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Ok, so it was fun being a little sarcastic with you fools folks lately. :P

*Goes back to being a dragon*

Clearly I cannot compete with a real, live, dragon.

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Using sarcasm as an excuse is the oldest trick in the book and no one will believe you.

That is all.

Haha, no for reals, I was being sarcastic. Its up to you shire folks to believe me or not.

*Xtends Wings and takes off*

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Haha, no for reals, I was being sarcastic. Its up to you shire folks to believe me or not.

*Xtends Wings and takes off*

Only an idiot would believe you have been being sarcastic.

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Haha, no for reals, I was being sarcastic. Its up to you shire folks to believe me or not.

*Xtends Wings and takes off*

There are no dragons in the Shire.

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BTW, do you want me to make a sig for you again? Wait, wth! =D

Sure, eventhough this is a different topic.

Does that include yourself?

Naw, I'm not sorry about myself, that'd be like pathetic.

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That was actually a serious question, and not an insult. As really I see the only one that people are ridiculing is you Quet, and all you're doing is drawing more attention to yourself with these topics.

I suggest you stop to save yourself more of this ridicule. This isn't an insult, it's some advice, you have to know when to quit.

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If I was acting like a d..whatever bag XD, It was because of the debate. I felt harrassed by so many of you, when I didn't even bring the gay stuff up. Shuuda tricked me, he is the devil. Go back and read. ^^

And no, I dont care if you all act all mean to me, I dont take stuff too seriously, if it does look like I do, I tag along.

I'm usually softspoken, reserved, and only care about writing. ^^

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If I was acting like a d..whatever bag XD, It was because of the debate. I felt harrassed by so many of you, when I didn't even bring the gay stuff up. Shuuda tricked me, he is the devil. Go back and read. ^^

And no, I dont care if you all act all mean to me, I dont take stuff too seriously, if it does look like I do, I tag along.

I'm usually softspoken, reserved, and only care about writing. ^^

If you actually cared about your writing then why would you MAWMMEY control it?

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If I was acting like a d..whatever bag XD, It was because of the debate. I felt harrassed by so many of you, when I didn't even bring the gay stuff up. Shuuda tricked me, he is the devil. Go back and read. ^^

You... still debated about it? Doesn't matter who started it.

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If I was acting like a d..whatever bag XD, It was because of the debate. I felt harrassed by so many of you, when I didn't even bring the gay stuff up. Shuuda tricked me, he is the devil. Go back and read. ^^

And no, I dont care if you all act all mean to me, I dont take stuff too seriously, if it does look like I do, I tag along.

I'm usually softspoken, reserved, and only care about writing. ^^

thats the worst excuse to act like a smug jack ass i have ever heard. "I lost a debate so im a douche bag now!!!!" Grow up

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To be honest, you're really antagonistic, and act calm and collected to cover up how upset you become, making you appear smug. This triggers people to bother you more, and to be 100% honest, they are the ones getting the last laugh.

Trust me, just stop drawing more attention to yourself...

Edit: I also recall you saying you were over that debate minutes after it was over...

Edited by Cynthia
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