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I've got a toothpick in my mouth and im loving it

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It's a weird story, but i'm weird too so that's okay.

So i was on my grampa's computer one day in the summer, and i was leaning on his desk.

Then all the sudden the desk collapsed under me and I and the monitor fell through.

I slammed my mouth on the monitor... and I was bleeding like hell from in my mouth.

I realised that it wasn't my tooth, but my gums were hit. All the same, one of my front teeth got pushed back a little.

So now there's a small gap between my teeth that i can fit a toothpick in.

I'm fine with it.

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that sounds painfull....

what else can you fit through your teeth?

if it's thin, i can suck spaghetti through it.

Wow. That was a random gruesome story. That's pretty much how you work isn't it MR?

I'm an idiot. How are you NOT getting this?

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XD At the Spaghetti thing. Also, can you fit your own wee wee into that gap.

why? thinking of trying to see if yours fits?

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Nope. Not that i've tried.


Meh you probably can. They say that if a guy makes a lot of sex jokes it's size stops increasing. Same thing with girls and their boobs. Actually I just made that up but who really cares?

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Meh you probably can. They say that if a guy makes a lot of sex jokes it's size stops increasing. Same thing with girls and their boobs. Actually I just made that up but who really cares?

Meh, it's big enough.

It's the average for white guys.

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