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New Video: Lehran Stands No Chance

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Hey Again

I've been doing so more work with my triangle team. Here's my latest video:

One again, I hope you enjoy it! :)

Here's the youtube description:

So here’s the idea, kill Lehran on the first turn, without him being able to counter, and without killing any other spirits.

Before I go into any further description, I want to mention that the spirit shoving idea is completely borrowed from Vykan12. Yoink, and thank you man!!! Watch his speedrun if you want to see the original concept of it. (I suggest you do so!)

I should also explain that Lehran has a hidden Guard skill. The way it works is that if he is attacked and the attack is a fatal one, he will redirect the attack to any spirit directly adjacent to him. Therefore, all adjacent spirits must either be displaced or killed.


Ike has the boots.

Oscar has the Brave Bow and Pass.

Rolf has the Double Bow and C-level support with Boyd

Boyd has the Arbalest (and obviously C-level support with Rolf).

Soren has the Rescue Staff.

Tibarn has Pass and Smite.

Rafiel has Celerity.

The auto-critical of the Triangle attack has a 100% hit and critical rate, so yes, Lehran stands 0% chance of surviving or countering.

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