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Sain or Kent


Sain or Kent  

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  1. 1. Kent or Sain?

    • Sain
    • Kent

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Sain's Skl is a very small issue. He gets WTA over swords and axes, and uses the two most accurate weapons against those. If he needs to finish off something, he can use Iron Sword or even lolSlim Sword to have pretty much 95% real. Sure, sometimes he may miss a bow/lance/magic user when using Iron Lance, but that stops happening when he's near promoting. Then after promoting he adds axes and he can hit fine even with Hand Axes.

Plus, Wind may be a sucky affinity overall, but it does give him hit. Shame his two best partners (Kent and Serra) only make it a half bonus, but you can't have everything.

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From memory, Lowen's Str is around Kent's level, and his Spd around Sain level. And Kent's AS lead is pretty damn small and hardly gets any bigger.

But I don't like Lowen as much anymore anyway. Supporting Rebecca requires actually using an Archer, and I see no need for that.

Late reply to this, I know, but you seem to be forgetting about Eliwood and Marcus.

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Marcus is generally only around only until you promote your dudes, and Eliwood usually won't want an A with him. I meant that he needed Rebecca to get full supports.

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since Marcus eats balls, Kent does alot better..But Sain is the best one i found out...

No love for Isadora..:(

Not in the HM he isn't. He is generally the best paladin in the HM. But he will need the Speedwing items to get good enough speed for the enemies toward the end. Lowen doesn't have much support options from rookie units except Rebecca.

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Not in the HM he isn't. He is generally the best paladin in the HM. But he will need the Speedwing items to get good enough speed for the enemies toward the end. Lowen doesn't have much support options from rookie units except Rebecca.

Lowen has a great opportunity for an Eliwood A, and it's possible for him to get a Marcus B or a Harken B even if Rebecca isn't played. Lowen's benefitting Eliwood/Hector's group more than Sain is benefitting Lyn's group (lolLynmode). You'll want as many units as possible to help with the early chapters for Hector mode.

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