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Damn, I dunno what to do.

Metal Rabbit

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I lost in the pokemon D/P tourney after school today.

It was a 3v3 single match with the level 50 rule on. Everyone except me had an uber tier pokemon in their roster. I don't like using ubers, I think they're cheap. So I use OU/BL tier, like I've been doing since Ruby/Sapphire. I won my first match without taking damage. (That's the power of effort training and experience over noobs for you.) I lost the second match when a team of Kyogre and Garchomp destroyed me. Granted, I killed off Kyogre using mirror coat >:D but my pokes couldn't handle the raw power of the other one.

So I lost because of ubers. That's my excuse this time.

Two months ago when I played in the school Brawl tourney, I was out in the first round even though my opponents were super noobs. It was a free for all on the Glacier (random pick) and smashballs on. I was pretty pissed. As you can guess, I don't play with smash balls on. So I blame them and the stage for me losing. I'm beggining to pick up on a pattern here...

If there's something I can't do, I get stronger until I can. But when I don't play by those rules, is it worth doing that?

I'm not asking your opinion, I just wanted to rant. :/

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Why not practice with ALL different types of battle. It shows you have more skill, and you'll be ready for anything then. If it's not manipulating the game in a way it wasn't designed to be manipulated, it's 100% fair.

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Why not practice with ALL different types of battle. It shows you have more skill, and you'll be ready for anything then. If it's not manipulating the game in a way it wasn't designed to be manipulated, it's 100% fair.

You have a point. Just because I adhere to widely accepted rules doesn't mean others will play by them. In fact, I find that most people around me don't.

Even so, I still love a head to head match of skill.

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You have a point. Just because I adhere to widely accepted rules doesn't mean others will play by them. In fact, I find that most people around me don't.

Even so, I still love a head to head match of skill.

Skill really includes using everything around you to your advantage.

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I remember a few years ago two top level non-Korean StarCraft players lost consecutive matches to top level BGH players (BGH is a money map, think of it as loosely analogous to permitting legendary Pokemon in Pokemon matches despite it skewing the game balance). One of those who lost games had been twice invited to join a professional team in Korea after having beaten some professionals in competitions. It takes a little practice to compete with those most familiar with playing without balance enforcing restrictions when you're only used to playing competitively. Whenever I encounter a group of StarCraft players at my university who prefer money maps, I play only Protoss with them despite my being primarily a Terran player because the shift in balance is so pronounced.

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(BGH is a money map, think of it as loosely analogous to permitting legendary Pokemon in Pokemon matches despite it skewing the game balance).
For the love of Superbus, Legendaries != Ubers. There are actually Legendaries that aren't broken. Edited by FE3 Player
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In Dota, there are also some heroes being banned because their unbalance power (but in my opinion, it's not that unbalance. Everytime there is a new patch, these heroes always nerfed.

Metal arc can wait for a change of rule, a new game or pracitice to become perfect.

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I am not familiar with the terminology, I was indeed referring to Ubers when I erroneously blanketed them all as legendaries.

Wobbuffet and Garchomp are Ubers and aren't legendaries. Protip.

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