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Hello everyone, my name is Corrin! I've been playing Fire Emblem for around 5 or 6 years now, starting with Fates. I've played every game from Awakening onwards. I would like to experience the earlier games someday, but I hated the gameplay of Awakening and don't like the idea of permadeath, so I'll either play any remakes or something. Griss is my favourite character in the series, and my favourite class in the series is Malig Knight/Revenant Knight (I wish they would bring back flying magic classes for everybody, to my knowledge the Fates games are the only ones to do this and it's so nice). I'm not the best at introducing myself, so I hope this is good!

Edited by Corrin, Sanguine Vampiress
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Hey there, welcome to the forest! Glad to have you here!

If you want to get into the older titles, FE7 is a great place to start. It does have permadeath, but it's an easy enough game to start out with that it's not really that big of an issue unless you're really bad at the game. Even then, the first 10 chapters or so have a system of permadeath where you lose the units for the rest of the first section of the game, but not the rest of the game (if I recall correctly). It's kinda like a semi-casual thing where they're gone for a while, but they come back for the player to use again later so you can kill them off for real this time.

FE4 is also a fairly straightforward game, and you can save after every turn, so it's not like you have to redo an entire chapter just to try and keep one of your units alive. It's very player-friendly in that regard.

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Thank you, both for the welcome and the recommendations! I was unaware that those games worked like that, I'll have to look into them when I get the chance. They definitely seem like good introductions to games where casual mode isn't an option.

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Welcome to the Forest, Corrin!

Hell yeah, Malig Knight was hella cool.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!


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Welcome! I am another recent arrival and I also have a similar history (though I started with Fates and am working my way backward, now). Maybe we can learn how to enjoy the earlier titles together.

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