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ITT: Lyle


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*Pays copyright fees to Masu.*

I'm curious, and be completely honest. Discuss your views on me. I won't get offended, and if I do, then I give you permission to tear my stomach open and hang me with my small intestine.

Perhaps I should put a graphic content warning on this topic....

And I'd like to hear from EVERYONE, if all possible.

If you don't feel you know me well enough, then it's fine if your don't post.


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I think you're a good guy. Sometimes you can be a bit dramatic, and often-times get offended too easily, imo, but I like you. You're a good person to talk to when I'm actually on AIM...Add me to MSN, by the way. And you're a good poster. You definitely need to work on taking jokes better, and losing some drama, but you're a cool dude; You write good stories too, despite writing in Script.

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Another one of these? This is REALLY becoming redundant...

I haven't really been on all day. So I dunno if this is considered trendy right now.

I was bored mostly. Plus I needed to get my mind off homework for a second.

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I haven't really been on all day. So I dunno if this is considered trendy right now.

I was bored mostly. Plus I needed to get my mind off homework for a second.

I believe they were referring to the fact that people got annoyed by this topic that you made a while ago.

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I believe they were referring to the fact that people got annoyed by this topic that you made a while ago.

Ah. Well this isn't really me blaming myself for anything. I was just asking for people's opinion. I didn't think too much of it, I was just bored.

Plus I'm hungry. I should get something to eat.

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You hate good units in RD

No. I hate POPULAR units. Usually. Any of the units that are overblown and seen as a demi-god and idol i tend to dislike.

IE: Edward, Sothe, Nephenne, Tibarn, you get the picture.

It's not that I HATE them or don't use them. (Cept for Sothe and Edward respectively), I just try to avoid them. I feel like I might catch the fanboyism.

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To be honest you care too much about what we all think... Thus you make numerous topics like this...

Seconded. Really, next time you think everyone has criticism about you, take a step back and see what people said the last dozen times you asked for feedback instead of posting again.

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My only issue with you is that you cant take jokes and you take this place WAYYYYYYYYYY too seriously. Seeing you whine sometimes gives me cramps cuz i see it so often :/ thats about it

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