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This Day 10 Years Ago...

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...was the moment I became a tree of this Forest, aka an official member of this forum.

My original name was MisterIceTeaPeach back then.

Considering how often I changed my name, it doesn't matter.

However what matters is that I learned to know a lot of good people and also games and hacks of Fire Emblem.

Ironically March 1st, 2014 was also the day where my misery began...the time I lost pretty much all my close family for various reasons.

Two hours after joining my grandma died...later years my aunt and even my parents.

I was pretty much at worst bottom of my psychical condition.

However I learned to come over it, finding an indipendent home, a study and work.

And also some people here who helped me.

Unfortunately I lost the contact to most of them, what is logical since internet is a come and go.

However having no clue of their whereabouts and condition is a bit sad.

Also it's a bit sad to see that the forum has become fairly silent.

Whilst there were times of > 100 viewers, there are even times now where no one is here.

I mean it shares also my feeling being tired of Fire Emblem and having the desire to play other series and games, but the lack on activity dropped my motivation to come and post here.

Though I didn't forget about this place and I'm thankful to it!

I had lots of fun times here, lots of interesting thread, with my favourite being making a guide for Radiant Dawn with other members.

And of course all the talks to people in Hello, Hey, Hi and The Last To Post Wins.


Anyways this is just my little summary of the past decade being a member of this place here.

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This has been a common sentiment in the wake of social media and convenient chat platforms like Discord. Forums are only as dead as you want them to be though. If you want to talk about something Fire Emblem, there's nothing stopping you from starting that conversation. Be the discourse you want to see.

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Oof, sorry to hear all that. Well, the "difficult stuff" part. Not the "overcoming difficult stuff" part. Glad to hear that the Forest was able to help you in hard times.

9 hours ago, JulieFalcom said:

a tree of this Forest, aka an official member of this forum.

I like it! Although, I think we all start as saplings.

3 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

If you want to talk about something Fire Emblem, there's nothing stopping you from starting that conversation. Be the discourse you want to see.

Exactly! Know who asked me to rank every potential pairing in Genealogy? Or rate every single battalion in Three Houses? Nobody, that's who! But I plunged ahead regardless, and found a few people who shared my interests. I appreciate their input to this day. But either way, I'm proud of the hours of ink I've spilled over anime waifu chess.

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3 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

This has been a common sentiment in the wake of social media and convenient chat platforms like Discord. Forums are only as dead as you want them to be though. If you want to talk about something Fire Emblem, there's nothing stopping you from starting that conversation. Be the discourse you want to see.

I agree, I don't know how the forum was 10 years ago, I'm sure it was a lot more active than right now, but even now we have lots of new topics being created per week (sometimes more than one in a day), and several topics active everyday, topics non related to FE even, look at the Teehee thread, it has several posts per day there to the point it's a bit hard to even keep up with it if you're not online all day long. Once you find the active discussions on the topics you wanna talk about (or create one) you'll see just how many discussion is here.


25 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Exactly! Know who asked me to rank every potential pairing in Genealogy? Or rate every single battalion in Three Houses? Nobody, that's who! But I plunged ahead regardless, and found a few people who shared my interests. I appreciate their input to this day. But either way, I'm proud of the hours of ink I've spilled over anime waifu chess.

 Yeah, man! Some days ago, or maybe a few weeks, I made a thread about which songs from the series we wanted added to Fire Emblem Heroes' Concert Hall! Who the fuck cares about the Concert Hall but me? I thought it was no one (I mean, I never saw anyone talking about it even on Reddit, lol) but turns out some people do! Some weeks ago I started to watch this anime I had never heard about (Saiyuki) cause someone here has it on their profile picture and signature (EricaofRenais) and now it has become one of my favorite animes!

 I tried to find any other forum more active than here some time ago and I didn't have luck (if Reddit doesn't count, not sure if Gamefaqs is active nowadays too), the Ace Attorney forum is so dead that they spend weeks with no posts so i didn't even make an account there cause it's as good as dead. Maybe I'm just shit at looking up for forums, idk, but in any case, with SF being as it is (active and allows us to make topics not related to FE in case we wanna talk about other stuff) I gave up on looking for something else.

 Anyway, I don't wanna preach, I understand it must have been way more active before, just wanted to mention it's far from dead (and I have difficulty in making my posts short so it might come off as preachy). Glad that the forums helped you overcome your problems on the past and that you're still around after so much time.

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It's been slightly disappointing to see the steady decline in activity, but it's also nice to see that we still have plenty of regulars on here, too, so it's not all bad. We keep it alive.

Honestly though, the biggest loss we've had within the past year or so is the Night Forest theme. I don't think that's ever coming back.

15 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

I tried to find any other forum more active than here some time ago and I didn't have luck (if Reddit doesn't count, not sure if Gamefaqs is active nowadays too), the Ace Attorney forum is so dead that they spend weeks with no posts so i didn't even make an account there cause it's as good as dead. Maybe I'm just shit at looking up for forums, idk, but in any case, with SF being as it is (active and allows us to make topics not related to FE in case we wanna talk about other stuff) I gave up on looking for something else.

I wouldn't be surprised if this place survived the end of the universe, lol

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RIP Night Forest Theme. I thought I was the only one who cared. Anyways I think the forum will get more people as soon as another FE game gets announced. And because of Fire Emblem Heroes the forum has a steady lifeline.

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Posted (edited)
On 3/1/2024 at 10:44 PM, Zapp Branniglenn said:

This has been a common sentiment in the wake of social media and convenient chat platforms like Discord. Forums are only as dead as you want them to be though. If you want to talk about something Fire Emblem, there's nothing stopping you from starting that conversation. Be the discourse you want to see.

I guess I simply have to accept the popularity of Discord and social media.

Though not someone who really uses them, especially latter.

On 3/2/2024 at 2:48 AM, ARMADS!!! said:

I agree, I don't know how the forum was 10 years ago, I'm sure it was a lot more active than right now, but even now we have lots of new topics being created per week (sometimes more than one in a day), and several topics active everyday, topics non related to FE even, look at the Teehee thread, it has several posts per day there to the point it's a bit hard to even keep up with it if you're not online all day long. Once you find the active discussions on the topics you wanna talk about (or create one) you'll see just how many discussion is here.

Well, it was a time when new and popular Fire Emblems were developed like Fates and FE2 remake.

Of course the activity is higher whenever a new Fire Emblem is announced or released, but still the number of viewers outside these phases were a lot higher.

Also even popular people like Marcella-Pope Lentz (voiceactress of Corrin) and Rena Strober (Azura) were here.



What was the "Night Forest" theme again.


Speaking of the latest design with the reward system makes me laugh.

I have no clue what the point of this is.


Also there were people who kept this place busy with daily threads like "Soul".

Edited by JulieFalcom
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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 3/1/2024 at 10:15 AM, MisterIceTeaPeach said:

Also it's a bit sad to see that the forum has become fairly silent.

Whilst there were times of > 100 viewers, there are even times now where no one is here.

Not a lot of places stay going ten years consistently! :)

I'm a new person here, I expect to continually pop in, but I can't speak to the trajectory of the Forest. Honestly, in my own life, it's just about realising that I could create and participate in whatever community I wanted. I wouldn't give up too much hope for this kind of life. I know a lot of people going back to flip phones (Gen Z apparently?) and I think in general the tide is turning back toward a lot of little places again.

edit: necro'd accidentally!

Edited by maru
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