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Chapter based PME - A very chaotic CQ Lunatic playthrough

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Hi everyone!

This is a playthrough i have been wanting to do for a while now - basically, it's a PME, with the twist being you get to edit my units before every chapter!

Yup, you heard that right, i am about let y'all screw me over more than 20 times in a single playthrough!

Here's how it's gonna go: I will tell you which units i am deploying, and you will tell me what classes and what skills they shall have for that chapter and i will edit that in using a save editor - Do note that i can only edit units that i already have and not those joined mid map.


  • Unpromoted units can get unpromoted classes, promoted units promoted ones. Special classes can go to anyone (beware gender restriction in that case).
  • Lvl 1 unpromoted Units can have 1 skill, Lvl 10 unpromoted 2 Skills, Lvl 5 promoted 3 Skills, Lvl 10 promoted 4 skills, Lvl 15 promoted 5 skills.
  • DLC allowed
  • A units inventory will get changed according to their assigned class. If an archer get's changed into a Myrmidon, Bows in the inventory will get changed into Swords of the same level. (Ie. Iron Bow becomes Iron Sword)
  • Changing a unit from a multi-weapon class into a mono-weapon class will give them a Weapon Rank buff and a special weapon (For example, If Corrin is changed into a spear fighter, he will have C in Lances instead of D Swords/D Dstones and get a Guard Naginata to replace Dstone functionality).
  • Until ~Midgame, Felicia will have to be a promoted Staff user. The restriction will be lifted once my team starts filling up.
  • To help myself a bit, i am using Castle/Visitor Bonuses xD
  • I have the right to reject total Deadbeats!
  • Only 1 unit per user per chapter
  • I might put some restrictions depending on chapters

Let's have fun 😄

Edited by Codename Shrimp
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Posted (edited)

Chapter 7

Corrin - Lvl 9

  • Class: Apothecary
  • Skill 1: Poison Strike

Felicia - Lvl 4. Restriction: Promoted Staff user!

  • Class: Hoshidan Noble
  • Skill 1: Counter
  • Skill 2: Miracle
Edited by Codename Shrimp
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What gender is Corrin? Or does the save editor grant them ultimate gender fluidity?

...And can I rec the very first unit?😅

Since it's only Chapter 7, and you've the Nohr sibs helping out...

...After Corrin plunged into the canyon at the end of Chapter 3, when they were discovered unconscious by the Hoshidans, their clothes were very dirty and they were somewhat injured. So it was that their clothes were removed and, once Corrin woke up and saw how tarnished they were, hesitantly yet willingly allowed them to be discarded. So it is that Corrin, though they have chosen the path of the night, shall be dressed as a Samurai in their first Conquest battle, they haven't had time to shed their temporary attire of the dawn. And having been very uncomfortable at the end of complete strangers stripping them while they were knocked out😳 -despite the strangers leaving their underwear on and simply doing what they did to treat wounds, they shall have the Miracle of an innocent & easily embarrassed modest Shrine Maiden.

...Oh wait, Chapter 6 is the Branch of Fate.😆 Chapter 7 is the Faceless in the Forest, a tough start to the tough game that is Lunatic CQ.😤

In that case, hmmmm.🤔 I forget the precision demanded of this early scuffle, would Corrin non-melee too many feathers ruffle?🪶 In the Forlorn Woods the herbs do grow, and all about them shall Corrin know! With hellebore and hemlock too, arrows so dipped Corrin shall do!🌿☠️

-Translated: Corrin- Apothecary - Poison Strike. That okay?🙂 Although the Japanese for "Poison Strike" is apparently "Snake Venom", but snakes can live in forests too, no big deal.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What gender is Corrin?


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Or does the save editor grant them ultimate gender fluidity?


4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

would Corrin non-melee too many feathers ruffle?


I might gave him a Shining Bow to replace the Dstone.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Translated: Corrin- Apothecary - Poison Strike. That okay?🙂


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Seeing the restriction of promoted staff for Felicia, can you make her a Hoshidan Noble? If not make her a Priestess

Because it is funny and dangerous, give her the skills Counter and Miracle.

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9 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I might gave him a Shining Bow to replace the Dstone.

That's fine! Again, I've forgotten how essential in this very first CQ battle it is that Corrin has access to their default equipment and capabilities.😅

Which reminds me, Yato should've been freeform. A ball of special energy connected to Corrin that changes its solidified shape to whatever weapon type presently aligns with Corrin the most (aka according to class). That way you could have Corrin use it in a swordless class. Kinda like how Soul Edge and Soul Calibur in the SoulCalibur series mutate to match their current wielders.


1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Seeing the restriction of promoted staff for Felicia, can you make her a Hoshidan Noble?

Now that sounds fun!

Lets her Dragonstone to fix up her physical frailty, while making use of her good Magic.

4 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Because it is funny and dangerous, give her the skills Counter and Miracle.

+2 Def base from Hoshido Noble over Maid, +4 Def from Dstone. Should still let enough damage through for Counter to make a difference. 

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Posted (edited)

Our Party for the map


Some highlights:


Even with Counter, Felicia needed support to be able to kill - also misses Galore.


A Cool Lvlup!


Corn can double with Felicia Pair up


Got a bit heated there, but nothing i couldn't solve!

I know i said this before, but this one is really a great starter map.


And GG'd em!


Chapter 8

Corrin - Lvl 10

  • Class: Dread Fighter
  • Skill 1: Pass
  • Skill 2: Shove

Felicia - Lvl 6. Restriction: Promoted Staff user.

  • Class: Strategist
  • Skill 1: Renewal
  • Skill 2: Rally Resistance
  • Skill 3: Dragon Ward

Elise - Lvl 5

  • Class: Mercenary
  • Skill 1: Camaraderie

Silas - Lvl 7

  • Class: Sky Knight
  • Skill 1: Strong Riposte

Arthur - Lvl 7

  • Class: Ninja
  • Skill 1: Rally movement

Effie - Lvl 7

  • Class: Oni Savage
  • Skill 1: Heartseeker


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28 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:



Even with Counter, Felicia needed support to be able to kill - also misses Galore.

It is strangely fitting that she is just shy of the kill both with Counter alone, and with the Attack Stance hit alone.


As for next chapter, lets have Effie be an Oni Savage with Heart Seeker.

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Chapter 8 is the land of snow... I forget what units the Ice Tribe likes. I can't think of any superficial theming for this one.

But, if Effie is going Oni Savage... well Arthur could stand a real chance of hitting the long-term bench. So how about we give him a shakeup while he's around. We'll work somewhat around his low Lck by giving him range... as a Ninja. And for a skill, a sunny disposition on a cold day, Amater -nah, I won't throw in that good yet sooo late to acquire skill this early.😛 How you fend off the cold? You KEEP MOVING! ...Rally Movement. Arthur - Ninja - Rally Movement, to clarify.


59 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Corn can double with Felicia Pair up

Shining Bow strong!

...I wasn't sure of how fast Faceless are here, and Apothecary has 4 base Spd (Knight is 3). So the double surprises me.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

I know i said this before, but this one is really a great starter map.

Despite being the first map on CQ, I struggle to remember it.😅 The rest of CQ? To some extent I think. All I can recall with C7 is that the difficulty is there to begin on this route, and the Faceless could become an insurmountable debuff-having horde if you don't play it right?

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So, just noticed this, gonna suggest Sky Knight Silas. Give him Strong Riposte.

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Posted (edited)

Since i didn't get enough people, i let RNG decide the classes and skills for the other three peeps.

The result you can see above^^



Rally Mov + Strategist = Freeze first turn 🙂


Heartseeker in action


3 villages ezpz

And then it was kinda smooth sailing - had some trouble with Flora and it was a bit annoying that i only had 1 staffer, but all clear!


Paralogue 1:

Corrin - Lvl 10

  • Class: Villager
  • Skill 1: Lethality
  • Skill 2: Hoshidan Unity

Felicia - Lvl 8. Restriction: Promoted Staff user.

  • Class: Maid
  • Skill 1: Savage Blow
  • Skill 2: Quick Salve
  • Skill 3: Ignis

Elise - Lvl 8

  • Class: Shrine Maiden
  • Skill 1: Def +2

Silas - Lvl 8

  • Class: Kitsune
  • Skill 1: Seal Defense

Arthur - Lvl 7

  • Class: Sky Knight
  • Skill 1: Aptitude

Effie - Lvl 7

  • Class: Kitsune
  • Skill 1: Quixiotic

Niles - Lvl 8

  • Class: Apothecary
  • Skill 1: Witch's Brew

Odin - Lvl 5

  • Class: Grandmaster
  • Skill 1: Mov +1
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Sorry SF moves so slowly nowadays, I can't do much about that. Think you should consult Discord or something to fill in those we few here don't?

...Since this is the real easy Mozucruit battle, you could win with pretty much anything. So for sillies, how about Corrin - Villager - Lethality - Hoshidan Unity?😛


6 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Rally Mov + Strategist = Freeze first turn 🙂

Didn't think that would actually come in handy.😆

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Considering Silas just kinda existed, let's go with a project unit. Give Arthur Sky Knight and Aptitude.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Rally Mov + Strategist = Freeze first turn 🙂


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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Think you should consult Discord or something to fill in those we few here don't?


I was never on serenes discord, but i did try talking about the playthrough on reddit and FEU...to no effect XD

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Didn't think that would actually come in handy.😆


2 hours ago, Dayni said:


It's a tactic i really like to use as it makes the chapter alot easier. Aslong as Corn can get 7 MoV, you can pair a staffer into him and freeze this guy.


2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Considering Silas just kinda existed, let's go with a project unit

he was one of my better units for the chapter actually. Javelin + Strong Riposte + dual strike allowed me to take on the mages pretty well

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Give Arthur Sky Knight and Aptitude.

1 chapter Aptitude will make Arthur good xD

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2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

he was one of my better units for the chapter actually. Javelin + Strong Riposte + dual strike allowed me to take on the mages pretty well

Yeah, I figured he'd still be fine enough, but good to know the reclass had it's uses

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

1 chapter Aptitude will make Arthur good xD

I'm picking Sky Knight again because of the Luck growth 😛

As for the growths, I doubt 5 levels will happen, but I kinda want to see how reclassing him there would work out, the closest without Corrin sadly would be Kinshi Knight from Setsuna but the growths from SK sync up well imo.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

It's a tactic i really like to use as it makes the chapter alot easier. Aslong as Corn can get 7 MoV, you can pair a staffer into him and freeze this guy.

I get it, I just focus on the west villages myself

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9 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Since i didn't get enough people, i let RNG decide the classes and skills for the other three peeps.

You could add a resubmit timer, like if there is no activity in 24 people can submit another suggestion.


How to handle poor Odin... Can you change them to the amiibo only class of Grand Master? If not make him Nohrian Prince. As for skill, this is a chapter with chests, and while there is a one use Chest Key to ensure you can get the Rescue, I think Locktouch would be appreciated none the less.


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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You could add a resubmit timer, like if there is no activity in 24 people can submit another suggestion.


Let's do it like that

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

this is a chapter with chests,

Paralogue 1 has no chests iirc

That said, on chapters with chests/doors i will add a lockpick restriction^^

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Posted (edited)

Well, since it's been a few days, i will just put the other 2 into a randomizer


Pretty diverse group we got there


Low Damage land


Aptitude Arthur gaming


Ignis Cris Felicia gaming




Kill stealer...


3 Levels and not a single point of Mag XD


Chapter 9


  • Min. 1 Locktouch user
  • Felicia promoted staff class (might be last chapter with this Felicia restriction. Or maybe after 10, will see)

Corrin - Lvl 11

  • Class: Diviner
  • Skill 1: Life and Death
  • Skill 2: Lucky Seven

Felicia - Lvl 9. Restriction: Promoted Staff user.

  • Class: Adventurer
  • Skill 1: Rally SKL
  • Skill 2: Solidarity
  • Skill 3: Shelter

Elise - Lvl 10

  • Class: Wyvern Rider
  • Skill 1: Locktouch
  • Skill 2: Mov +1

Silas - Lvl 9

  • Class: Spear Fighter
  • Skill 1: Rally SPD

Arthur - Lvl 8

  • Class: Sky Knight
  • Skill 1: Tactical Advice

Effie - Lvl 8

  • Class: Archer
  • Skill 1: Duelist's Blow

Odin - Lvl 8

  • Class: Wolfskin
  • Skill 1: Lancebreaker

Niles - Lvl 9

  • Class: Archer
  • Skill 1: Skilltaker

Also since we are clearly not getting enough people everyone can go ahead and edit 2 units xD

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Let's go, capture time?

Elise, Wyvern Rider, Locktouch, Mov+1

Niles, Archer, Skilltaker assuming Capture is available. If not, Effie in Oni Savage with Swap

30 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Aptitude Arthur gaming

+Luk WOO!

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