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The Mafia to End all Mafias - GAME OVER


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So like I don't know who to vote for and feel like I'm not gonna be of much help to anyone but that's just the defeatism from the excessive consecutive losses in a different game talking.

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(I also understand if anyone WOULD vote for me after letting defeatism in another game bleed in here because that sounds very much like a red flag for scum, but I assure you I was just being emo and I'm really sorry about causing a fuss)

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Oh yeh, by the way my role is inherently scummy and might literally just be anti-town.

That is to say, I do have a role. 🙂

There I've given people stuff to talk about now I'm probably about to go to sleep and be back in a bit.

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Just now, DefyingFates said:

I'm not making that mistake again. Do you have any tangible evidence for voting Ichigo or is this just for fun?

Have I ever betrayed you DF?  WOULD I betray you?  You're rocking a Lyn avatar and everything!

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3 hours ago, Shinori said:

Whatcha thinking?  Be nice to the newbies or string em up and watch em squirm?

7 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Oh yeh, by the way my role is inherently scummy and might literally just be anti-town.

That is to say, I do have a role.


5 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Have I ever betrayed you DF?  WOULD I betray you?  You're rocking a Lyn avatar and everything!


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Hey now! I didn't string you up and watch you squirm!

Also I've warned you ahead of time, therefore I'm not betraying you about it!

Come on, join me and let's see what Dunn does!  There is no hammer today according to rules which means a few votes here won't hurt him in the long run!

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Nah no jester here.

Boron isn't putting a jester in the game.

You think I'm scum?  Why?  For actively pushing to help everyone get the ball rolling a bit?  I have no reason to do that if I was a wolf.  I could just sit here and let you guys flounder in confusion.

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I dunno if we're getting the ball rolling I just don't like you trying to lynch someone so quickly, but then again that's also how this game is supposed to be played and I have to keep reminding myself that, but it still feels unfair that someone's gonna basically be told they can't play based on chance turn one.

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Bad grammar in that post, what I'm saying is I'm not actively scumreading you yet, but just ganging up on someone immediately makes me sad.

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1 minute ago, Aster said:

I dunno if we're getting the ball rolling I just don't like you trying to lynch someone so quickly, but then again that's also how this game is supposed to be played and I have to keep reminding myself that, but it still feels unfair that someone's gonna basically be told they can't play based on chance turn one.

That's the thing, I'm not actually trying to lynch someone, and as I stated, according to the rules, we cannot hammer day 1.  Day 1 will play out to maximum time.  It's not anything by chance and I guarantee you votes that are thrown within the first part of a game start are probably not where votes end up at the end of the day phase.

I factually did get the ball rolling though because conversation has officially started and you both are starting to somewhat generate reads I assume.  They may not be strong, they may not be right, they might be right! I don't know!  However conversation has officially started happening and both of you have played one whole game before this, maybe as different alignments, maybe as the same alignment, but now your a second game in and it's welcome to the big leagues!

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I will tell you, it's never by chance though.  After 48 hours of communication normally someone is picked for being lynched and it's not normally based on chance.  Information gained and learned and how people react and treat each other over the span of 48 hours can lead to a lot of stuff.

Someone could make a bad push that is obviously fabricated or unreal for example, or maybe I read someone as town SO MUCH that I will defend them to the end as the day progresses which would generate reads themself.  Maybe a wolf player is EXPERTLY using their sly nature to trick town into misslynching someone.

It's not random, only the beginning is sometimes random.  It may take some time for you.  I know it may not be up your alley but you could always read up on other games, either on this site or on other sites to see how other people play the game.  If you would like I could always give you a few other games to read but I don't know if you would enjoy reading other games just to see how different people play the game.

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There are 9 players so I assume ~3 are Mafia.

I can't tell if anything relevant happened on Page 1:

Shinori and Ichigo started by joking around and Eury voted for Aster out of nowhere and disappeared (apart from explaining they haven't played in a while), which is suspicious.

But regarding Shinori, while they're drawing massive red flags on themself, I don't think they're Mafia? It'd be way too obvious otherwise. Instead I suspect they're a jester or vengeance role of some sort.

So @Eurykins, why DID you vote for Aster? Resentment from the last game?

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Just now, DefyingFates said:

So @Eurykins, why DID you vote for Aster? Resentment from the last game?

Probably more what most people call RVS.  It's commonly associated to being called - Random voting stage.  It's kind of just when people vote randomly until something happens that can start to generate or spark discussion.  Which I chose to try and accelerate so that we wouldn't have a long one ideally.

There are probably only 2 mafia realistically but I guess it kind of depends.


Out of curiosity DF, what red flags am I drawing on myself exactly?  Everything I've done so far has just been pro town unless you disagree with me fast forwarding discussion or telling you that my role is maybe inherently anti-town in what it does.

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I'm gonna be more active and talk more this game, because last game I intentionally posted less to try and make it less clustered for newer players but I felt like that just harmed me more than not, and then I died night 1 anyway.

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Bloody hell, this early in D1, and Shinori's already spamming away in the game. If this ends up anything like last game, it'll take 3-4 day phases for anyone to catch up, and that was with him dying N1. 

@Aster Self-voting should never be done, and it doesn't really help improve people's outlook on the slot either. I don't recall a single townsided role that would BENEFIT townside by being mislynched, so even in a lower power game (that likely is far less in terms of power roles than the previous game we were just in), there would be no purpose for town members to do this. As Shinori did state, if something going on outside the game kinda makes you shut down for the night/for a few hours, just take a breather and come back when things are a little better. RVS voting is whatevs- I voted you to say hi, for example lol.

1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

I'm not making that mistake again. Do you have any tangible evidence for voting Ichigo or is this just for fun?

What "mistake" are you referring to here? Do you think Shinori would have a good reason to call for votes on Ichigo at this time, or do you think something else is going on? 

16 minutes ago, Aster said:

I dunno if we're getting the ball rolling I just don't like you trying to lynch someone so quickly, but then again that's also how this game is supposed to be played and I have to keep reminding myself that, but it still feels unfair that someone's gonna basically be told they can't play based on chance turn one.

Is there scum intent behind the motion, or is this a way to just jump-start D1? What would scum!Shinori gain by doing this, if you state that you're concerned he's attempting to "lynch someone so quickly", and would the other scum member(s) dare risk to hop onto it and attempt to shove it at this point during the phase?

Just now, DefyingFates said:

There are 9 players so I assume ~3 are Mafia.

I can't tell if anything relevant happened on Page 1:

Shinori and Ichigo started by joking around and Eury voted for Aster out of nowhere and disappeared (apart from explaining they haven't played in a while), which is suspicious.

But regarding Shinori, while they're drawing massive red flags on themself, I don't think they're Mafia? It'd be way too obvious otherwise. Instead I suspect they're a jester or vengeance role of some sort.

So @Eurykins, why DID you vote for Aster? Resentment from the last game?

I'm not so certain there would be 3 killers in a 9 player game. (6v3)
For simple reasons: Mislynch D1, N1 Kill, by Day 2 we'd be at 4v3. I don't think that would make for a safe/balanced game setup, so my consideration would be 7:2 rather than 6:3.

Uh. The Aster vote, as stated above, was purely RVS hello vote, lol. I'm confused how my RVS is suspicious amongst everyone else's RVS votes/posts- can you elaborate?

Also I was Aster's partner, and I have no reason to resent her at all for last game? She was my buddy, and we had fun collaborating things- CAM was the one who shot me, not her. Me dying N2 just ended up throwing the game for the rest of us scum. XD

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*For clarification, Cam stabbed me/us in the back last game, not the reverse. So it was more of a tragedy that occurred, and none of it was Aster's fault (I think I read some part that it may have been something Cam was misinformed of or like, miscommunicated, but never once did Aster do something that was directly meant to harm me as her teammate, so there would be no ill-will I could imagine as her buddy?). 

Just now, Shinori said:

Eury am I town?



(Also, as an actual note: You post well on both scum/town!nori sides to be difficult to actually track in game posts, so at this time, there is little to nothing to go on for me on your slot. OUTSIDE OF THIS IMAGE YOU DARE POST.)

@Shinori Because that face has sus written all over it. Lol

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