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Engage Uber Challenge 2

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Google Doc explaining everything: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E6LjH0_0zrTu-HoK-TIkd08KTsbqLh7D3-qoOH9N7R4/

Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiGT5b4yuwosLRgICG60Boz9zC-4-dkJs

Previously, I did a challenge run where I deliberately don't use many of the advantageous options this game provides and even go out of my way to use the worst units to prove there is more than just stats that decide who's good and who isn't. This time, I have video clears of every single chapter on Maddening, done in an efficient manner so it's easier to understand things that words on a document can't convey.

I hope to clear up many misconceptions this game has regarding its gameplay such as unviable earlygame units or Yunaka is the best unit.

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Are there people who insist you can only use select units in Engage? Because I find that a really weird take. Obviously the Emblems you use play a far bigger role than character stats (although those forged killing weapons can be pretty bonkers too).

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