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Caylee Anthony Pronounced Dead


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Well I'm sure a lot of you have heard that Caylee Marie Anthony, three year old daughter of Casey Anthony was found a few days ago. However it was inconclusive if the body was hers.

Well after days of testing, they are releasing they have confirmed the body is indeed that of Caylee Anthony, and the manner of death is homicide. The cause of death however is undetermined, as the body had reached the stage of decomposition where there was no flesh or tissue left to be examined.

The body was found days ago on the side of the road in a garbage bag only a short distance for Casey Anthony's mother's house. This surely can be enough evidence to put her at the crime scene, however police still want to find the cause of death, which may be a tad more challenging with only skeletal remains.

As of now they are reporting no trauma was caused to the skeleton, in other words, no broken bones, no gun shot holes, no knife slashes.

What are your thoughts on the case, and this evidence being brought forth?

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People should stop watching CSI. <_<

They aren't THAT good at solving cases.

About this real crime... This is another episode of "Left or Right" She's going to jail or she's not. Either way, the world will keep on spinning. It IS sad though. What's with all the child killing? Why not kill someone who deserves it for once?

Like those trash talkers on XBOX live :P

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I for one am not shock about the matter of death and who the body belongs to. I still think the mother killed her child.

At least the fuckin' media circus and end now. Sick of it. Covering for ONE fuckin' child where we have HUNDRENDS if not THOUSANDS of missing children every day, but hey, to the media, if you kid ain't white, cute, or from a high income, they don't really give a fuck about your kids.

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Um, how are they sure it was a homocide if there's no damage to the skeleton and the skeleton is all that's left?

They found bones. They found them in a bag. Nough said. You don't just toss human bones in a bag, that's homicidal handy work at it's most obvious.

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I think the mom's partially at fault for not reporting her missing sooner; hell, this girl dissapeared in June and she wasn't reported missing until July! If the mom doesn't get in trouble for her daughter's murder, she should at least be put in jail for being a horrifically negligent parent.

And also, to add to what Phoenix was saying, the murder method doesn't have to exactly involve bone trauma. Strangling, drowning, and smothering don't involve bone damage. Maybe that's what happened. Hell, maybe she was tossed into the mud to die, and that doesn't involve too much bone trauma either.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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They found bones. They found them in a bag. Nough said. You don't just toss human bones in a bag, that's homicidal handy work at it's most obvious.
That's likely, but not solid evidence. That doesn't consider the possibility she found the baby dead, fucking freaked because she thought she'd get accused of murder, and tried to hide it.
And also, to add to what Phoenix was saying, the murder method doesn't have to exactly involve bone trauma. Strangling, drowning, and smothering don't involve bone damage. Maybe that's what happened. Hell, maybe she was tossed into the mud to die, and that doesn't involve too much bone trauma either.
Yeah, but I asked how they were sure. I don't doubt that homocide was a possibility.
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That's likely, but not solid evidence. That doesn't consider the possibility she found the baby dead, fucking freaked because she thought she'd get accused of murder, and tried to hide it.

That's true, but then, in today's world (where we have much better medical care and there are sexual offenders/predators roaming the neighborhoods) what ways would a three year old girl have of dying of natural causes?

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That's true, but then, in today's world (where we have much better medical care and there are sexual offenders/predators roaming the neighborhoods) what ways would a three year old girl have of dying of natural causes?

Getting lost and starving to death.

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Yes, a young, female human being. Is there something wrong with that?

I was just wondering what happened to her. I didn't know if she was someone famous or something

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I was just wondering what happened to her. I didn't know if she was someone famous or something

It's a little dead white girl, they don't have to be famous to get covered, although it doesn't hurt their chances. Just in case someone takes this the wrong way I am not saying this is any less bad, I am just pointing out one of the many common flaws in media.

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