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Media Piracy


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Voted. Should be an interesting topic to write about.

yeah, especially since i already know a good deal about it. :P

And for reference, the ISP filtering thing would basically allow your isp to see whatever you're doing online and stop you from doing illegal stuff. Of course, that does raise the concern of privacy issues. :P

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"The evils of piracy" are vastly overrated.

Piracy is mostly done in the first place because of a lack of "reasonable" access - factors like gouged prices, ridiculous restrictions, etc. Tempt even people who normally play it straight to try to find cracks....

Not to mention the so-called "evil" has actually helped to inspire Game Data Archival.

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There is really nothing wrong with priacy in my eyes. Most shit I have ever priated are out of date, abandonware, and just out of print. Plus, most of the people who own it all already have enough money to live off of, so why should they care, besides to fill their greedy pockets?

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Let me put it in this way.

Why should I pay for it, if I can get it for free from the internet?

Yes, I'm stingy like that. XDXD;;;;;;;;;

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Piracy is okay as a means of increasing exposure. As long as the person would not have been inclined to purchase the media there is no loss of profit. At the point where they person is interested enough to the point where they'd willingly spend money, though, piracy becomes harmful.

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most of the people who own it all already have enough money to live off of, so why should they care, besides to fill their greedy pockets?

It depends on what you're "buying". Things like software piracy and downloading of soundtracks like Echoes of War is bad. This is because software developers and "classical" musicians have no endorsements and nowhere else to get their money from. Downloading things from them is only cheating the industry.

However, the downloading of mainstream music is a little bit different. Mainstream artists have endorsements (see: Miley Cyrus) and other funding for their career. In this sense, yes, they lose money, but they are still able to live a comfortable lifestyle without struggling.

Software piracy is another thing annoys me. As I said before, software developers have no way to get money other than advertising and selling their own product.

Video game downloading is different yet again. Let's say this: I want to get a copy of, say, Path of Radiance. Of course, no-one retails it anymore. The only other option is to go for second hand buying or using websites like eBay. This means I'm not supporting the industry itself; I'm letting the people who've already bought the product get money for something they bought. In this sense, it would be the same as downloading, only I don't get cheated.

Edited by Wander
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If you look very recently at my post history you might guess which side of the line I stand. I have this to say.

Piracy is a spectrum of thieving actions and at the end of the day each person will have a different code of honour. Things I despise are thievery of modern goods if it harms the commercial development. If the industry has pricing and stock problems i'm not getting my wallet raped out of sympathy but that alone isn't always justification.

As far as music goes, I don't really listen to music but it seems they're getting there. They realised people like to download music so offer their own scemes. 15 years ago the record industry would laught at you if you told them most people would be buying music and getting it delivered down telephone lines. But then comes along the pirates charging for their warez in the form of a certain Russian website that claims they pay ROM (the Russian Music something or other) so everything a-ok.

DRM is a waste of money and time for everyone involved as they fail to suffieicently stall pirates (that is the aim of protecting your software, not outright prevention as that is impossible as you need a bored genius who needs an ego boost and bam, crack) and they rape legitimate users in the process.

Of course being an anime watcher I do my fair share of piracy. My code of honor is simple:

If it commercially availble to buy here it does not get pirated, even if it is too expensive to buy, i'll wait and wait for it to reach a more reasonable price. I did that with Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex and Planetes to name a few and do not regret it one bit.

But this is leading to a dimlema. What if i watched a show on fansub does thaty mean i have to automatically buy it when it reached my region? What if it never hits the golden price points?

At the end of the day the anime industry has slightly more revenue streams than the gaming industry (TV airing, licenses etc) which is why I'm not so "how dare you download the latest fansubs you're ruining tomorrows anime" about it.

I've done the survey. I assumed ISP filtering meant bandwidth shaping (slow people up at peak times) which is nothing more than a cheeky cost cutting method and decieving customers I suppose it is like buying a sports car and then finding the legal speed limit for your country is much lower than it can drive

There is also the classic pirates dimlema. Never being satisfied. You might have every game that came out in 2008 but you don't play them to enjoy them anymore. If you're lucky you spend 15 minutes testing it works but then you move onto the next item.

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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When I have the cash I'm more then happy to actually buy most things, :-/ Though when I'm poor I'll pirate to get by. Especially in regard to music for artists/bands that I really enjoy I want to support them a bit so I'm willing to buy 'so-and-so's' album if I can afford it.

What is sad is being called an idiot because I actually do buy music sometimes. :mellow: Sorry I try to be a decent person when I'm going through good times instead of always pirating just because I can. My music collection is still 65/35 obtained myself legally/gotten through friends or online

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Yar! Imma pirate!

Pretty cool project. Will we see the results?

sure, i'll post them here, but i'm going to wait a while of course. I'm going to let everyone vote, and i'll close the poll when i actually start using the survey in my paper. (tuesday or wednesday i'd assume).

But to give you a general idea, i've already had over 50 people vote. Which is good, since i needed at least 50 people to vote. Note that those aren't all from people on this site, i posted the link to that on another forum. I also gave this survey to a few people in my english class today.

In any event, KEEP ON VOTING IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO ALREADY. More votes = more accurate results right? :D

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