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I'm Amyler (Pronounced 'Am-I-Lur', as it were), a forum member from places like FEW before it crashed and burned and FEA whenever people are posting. I'm here at an invitation from SS to participate in some debating, because he and I have done some stuff before. Not that I've ever won them. :P I'm only any good at really debating on 7, 'cause thats the only game I've owned for any longer than a year (4, actually). But anyway. I read lots, and by that I mean more than most people sleep, I'm a certified Aussie gamer (although I can never afford to by new games), and for the first 5 years of my gaming life, I only played Tetris. ... I like Tetris.

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Amlyer, good to see you here as well buddy.

Oh and if you're looking for some good reading, check out the written works section in under "Creative". Lot's of stories and such. Also welcome to SF Forums biggrin.gif

Lol wut!? But seriously, that is a lie and you know it is.

Edited by Shuuda
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I'm Waha Kife, and there are a few things you need to know about this site.

There are people who go your profile to check your gender.

10% of the people are jackasses. The cool kind though.

Don't go to the spam board or you'll get addicted.

The best way to be popular fast is by going to the chatroom and posting in FFtF.

We take things srsly.

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