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Highest Profile Character not in the game?

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I expect Athos will end up a Mythic Hero, and I'd be willing to bet Oswin and Vaida will end up on the next Blazing Blade banner. Oswin because votes, Vaida because final remaining lady. Maybe Dart will join them because of his connection to both Rebecca and Fargus. Oh, and Wil, but IS barely remembered Wil despite adding him to the game, so.

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9 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I expect Athos will end up a Mythic Hero, and I'd be willing to bet Oswin and Vaida will end up on the next Blazing Blade banner. Oswin because votes, Vaida because final remaining lady. Maybe Dart will join them because of his connection to both Rebecca and Fargus. Oh, and Wil, but IS barely remembered Wil despite adding him to the game, so.

 They could also put an ascended/rearmed woman (or two, if they do it like the past Archanea banner and do two Asset Heroes) to have more women, cause unfortunately I think Vaida is "waifu material" enough for them to put her as the "woman slot", for them the priority of adding her might be the same of adding Dart or Geitz or whatever (which for me is a pity cause I like her a lot).

 I could also see one banner (not necessarily the next one) being Marcus (assuming they pick his FE7 over his FE6 one, I think they will since the FE7 roster is ending and maybe cause he is younger in FE7) + Lowen + one Asset Hero (I bet on Ninian, since she has that thing with Eliwood and both Marcus and Lowen are related to Pherae) + a character that might be a Rearmed Hero, though I could see them putting Dart (for the "connection with Rebecca, that is from Pherae) or Oswin on the last slot too instead of a Rearmed, if they didn't care about a mostly male banner.

Ephidel or Brendam as the GHB, with the other being the GHB on the next banner (guess Lundgren is also an option but I think he might be saved for a banner with Wallace, idk, not sure if they care about the connections that much).

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  • 3 months later...
On 5/16/2024 at 11:06 AM, ARMADS!!! said:

To be fair that whole banner (the bridal one with Lalum) was stupid in first place, I never thought that characters like Lalum, Cecilia and even Sophia were that popular to the point of a "Roy's harem" (AKA a whole banner around them) being even viable, they should've made the Roy+Eliwood duo, throwed Lilina there and then used the 3 remaining slots for characters from other titles that actually have something to do with the theme.

 Not invalidating your feeling though, I went from not caring at all to hating a bunch of characters with a burning passion just because of extra alts too (specially when it causes an unfair or unbalanced situation like this).

 And about Elphin, It's really bizarre that he doesn't have even a silly alt or anything while someone like Bartre has 2 versions too, cause unlike a bunch of the characters we're waiting for, he's a pretty dude and not an old(er) guy or anything, it definitively feels like they're withholding him on purpouse. Hope the wait pays off and they give him a premium refreshing skill and everything when his time comes (now watch they make him like they made Nyna).

I liked that banner. I would hate if It was only Lilina there. Roy has other officially canon wives and its great that the developers recognised that. And Lilina is the most boring, also she had a lot of unnecessary alts in expense of other characters who needed like Sue, Sophia, Clarine. If it was just her, she and the banner would get a lot of flack, for very deserved reasons. 


As for big characters not in the game yet: Edain, Oifey, Elffin, Jahn. And a lot of Engage characters. 

Edited by genesis
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