Catholic, and bisexual. (Bad combination, some would say) Anyway, you'll get to know me soon, so I won't put any more here. =)

A Catolic girl? Your name wouldn't happen to be... Virginia?

Come out, Virginia-

Don't let me wait.

You Catholic girls start much too late.

Ah! But sooner or later it comes down to fate.

I might as well will be the one.

Well they showed you a statue-

Told you to pray.

They built you a temple and locked you away.

Ah! But they never told you the price it would pay.

The things that you might have done...

Only the good die young!

That's what I said!

Only the good die young.

Only the good die young...

You mighta heard I run with a dangerous crowd.

We ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud.

We might be laughin' a bit too loud.

Ah! But that never hurt no one...

So come on Virginia!

Show me a sign-

Send up a signal; I'll throw you a line.

The stained glass curtain you're hidin' behind-

Never lets in the sun...

Darlin' only the good die young!

Oh woe woe woe woe!

I tell ya only the good die young.

Only the good die young...

You got a nice white dress and a party on your confirmation!

You've got a brand new soul.

Mmm, and a cross of gold.

But Virginia they didn't give you quite enough information!

You didn't count on me-

When you were counting on your rosary.

Oh woe woe!

And they say there's a Heaven,

And those who will wait.

And some say it's better,

But I say it ain't!

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

The sinners are much more fun...

You know that only the good die young!

Oh woe woe baby bay!

I tell ya only the good die young!

Only the good die young...

Said your mother told you all that I could give you was a reputation!

Ah! She never cared for me.

But did she ever say a prayer for me?

Oh woe woe!

Come out, come out, come out!

Virginia don't let me wait!

You Catholic girls start much too late!

Sooner or later it comes down to fate.

I might as well will be the one...

You know that only the good die young!

Tell ya baby!

You know that only the good die young!

Only the good die young.

Only the gooood!

Only the good die young.

Apologies for the Billy Joel reference--I really couldn't resist. Beyond that, though, I offer you a most hearty salutations. Live long and prosper!

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  • 3 weeks later...

oh my! a different type of incarnation!

oh my oh my oh my! you are now instantly awesome in my book! :D

we should be like, blood sisters or something, and overrun the world with chaos and pain!



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