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I have made a map based on a dumb crossover idea my mind has produced. Please provide some critiques that would greatly help me improve the map.

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Also please tell me whether Liberl is too large or not since I don't really know the exact sizes of Liberl and Jugdral for me to compare them and accurately display the sizes of the landmasses.

Also you are free to comment about what you think of the map as well as the concept itself.


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Posted (edited)

Oh, yeah, you mentioned that in the other thread.

Hmm... I feel the proportion is fine. It's not like we know the exact size of Jugdral anyway. I think we do for Liberl (not that I know it personally), so it can become workable either way.

Though as a personal note, I find it weird to not see a landmass to Liberl's north. If it was up to me I would've put it between Miletos and Thraccia, if only to replicate Libelr having northern and eastern neighbors.

Either way, now I'm curious about the idea itself. I've only played FC and SC so far, but it's enough to make me wonder...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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23 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Though as a personal note, I find it weird to not see a landmass to Liberl's north. If it was up to me I would've put it between Miletos and Thraccia, if only to replicate Libelr having northern and eastern neighbors.

Funny enough, I was actually thinking of placing Liberl on southwestern Thracia. Not sure what made me place it on northwestern Augustria instead. Sorry about that. I just wasn't really sure where would Liberl fit in Jugdral if I am being honest… I honestly don't even know why I even thought of making this map in the first place, but for some reason I really feel like I want to make this.

27 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Either way, now I'm curious about the idea itself. I've only played FC and SC so far, but it's enough to make me wonder...

I'm glad to hear that my crossover idea in my head somewhat piqued your interest. I'm not sure if I am ever going to write a fanfic out of it, but I also find it a bit interesting nonetheless.

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10 minutes ago, Nozomi Kasaki said:

Funny enough, I was actually thinking of placing Liberl on southwestern Thracia. Not sure what made me place it on northwestern Augustria instead. Sorry about that. I just wasn't really sure where would Liberl fit in Jugdral if I am being honest… I honestly don't even know why I even thought of making this map in the first place, but for some reason I really feel like I want to make this.

Well, so long it works for the idea, then it's fine.

Haha, I get the sentiment. Sometimes you can to develop an idea even if you never end up actually doing it. Or who knows. Maybe somewhere down the road it ends up becoming a reality.

10 minutes ago, Nozomi Kasaki said:

I'm glad to hear that my crossover idea in my head somewhat piqued your interest. I'm not sure if I am ever going to write a fanfic out of it, but I also find it a bit interesting nonetheless.

Gonna say this is basically me. I have lots of ideas for fanfics of my own, but many likely won't ever get written down. Still, I like to at least put some effort to them, just in case. Get a general outline done, stuff like that. Sometimes, that is what ends up being the starting kick to actually work on them.

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From a purely cartographic point of view, my suggested changes would be:

1. Make Orgahill a different color. It's not part of Silesse. It's closest to Augustria, but I don't think it belongs to them either.

2. Give dark-colored countries a lighter hue. It's hard to read black text against dark-colored backgrounds. This definitely affects Verdane, but I would consider doing the same for Isaach and the Kingdom of Thracia. Unused hues like red, pink, gray, and lilac could all be options.

3. Giving "Munster District" four capitals is... a bit odd. They all acted as their own dukedoms (like Grannvale), with none really exerting authority over the others (unlike Grannvale). Ulster is initially Blume's base of operations, but Munster is the one that gives the area its name. I'd lean to giving them all circle symbols, rather than their own stars.

4. The surrounding sea is a good color, but I'd suggest a lighter shade, so the countries stand out more against it.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck!

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So it's just Jugdral with another continent grafted on to it? I haven't heard of Liberl, what is its political situation that could impact Jugdral's wars?

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39 minutes ago, Jotari said:

So it's just Jugdral with another continent grafted on to it? I haven't heard of Liberl, what is its political situation that could impact Jugdral's wars?

Just a single country transplanted.

Well, if I recall, one of the things that defines Liberl in its home series is being wary of being conquered by its neighbor, the Erebonian Empire. In recent times the latest Queen went for adopting a more diplomatic and pacifist approach, which ended up causing an attempted coup by elements who felt the country had to become more militaristic instead.

There's certainly... a lot going on which defines Liberl. So hard to say just how much is being transplanted here.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

From a purely cartographic point of view, my suggested changes would be:

1. Make Orgahill a different color. It's not part of Silesse. It's closest to Augustria, but I don't think it belongs to them either.

2. Give dark-colored countries a lighter hue. It's hard to read black text against dark-colored backgrounds. This definitely affects Verdane, but I would consider doing the same for Isaach and the Kingdom of Thracia. Unused hues like red, pink, gray, and lilac could all be options.

3. Giving "Munster District" four capitals is... a bit odd. They all acted as their own dukedoms (like Grannvale), with none really exerting authority over the others (unlike Grannvale). Ulster is initially Blume's base of operations, but Munster is the one that gives the area its name. I'd lean to giving them all circle symbols, rather than their own stars.

4. The surrounding sea is a good color, but I'd suggest a lighter shade, so the countries stand out more against it.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck!

Thank you for your insights Shanty-san. These are certainly good critiques and I will have to keep those in mind once I start remaking the map or even in making more maps in the future. Though I am honestly surprised that Orgahil has the same color as Silesse when it was supposed to have a semi-dark green hue (though not as dark as Miletos) when I was working on the map. How come I didn't notice that? Hehe… Pray forgive my inexperience in map making…

Edit: Wait actually, now that I take a closer look, Orgahil actually has a different type of green, though it looked too similar to Silesse's green color. Even so, I guess your point still stands.

Edited by Nozomi Kasaki
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