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Destiny Hero

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Here's my homework for the weekend.

Write an essay for English

Draw my entire house (I have a big one)

Over 20 pages of math

20 Open-response questions in History

A 10-page essay on Queen Eleanor, with primary sources, annotations, and a works cited page

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I HATE homework. I know everybody does it, but you're already in school for at least 7 hours a day. Is that not enough? Why do I need another 2 hours of homework? And then my teachers make students grade each other's work, so they don't have to spend time correcting the mountains of homework they assign. I say a law should be passed prohibiting teachers from having students grade their own work. That way, there's incentive for them not to assign as much work.

And yeah, DH, you better get working. (I had a snow day today, so no homework for me!!! :lol: )

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I think you're exaggerating. =w=

You have homework while I just started my Christmas break. lol

Well, you got your Christmas break earlier than most people.

I HATE homework. I know everybody does it, but you're already in school for at least 7 hours a day. Is that not enough? Why do I need another 2 hours of homework? And then my teachers make students grade each other's work, so they don't have to spend time correcting the mountains of homework they assign. I say a law should be passed prohibiting teachers from having students grade their own work. That way, there's incentive for them not to assign as much work.

And yeah, DH, you better get working. (I had a snow day today, so no homework for me!!! :lol: )

Actually, I have at LEAST 15-20 hours of homework unless I can get the 10-page essay done fast, but then again I need 5 primaray sources from nearly a millenium ago >___>

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Actually, I have at LEAST 15-20 hours of homework unless I can get the 10-page essay done fast, but then again I need 5 primaray sources from nearly a millenium ago >___>

Then why don't you start working from now?

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Then why don't you start working from now?

Because the Internet is too distracting.

Damn it! There are 5 new Naruto episodes that were never on TV and they're online right now! DAMN IT!!!!!!

Edited by Destiny Hero
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I'm going to get primary sources and type up two essays without the Internet!?

You young whippersnappers should take your bike and visit the library.

Oh dear, it appears thither fine afro-american pilfered thine dual-ferried cycling apparatus!

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Write an essay for English

Draw my entire house (I have a big one)

Over 20 pages of math

20 Open-response questions in History

A 10-page essay on Queen Eleanor, with primary sources, annotations, and a works cited page

Putting things off at its best.

I have my last class final to finish up, and email it by midnight tonight. Two small essays on the Asian-American experience, and one on immigration of the 1940s, around there. Easy work--then break until, what January 22nd? Yey ~_~

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Do your homework that have nothing to do with Internet first.

And the one WITH the Internet is the longest and most important.

You young whippersnappers should take your bike and visit the library.

Oh dear, it appears thither fine afro-american pilfered thine dual-ferried cycling apparatus!

Yes, I am going to ride my bike through a snowstorm to look for books from 1000 years ago at a town library. Genius.

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I have the secret to completing your assignments and achieving high marks in all of your classes.

1. Go to Start > Run (or press Windows Key + R).

2. Type: "%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\" without the quotation marks.

3. Press OK.

4. In the new window, double click on HOSTS.

5. Choose to open the file with Notepad.

6. At the bottom of the document, type: " serenesforest.net" without the quotation marks.

7. At the bottom of the document, type: " youtube.com" without the quotation marks.

8. Save the file.

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Dude, what grade are you in? I'm a sophmore in high school, and I never get near that much homework (unless you're getting it over holiday break, which would make sense). Our teachers have never assigned an essay over 5 pages long. But then again my school sucks and never teaches you anything.

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And the one WITH the Internet is the longest and most important.

Then stop hanging around here until you are finished. Don't you want to get done with them?

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Dude, what grade are you in? I'm a sophmore in high school, and I never get near that much homework (unless you're getting it over holiday break, which would make sense). Our teachers have never assigned an essay over 5 pages long. But then again my school sucks and never teaches you anything.

Yeah, 8th grade is fun all right....

DAMN IT!!! Viz is so lazy that they didn't even translate the freaking episodes, so now I'll have to have the window open and I'll have the read the freaking subtitles instead of reducing it and listening >_____________________>

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DAMN IT!!! Viz is so lazy that they didn't even translate the freaking episodes, so now I'll have to have the window open and I'll have the read the freaking subtitles instead of reducing it and listening >_____________________>

.........................................I could tell that you won't finished your homework in the end.

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