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Field trip tomorrow...

Destiny Hero

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We get to watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a probably low-budget film, based on a book about the Holocaust. Yaaayy..

And even though we're going to a movie theater and then Wendy's, we get to dress up in ties and everything. Yaaay....

Me, I'll be sitting on the bus playing Fire Emblem and practicing my phail drawings of Priscilla and Random Generic Anime Boy #1. They're all horrid because I can't draw eyes.

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"The Boy in Striped Pyjamas" is a short novel based on, yes, the Holocaust. It's a great book, filled with sad moments and alot of dramatic irony. Pay attention, it's probably really good.

You know what's funny? We don't have "field trips". We call them "excursions", since we're not going into "fields". What the hell do you live on, farms?!

And ties are win. I wear one to school everyday (it's part of our uniform, thank you very much). Grow up, Destiny Hero.

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