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Best Pokemon Starters


Which starter do you choose?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Red and Blue

    • Bulbasaur
    • Charmander
    • Squirtle
  2. 2. Silver, Gold, and Crystal

    • Chikorita
    • Cyndaquil
    • Totodile
  3. 3. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald

    • Treeko
    • Torchic
    • Mudkip

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Golem or Rhydon was expected to be on pretty much any RBY team, so a double-super-effective STAB Razor Leaf should OHKO (2HKO at the very worst) the rock-walls. Lapras, Starmie, and Slowbro were all water types without Psychic attacks in their standard movesets, which meant Venasaur could land some heavy hits so long as a superpowered blizzard didn't hit him. Also, Persian and Tauros seem to take a beating from Venasaur. Leech Seed is an option against Amnesialax and Chansey, since their healing will be your healing, but Venasaur can't really afford to lose any of his standard moves (Razor Leaf, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Sleep Powder). His only real counters of the OU tier are Gengar and Zapdos, and Exeggutor if you don't land the Sleep Powder right off the bat, as well as Jynx (both her STAB attacks get SE on Venasaur) and Alakazam (But then again, who isn't countered by Alakazam?)

Charizard, on the other hand,is useless against the three OU water-types, and is so reliant on having Earthquake in his moveset that Rhydons and Golems are getting switched out for Starmies as soon as Charizard shows up. Oh, and almost all of the remaining OU has a good Thunder attack thats frequently used. His only amazing feature was the ability to land a strong Body Slam or Slash on Alakazam, and I guess take out Exeggutor and Jynx if he can land Fire Blast. Once Charizard wastes all his Earthquakes trying to take down your Starmie/Slowbro and your Chansey/Snorlax, you can send in your Golem/Rhydon. You could toy with him for a while and watch him try to damage you, but its best just to Rock Slide and get it over with. This is assuming, of course, that he managed to survive against your Water-type and your wall, which is unlikely.

Venasaur is BL because he's not quite good enough for OU, Charizard is BL because he's a bit too good for UU.

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Golem or Rhydon was expected to be on pretty much any RBY team, so a double-super-effective STAB Razor Leaf should OHKO (2HKO at the very worst) the rock-walls. Lapras, Starmie, and Slowbro were all water types without Psychic attacks in their standard movesets, which meant Venasaur could land some heavy hits so long as a superpowered blizzard didn't hit him. Also, Persian and Tauros seem to take a beating from Venasaur. Leech Seed is an option against Amnesialax and Chansey, since their healing will be your healing, but Venasaur can't really afford to lose any of his standard moves (Razor Leaf, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Sleep Powder). His only real counters of the OU tier are Gengar and Zapdos, and Exeggutor if you don't land the Sleep Powder right off the bat, as well as Jynx (both her STAB attacks get SE on Venasaur) and Alakazam (But then again, who isn't countered by Alakazam?)

Charizard, on the other hand,is useless against the three OU water-types, and is so reliant on having Earthquake in his moveset that Rhydons and Golems are getting switched out for Starmies as soon as Charizard shows up. Oh, and almost all of the remaining OU has a good Thunder attack thats frequently used. His only amazing feature was the ability to land a strong Body Slam or Slash on Alakazam, and I guess take out Exeggutor and Jynx if he can land Fire Blast. Once Charizard wastes all his Earthquakes trying to take down your Starmie/Slowbro and your Chansey/Snorlax, you can send in your Golem/Rhydon. You could toy with him for a while and watch him try to damage you, but its best just to Rock Slide and get it over with. This is assuming, of course, that he managed to survive against your Water-type and your wall, which is unlikely.

Venasaur is BL because he's not quite good enough for OU, Charizard is BL because he's a bit too good for UU.

I... Stand corrected. Serves me right for talking about the RBY metagame when I had very little part in it I guess. :P

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I usually pick water types, so my picks were Squirtle and Piplup. However, I only played Red and Yellow and didn't pick up Pokemon again until Diamond and Pearl came out, so I can't comment on any games between those two generations. XD

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