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Gift Exchange thing! <3


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Alrighty then, that clears some things up,

My interests... oh, you know... shonen-ai AHEM, anyway.

Bianchi, aren't you going to be part of this? XD You too, c'mon!

I don't mind what I get, although I will be working diligently on what I work on, don't worry^^

I admit, I am a fan of fiction just as well as art (XD or even avys and siggies~)

I've played most all FE games but I'm weakest in Rekka no Ken and Thracia 766, so I wouldn't know much about either game.

I like emotional works, but I also like comedic stuff too. (Nothing better than a good hard lol.)

My hobbies are drawing while I'm supposed to take notes and procrastinating for important things like school.

I also love Azel and the Velthomer family. Because without them, Seisen wouldn't be Seisen.

Interesting anime and games I've watched and played:

Toward The Terra, Casshern Sins, Junjou Romantica, Soul Eater, Tegen Toppa Gurren Laggan, Suzumia Haruhi, Lucky Star, Bartender, Nazca, Amatsuki, Read or Die, Gate Keeper 21, Kyo Kara Maioh!, Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, Zelda, Gyakuten Saiban, Seiken Densetsu, Rune Factory, and other similar like things.

I'm not sure if I should put this here but it should say about my personality or whatever, Music:

Alternate Rock, Rock, Classical, New Age Piano, Electronica, Techno, and really weird mixes like rap and electronica (it exists @_@)

Edited by Azel
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My interests? Hmmm...Let's see...Anything is fine. I don't mind what I get, but I like, well Soren duh. XD, Pit, and anything Pokemon. And I've played FE's 6-10. But I loved FE's 9 and 10 the most...But I also like ravens. and Naruto..and I DO NOT like yaoi or anything of the sort.

My hobbies are drawing, spriting, playing on my ocarina, and video games, along with other things.

I guess that's it...Did I do it right?


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Bianchi, aren't you going to be part of this? XD You too, c'mon!

lol! of course I'll be a part of it! now i'll do my profile! :

I like all types of fiction, but i tend to love comedy or mystery ones the best! :D

For art, either comedic ones or really beautiful and/or romantic ones are good!


I love drawing and such. Helps me unwind after a long stressful day, and I like to see how i've been improving over the years.

I love hiking and bike riding.

I can play several instruments, primarily the saxophones and some keyboard/piano. I'm learning how to play the guitar right now. :)

Anything unique and out of the ordinary is awesome to me! XD

Fire Emblem:

for those people who don't know, I'm a fan of the Valkyrie and Hero units, in particular Mist and Gerik! <3

I also have a soft spot for Sanaki, Kieran, Seth, Boyd, Pelleas and Chiki.

I've played all FE games beyond FE6, nothing before that.

Other Games:

I love Baten Kaitos Origins.

Legend of Zelda


Lion King!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

The Little Mermaid

Anything from Pixar

Loony Toons

Fairy Tail

Edited by Bianchi Ridell Crimea
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Alrighty, lets do this.

I'm more one for visual art than written. I'm not too picky on what type of art, so long as it isn't too macabre or abstract. And my signature currently feels a bit empty.... Other than that, surprise me. :3


It's obvious that I'm a spriter, and everyone seems to think that I'm good at it. :P

I've been getting in shape recently, mostly through swimming, biking, and strength training. I'll be doing more of the last one in the spring semester.

I'm a big fan of Pixar

I'm a bit of a narcissist (seriously, I take the time to look at myself in a mirror, and I even brush my hair at random intervals throughout the day)

Fire Emblem:

Believe it or not, I'm more partial to lance-wielding characters than I am to bow wielders, not that I don't like those either. Not a fan of swordmasters, since they've all got a rather generic personality to me.

I'm a fan of two lords with fiery-colored hair, a wyvern rider with a broken shoulder guard, and mostly a particular green-haired scarf-wearing knife-wielder.

Personality and history trumps average stats every time.

I've played through and beaten the main story of games 6 through 10 at least once.

Other games: (Warning, long-ish list)

The Legend of Zelda series, Pokemon series, Soul Calibur series, Metroid series, Blaster Master, Mario series, Baten Kaitos series, Skies of Arcadia, Ikaruga, Sonic series, Castlevania series (got into this one recently), Smash Bros series... I think that's it. ><

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Sign me up! I can do works of fiction!

I like video games (currently playing through the awesome video game known as God Hand for the PS2), music (almost all kinds, except for a lot of the newer mainstream stuff), food and drinks (non-alcoholic), I'm a spriter in-training (still a n00b), and also metrosexual. I guess I'm kind of a narcissist and egotist (though I don't show it all that much) and uhh...I'm borderline asexual. I dunno what else to add, I'm kind of a complex person so...I think it'll hurt more than help if I add any more, so I'll just leave it as it is.

EDIT: Updating interests:

Some of my favourite Fire Emblem characters are Dheginsea, Nergal, Hector, Tibarn, Black Knight/


. I probably like the Tellius games better than the others. I've only played from 7-10. Uhhh...other stuff, other stuff...

I like anime, even though I haven't watched many. A few favourites of mine would be Black Jack and Hoshi no Kaabii.

As for video games, two of my favourite series are Castlevania (total Cv nerd, here, even though I haven't been able to play the two recent games) and Fire Emblem. As I mentioned above, I'm currently going through God Hand which is a favourite of mine (a single game, not a series). Other series I like are King of Fighters, Samurai Shodown, Last Blade, Cho Aniki, Gradius and Megaman, to name a few. As for other single games, I really love Cave Story, Demon's Crest, Intelligent Qube and some others. I play a lot of games so it's hard to list them all.

Music...I mostly (read: 99%) listen to video game music because I believe the compositions are of a higher quality than mainstream music. I still give a listen to some mainstream stuff. Mostly old albums though, like Thriller.

I hope that's enough...

Edited by Nightmare
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We have to add this? Ok...

Well, the stories I like are mainly fiction. Either action, comedy, something that'll make me feel better. My interests are reading, video games, and cute girls in maid outfits. As for art, anything that looks cool/beautiful, art that makes you wonder, and funny ones too.

For Fire Emblem my favorite characters are Kyle and Marcia. My favorite weapons in FE are lances, swords, and light magic. But my favorite classes are the Knights and Generals! x3

The other games I like are the Pokemon series, Trickster Online, the Sonic series(Mostly Tails), F-Zero, Snowboard Kids, Zelda series, Mario series, Puzzle League series, annnd... the Starfox series.


Kodomo no jikan

Black Cat


D. Grey-Man

One Piece

Camp Lazzlo



Time Guardian

Tenchi Muyo

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My interests are…

Drawing (I don’t have a tablet nor a scanner right now, so no photoshop for my drawing), writing (I’m better in portraying emotions than do the details, yet that doesn't make it any better at all, so you just don't expect much from me), and spriting (but I only made 4 sprites so far =/)

You could say I better specialized in FE, since I don’t do much outside this series, I’m afraid.

I have play FE3~9, and a big fan of FE4 (you may also count FE5 if you want).

I LOVE shounen-ai and het, I don’t do shoujo-ai though.

I could write and draw, but don’t expect anything nice from me.

I could make Avatar and Signature.

List of my most favorite characters: Maric Merric(FE3), Arthur(FE4), Azel(FE4), Yurius(FE4&FE5), Seluf(FE5), Klein(FE6), Ninian(FE7), Serra(FE7), Eirika(FE8), Ephraim(FE8), Knoll (FE8), Senerio Soren(FE9&FE10), and Ike(FE9&FE10).

As for the non FE thing…:

Tales of the Abyss: Jade, Luke, Asch…basically all the playable characters.

.Hack//G.U.: Endrance~ <3, Haseo

Lufia 1 and 2: Lufia, Erim

D.Gray-man: Kanda Yuu~ <3, Allen Walker

Nodame Cantabile: Nodame, Chiaki

I guess those were all…

Edited by Tiltyu
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I guess it's time to rant about myself~

I'm fond of any kind of art, both written and drawn. I'm a sucker for romance (though no Twilight please kthnxbai), and, really, just anything pretty in general. I guess I like things that portray emotions, both in stories and art.

I can (relative term, just because I can doesn't mean I'm good at it)...

>draw (just don't expect some beautiful grand gorgeous work of computer art from me, seeing that I lack the time/patience/skill.)

>write (I haven't actually written anything recently, and I lose motivation/inspiration constantly, so it's a rather risky move...)

>sprite (I'm definitely not the best. 'Nuff said)

>compose/arrange (not good arrangements, mind you, seeing that I only have finale notepad ._.)

>gfx (to tell the truth, I don't know why I'm putting this down. I'm so bad at this)

I'm only able to stay in one fandom at once, so, as of the moment, I'm really only interested in Fire Emblem. Specifically FE4, though it's not as if I don't like the other ones or something. I know at least a little about all of them, and though I have played a bit of Gaiden, I'm sorry to say I don't know the exact storyline. Not so hot on 1/3/11, either, but I'm pretty sure I have all the others down.

I'm /extremely/ touchy when it comes to pairings (and not proud of it). Though I tolerate shounen-ai, I ask that you be at least somewhat serious when coming up with pairings. I treat shounen-ai like I treat het, and expect the same amount of... quality, I guess? D: goodness gracious, I'm so stuck-up

I play for the characters and the storyline, /not/ the stats/ranks/whatnot. When I support, I support for the conversations.

I cried for two hours at the end of Chapter 5 in Seisen.

It should tell you what kind of player I am ._.

[end rant]

EDIT: Wow, all that and I forget the most important part. My favorite characters of all time (one from each continent) would be Katua, Celice, Percival, Lute, and Kurthnaga.

Edited by Miss Tama
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I am interested in a lot of thing: game, manga, anime, music, movie, animal...v...v..But I dont like Harry Potter and Twilight. As for art, anything that looks cool/beautiful. As for music, anything that sound good. As for game, I dont like violent game.

My most favorite character in game is...every female chars! In Fe, I have been absorbed by pegasus knights!

I can translate. Yes, I am working in a translate group. My group's favorite stuff is ecchi. And, I do like ecchi!

I have wrote some fic before and now, I am writing a Fe ficton although it's very long so I dont know when will I finish it.

As for manga, I read a lot so I cant make a list but I can say, I dont like cartoon. Maybe it's because I am an Asian.

That's all.

Edited by Sol
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As of today, the gift exchange is officially closed~!

anybody who has submitted their name into this thread shall receive a PM from me tomorrow telling who you will be giving your gift to. And remember, don't tell anybody who you will be giving a gift. That ruins the surprise!

and I urge you, if you haven't posted your profile yet, please do it as soon as possible!

that's all of the announcements I have as of today. Check you inbox sometime tomorrow, please!

That is all. Bianchi out!

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I guess I'll do my profile now, then.

My main interest is the FE series, mostly focusing on FE1-5. I'm also a big fan of the Mother games. My favorite video games are FE4, FE5, and Mother 3. My absolute favorite character is Sigurd from FE4.

I also like Lucas from Mother 3. Some other games I've played and enjoyed are Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3, SSBM, and SSBB. Something depicting a work from Spanish or English literature wouldn't be bad either.

I guess I can either draw or sprite for the gift exchange.

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Sorry for my lateness! I am currently back home in Middle of Nowhere, Texas, and I have no internet connection!


I have already sent PMs to everyone telling you who you will be giving the gift to. If you signed up before my post that officially closed the sign-ups, please send me a PM telling me about it. I probably just accidentally skipped your name when sending out the PMs!

and please please please please PLEASE send me a PM telling me who I told you was your gift recipient. that is just to make sure that I didn't mess up in the PMs, since i kinda did them in a rush. I already know that I messed up once, and i want to be sure that i didn't mess up more times.

That is all. Bianchi out!

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Sorry I haven't posted my profile yet. The Phoenix has been busy. Anywho...

Interests... ... ... ... ... ... um yeah... cute girls, uh ... ... Ah man... I think that might be all I'm interested in in life :(

Why am I here? :unsure:

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Ah, I see this got further :3....which means it's time to post some interest stuff~

I draw, I write, I make Visual Novel's (:D in which you draw AND write hoho), I make a bit of music, I sprite (though haven't done it in a loooong time), and I game ò_ó.

I've played FE 7, 8, 9, 10 and am playing 11 now, though I have to say that 7's my fav so far.

My fav people are.....too many;

Kent, Karel, Lloyd, Neasala, SethxEirika ( :[ that's right, I only like them as a couple ), Lyn, Hector, Matthew, Tibarn, Edward, Leonardo, Farina...........dur, really I basically love anyone except Harken and Merlinus :| oh and that pennyless, gambling, pathetic bastard with the pink afro in FE9/10.

as for non FE:

Visual Novels; Ever17, F/SN (Garcher~Lancer~), Planetarian, True Remembrance, Narcissu, Tsukihime, OMGWTFOTL (hilarious), Phoenix Wright (>_> it doesn't count as game, k?).

Anime: Clannad, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, ef a tale of memories, Kaiji (totally slaughtered me; manly tears! >:O), Lucky Star, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Higurashi, Claymore as well (except for the end thing of season 1 which was facepalmable it was ok), Ghibli movies, 5 cm per second............etc etc ETC.

Games: Zelda games, FE, Brawl and co, portal, melty blood, FF 6 and 9, suikoden games, ToS....etc.

Exclude blood and emoness and all is fine.

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I'm probably making someone's life pretty difficult at the moment by not replying to this. XD Sorry!

Anyways, my interests are pretty simple--my video game loves include Fire Emblem 6/7, and any of the Ace Attorney games. My favorite characters are:

FE: Roy, Eliwood, Karel (either version), Lucius, Lyn, Wolt, Lilina, and Harken/Isadora.

AA: Phoenix, Edgeworth, Klavier, Apollo, Trucy, Mia, Diego, Pearl and Kristoph. I'm not too picky with Ace Attorney to be honest--just don't give me anything with Maya, if you can help it. XD

I like drawing, writing, and reading. Pretty basic. XD

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Whoops i for got this ok then my profile

Video Games: I love RPGs such as Tos, Paper Mario etc

I love Fire emblem My favorite characters are Mordeci, Rafiel, Pelleas, Illyana, Titania



The fighters with the Zodiac Symbols (idk it's English name)



Looney Tunes (Favorite Character Bugs)



Pirates of the Caribean (all of them)

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  • 3 weeks later...

gah! i've been a horrible hostess! but i have an excuse, i was nowhere near an internet connection during winter break!

but i'm back now, so i'ma postin' this post to tell you all that the due date is quickly approaching! the 17th people! so if you're a procrastinator, get your creative spirit to work overtime or something! XD

and again, sorry for being a horrible hostess! i didn't have the chance to help out people and make this whole thing smoother as i should have done!

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Wait, 17th? All this time I thought it was one the 25th...I guess I mixed up. Oh well.

I believe most people will be like that.

So i have decided to postpone the gift exchange until the next weekend.

Gift exchange due date has extended until the 25th, people!

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