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You know what? Everyone just shut the fuck up. You're all being stupid. Everyone has either become an overly sensitive prick, or a flamming mindless asshole, and it's killing the forest.



And if any of you agree with me, you have no right to, cause you're just as stupid as everyone else.

We're all being idiots. So everyone just shut the fuck up and learn how to stop being so fucking stupid.

You do realize your including yourself in that right...

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And if any of you agree with me, you have no right to, cause you're just as stupid as everyone else.

So if they agree with you, they are an idiot. Therefore, you have just called yourself an idiot. Congratulations.

Edited by Rei
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People say things without giving it meaning. People who say fayg just say it as a meaningless insult. It's "fag" mispelt for a reason - so it isn't "fag".

Hmm, this is getting nowhere. Enjoy yourselves.

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its funny. this all started because cynthia started this topic in the first place...

It happens alot.

I've tried more than once to dissuade her from confronting like this, it hasn't worked.

You guys enjoy immature humor, and you're not serious. Cynthia-sama is simply the other extreme.

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Do you guys honestly think I sit here and never laugh at anything? That I stare at comedians without so much as a smile?


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Yes I do. We all need to just fuck off and chill.

it was peaceful before this topic was made....

irony much?

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I am a little surprised you all think I never laugh I spend all my time being serious...

Honestly, I do laugh, and I do have fun. I've even done things that were stupid and pointless.

Just because I'm not EASILY amused doesn't mean I'm never amused.

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this topic deserves an "uguu"

don't say i'm not trying to come up with new humor cynthia

Edited by CGV
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Sexcopter rolls

Sexcopter isn'a meme, gtfo.

ROFLCOPTER is though...

Anyway, all your base are belong to us. You have no chance to survive. Make your time...


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I am a little surprised you all think I never laugh I spend all my time being serious...

Honestly, I do laugh, and I do have fun. I've even done things that were stupid and pointless.

Just because I'm not EASILY amused doesn't mean I'm never amused.

DO TELL!!! *gets popcorn*

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I hate these types of confrontations. Talking doesn't work, closing the topic won't work, distractions and general idiocy make it worse.

I'll tell you how it'll end up though: The people who flame and do stupid stuff will be the ones who get into trouble. Wanna end up like Serene and Suzaku? That's where it ends for you.

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I hate these types of confrontations. Talking doesn't work, closing the topic won't work, distractions and general idiocy make it worse.

I'll tell you how it'll end up though: The people who flame and do stupid stuff will be the ones who get into trouble. Wanna end up like Serene and Suzaku? That's where it ends for you.

It could get off track and die in a bit...

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