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It's snowing.


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Well, I live in New England. In my opinoin, it's the best place in the world to live. We get lots of snow, plenty of rain, plenty of every single weather there is. And then, we don't get crap like hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, or earthquakes.

It snowed here on Sunday, but then it rained and it all melted ;-;

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Bumped his head

And he went to bed

And he couldn't get up in the morning.

It's cold outside but it's still really cool. We only got sleet earlier this year, and yes, that was the closest thing to snow I've had, but now it really is snow and it's sticking! 8D


I wonder if it'll even be there tomorrow.

Edited by Azel
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You skipped a final for snow? Or was that an unrelated tangent?

Well, in the morning I was called and told that the roads were slippery (with ice) so it would be safer if I didn't go. (My grade was high enough to skip the final anyway.)

Much later did I see the stuff falling in small amounts.

I think I have still have school tomorrow. :x

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