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Do you find online frustrating?


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This may sound a bit whiny but I'm tired that almost all my matches online so far present unfair stuff like forged legendary weapons (Falchion, Gradvius, Mercurius) and Imhullu. What's the fun on putting Merric on the castle with Imhullu? Chances are that your mage with Starlight may get screwed, and even if you manage to land some hits on him, you'll end up losing at the turn 10. I almost got to beat one of these cheaters whose plan failed and by hiding Lena in the map and constantly using with Fortify, got the enemy Merric to another hit of Starlight but the turns ran out. So lame.

Of course, there are good people with interesting class and forged weapons choices, but they are a minority.

Have you experienced any of this?

Edited by GenG
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Using items that you clearly cannot obtain in the game is obviously cheating(eg Imhullu), but using items that you can obtain in the game...(eg Gradvius and Flachion)I wouldn't exactly call that cheating.^^

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Of course you can use legendary weapons online... What is cheating is that these weapons can't be forged by normal means (the blacksmith tells you that he can't work with these), and if sometimes you can barely withstand two hits, they add them up to +50 crit...

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Random battles are never good in Nintendo games. Except for Mario Kart.

It can be good when you don't want to trade friend codes or don't want to wait for someone to respond to your request. ^^

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Answer, build a team that can beat hacker. They are annoying, but not unbeatable. Most of the time, smart play can overcome hacked characters.

Do you have any suggestions? I plan on picking Ogma, Navarl, Catria, Merric and Hardin, with forged brave weapons. I was thinking on giving Lena the Barrier staff to buff Merric against the Imhullu mage.

Edited by GenG
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Brave and killer are the way to go. I use Ogma Barst Bord, Cord and Marth. Two of them as berserkers, 20% bonus crit from supports. 10% from berserker class. Add the 50% forged weapon and 24 skill. 82% natural crit rate. Max luck someone can have is 30, since hackers don't normally have supports, normal crit rate is min 50%.

Of course, dazzle card stuffs this.

But yes, aside from crit, brave weapons work wonders. 30 str berserker, with brave axe, it will guaranteed KO any enemy with less than 19 defense.

Other options, swarm and Ballistae. Although swarm can't be forged because of when you get it. It's strategic value is immense. Ballistae can have realllllyyyyyy powerful attacks with forged weapons.

Personally, I'm waiting till the weekend to buy my brave axes. 'till then I'm using crit.

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I'm looking forward to the brave weapons in the shop too.

Yesterday I witnessed the most broken thing I've ever seen online. It was in map 3 I think, the one with locked doors, and the enemy player started first. After a while, I saw several of those white flashes things with the "clink" sound when you collide with another character at the right wall, and a Linde appeared there. Her stats were all maxed, she had 32 MOVEMENT and tomes with 99/whatever uses. Then she started to control my Tiki into fighting my other characters, but Tiki only transformed and didn't attack. I attacked her once with Starlight, and after my turn, the player disconnected... Maybe he wasn't only testing the thing.

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Yesterday I witnessed the most broken thing I've ever seen online. It was in map 3 I think, the one with locked doors, and I the enemy player started first. After a while, I saw those white flashes things with the "clink" sound when you collide with another character at the wall, and a Linde appeared there. Her stats were all maxed, she had 32 MOVEMENT and tomes with 99/whatever uses. Then she started to control my Tiki into fighting my other characters, but Tiki only transformed and didn't attack. I attacked her once with Starlight, and after my turn, the player disconnected... Maybe he wasn't only testing the thing.
That's some serious bad luck there meeting against someone like this. Edited by Ike-Mike
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Is 32 movement that bad? I assumed most people kept their own units relatively next to one another, so having more movement wouldn't help that much. Well, you can run away better, but there's still the castle that needs to be guarded.

Plus it doesn't really matter how many item uses you have, as long as it's around 10-20, due to the turn limit and difficulty of staying alive.

At least that's what I'm thinking ^^;;;

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It is only a matter of time until a instant kill all of the opponent units codes comes out.

In fact I would prefer that as it would make the whole thing quicker. But yeah same thing happened with Advance Wars. When you see tanks on water you know something is odd...

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Is 32 movement that bad? I assumed most people kept their own units relatively next to one another, so having more movement wouldn't help that much. Well, you can run away better, but there's still the castle that needs to be guarded.

Plus it doesn't really matter how many item uses you have, as long as it's around 10-20, due to the turn limit and difficulty of staying alive.

At least that's what I'm thinking ^^;;;

32 MOV would make getting around the frontlines to nuke the opponent's mages easy on maps without narrow paths to block.

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these are most of the common hacks I've seen:

-Moving twice

-Impossibly high stats. I mean max everything. For most units it's impossible to max str and mag even with pump ups.

-Using Imhullu

-This stupid thing called MIID_NULL

-forging impossible weapons, like swarm (which you get in the last mission, so can't be forged)

-disarming weapons

All aside from the last can be beaten. Even then, disarming can be fought around if you just re-equip your junk.

Most of the complex hackers end up D/Cing all the time though... It's funny XD

EDIT: lol, im fighting this one guy now, who can't even use his weapons XDXD It just goes into the battle, then the animation ends because he can't attack with that weapon type

EDIT EIDT: The guy's team was called darksoul.

Edited by Sylvan
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Obviously a data value for programmer use only. What sort of things has this caused?

Actually I don't know. It's a forged weapon that does something. Every hacker I've fought that has it DC themselves with it XD I think it just enables hacks or something.

Imulhu isn't nearly as OP as it sounds as long as it's the fake Imulhu rather than the real one.

I never thought of that XD

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