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Hard mode team.


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Alright, playing through HM, seems to be pretty easy as of 1-6. I beat 1-3 on my first try.

I haven't started 1-6 yet and I'm thinking about using Jill, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, here is my soon-to-be team, and I need a lot of help on picking the skills:

Blessed weapons in bold.

Ike - A Soren - Ragnell - Aether, Nihil

Micaiah - A Sothe - Purge - Corona, Paragon

Sothe - A Micaiah - Baselard -

Sanaki - Meteor - Flare

Kurthnaga - will not use

Ena - will not use

Reyson - A Tibarn - no idea

Tibarn - A Reyson - Tear and Nihil

Caineghis - A Giffca - Nihil and Roar

Giffca - A Caineghis - Nihil and Roar

Soren - A Ike - Blizzard - Adept and Flare

Nolan - A Zihark - Tarvos - Guard and Colossus

Zihark - A Nolan - Alondite - Astra and maybe Resolve?

Elincia - Amiti - No idea

Shinon - A Nephenee - Double Bow - Deadeye and Parity

Haar - no support - Urvan - Stun

Nephenee - A Shinon - Wishblade - Pierce or whatever it was called

I'm missing one character too.

So yeah, there's my team, and I need help on it.

Edited by Julius
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I did Hard Mode recently and I did pretty much the same with the DB chapters except I used Jill as well, but I suppose she wasn't really essential. Nolan/Zihark A support does wonders; giving them 120+ Avoid makes them pretty much untouchable. Zihark can usually take out the laguz with Killing Edge etc and you could give Beastfoe to Nolan. Sothe/Micaiah can help a bit but Sothe won't survive 3-6's tigers for long. You may want to bring Tauroneo in 1-6 and 3-13 to wall some stuff (and also keep the laguz coming up the main ledge).

I don't know about Meteor Sanaki because Meteor's 18 Wt slows her down like hell - she will not even double dragons. She can do about ~25/27 to Red Dragons but it's not a whole lot considering she doesn't double and dragons are massive HP tanks. But do what you will; she won't be useful any other way really.

Give Micaiah Resolve whenever you're not using Paragon also. As long as your Micaiah hasn't been completely Spd screwed then Resolve can boost her avoid loads and let her double as well.

I would give Elincia Imbue. It came in useful a lot in Part 4 when she got hit by random tigers/dracoknights etc. Regenerated practically all of her health. Alternatively, you can give her Nullify.

Oh, and bring Naesala to Endgame as well. With Adept he has like a 44% chance of attacking at least 2-3 times (seeing as he doubles everything without exception.) Naesala can actually get good RES too unlike Caineghis and Tibarn, so White Dragons don't completely destroy him after about 2-3 hits.

Edited by Drayano
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I did Hard Mode recently and I did pretty much the same with the DB chapters except I used Jill as well, but I suppose she wasn't really essential. Nolan/Zihark A support does wonders; giving them 120+ Avoid makes them pretty much untouchable. Zihark can usually take out the laguz with Killing Edge etc and you could give Beastfoe to Nolan. Sothe/Micaiah can help a bit but Sothe won't survive 3-6's tigers for long. You may want to bring Tauroneo in 1-6 and 3-13 to wall some stuff (and also keep the laguz coming up the main ledge).

It's probably best to give Sothe beastfoe then. Nolan and Zihark will have an A support so they will dodge most things anyway.

I don't know about Meteor Sanaki because Meteor's 18 Wt slows her down like hell - she will not even double dragons. She can do about ~25/27 to Red Dragons but it's not a whole lot considering she doesn't double and dragons are massive HP tanks. But do what you will; she won't be useful any other way really.

Can't those dragons attack from range? Sanaki will get murdered by red dragons even when she uses Rexflame since they attack from a distance, so I think Meteor is the way to go.

Give Micaiah Resolve whenever you're not using Paragon also. As long as your Micaiah hasn't been completely Spd screwed then Resolve can boost her avoid loads and let her double as well.

That sounds alright, but my playing style makes sure that she never gets hit. I'll try it out anyway.

I would give Elincia Imbue. It came in useful a lot in Part 4 when she got hit by random tigers/dracoknights etc. Regenerated practically all of her health. Alternatively, you can give her Nullify.

I remember you telling me that when you were playing HM, but I dismissed it because you can heal yourself using a staff.

Okay, I will bring Naesala then, thanks.

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If you do use Jill I would suggest bringing her to Endgame over Haar,because although he is better for the rest of the game,if she is raised she does better in Endgame,mostly because she has better Res and doubles more things,including the big bad Dragon.

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If you do use Jill I would suggest bringing her to Endgame over Haar,because although he is better for the rest of the game,if she is raised she does better in Endgame,mostly because she has better Res and doubles more things,including the big bad Dragon.

I'm bringing Haar because he makes the game much easier.

And Jill is a pain to train.

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Aran is slow and will get doubled a lot. Hard Mode does not give you BEXP to use in chunks so Aran will be lacking in Speed for the whole game pretty much. Defending against tigers is no good if you get doubled by them.

A Nolan/Zihark support is all the defense you need.

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Even if you are doubled by Tigers, who're amazing against anyone in the 1 chapter they appear in for Part 1, taking 10-20~ damage > getting one-rounded no matter what.

If you were talking about Part 3 Tigers, then you have Beastfoe (Sothe doesn't need it because of his Dagger, Nolan could use it with crossbows, but w/e), and only 1 or 2 Tigers coming at you each turn due to them only having 1 range. Cats make Aran go *tink* and Tigers will probably only be doing 10~ damage to him each turn. You won't have to rely on avoid, which is rather unreliable anyway, and you can just kill them next turn ad heal.

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Even if you are doubled by Tigers, who're amazing against anyone in the 1 chapter they appear in for Part 1, taking 10-20~ damage > getting one-rounded no matter what.

They were pretty easy.

If you were talking about Part 3 Tigers, then you have Beastfoe (Sothe doesn't need it because of his Dagger, Nolan could use it with crossbows, but w/e), and only 1 or 2 Tigers coming at you each turn due to them only having 1 range. Cats make Aran go *tink* and Tigers will probably only be doing 10~ damage to him each turn. You won't have to rely on avoid, which is rather unreliable anyway, and you can just kill them next turn ad heal.

Do you think I can beat Part 3 with Micaiah, Nolan, Zihark and Sothe only?

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You should have an easy time in 3-6 with those guys. You have the allies, and you can just stop up the 1-2 small openings between the trees with them. You may have quite a bit of trouble on the next to chapters, though. Your partner units in both are pretty stupid, and if you stop using them, there's no way you'd be able to make an effective wall out of only those 3. You'd have to play very defensively (as in, staying at the top of the canyon and not letting anyone through) in 3-12 and rely on boulders as a way to attack those below you, and you'd have to only protect the upper platforms on 3-13.

Edited by Harold
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Jill always felt like a thorn in my team, despite it being Normal mode. For my Hard mode playthrough, I haven't even bothered to raise her. I don't believe she's worth the trouble. Haar, on the other hand... That good defense, skill and strength are very welcome.

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Jill always felt like a thorn in my team, despite it being Normal mode. For my Hard mode playthrough, I haven't even bothered to raise her. I don't believe she's worth the trouble. Haar, on the other hand... That good defense, skill and strength are very welcome.

Who did you use in your Dawn Brigade chapters?

Don't use Nephenee. They're so many units you can use in place of her in hard mode.

I suggested Oscar to Drayano before. He said that he was alright but he couldn't double and hurt enough.

And I want Soren support for the base conversation.

Who else could I use?

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Well Oscar could double in 4-4 but he needed 30 Speed to do so which he didn't get until about 20/5 or 20/6. His Str growth is the biggest problem though; 35%, no battle saves and little BEXP makes it hard for Oscar to get a good Attack rating. The Ike/Oscar support was decent but Ike barely needed it. I didn't find Oscar to be that useful in Endgame really, either.

Also, if Jill has good transfer bonuses she can be really good; but without transfer bonuses Haar is easily the better one to use. Still, 35 Spd cap allows her to double auras and some Swordmasters, which Haar cannot. Haar performs better for the majority of the game undisputedly though.

I ended up giving Nolan the Urvan in the end because his Str was lacking a bit, though. Ended up giving Jill a Brave Axe.

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I suggested Oscar to Drayano before. He said that he was alright but he couldn't double and hurt enough.

And I want Soren support for the base conversation.

Who else could I use?

Oscar doubles just about everything in Part 3, something that quite a few members of your team have trouble with. You can forge him a sturdy lance, but he's the green knight. He'll double.


Well Oscar could double in 4-4 but he needed 30 Speed to do so which he didn't get until about 20/5 or 20/6. His Str growth is the biggest problem though; 35%, no battle saves and little BEXP makes it hard for Oscar to get a good Attack rating. The Ike/Oscar support was decent but Ike barely needed it. I didn't find Oscar to be that useful in Endgame really, either.

Also, if Jill has good transfer bonuses she can be really good; but without transfer bonuses Haar is easily the better one to use. Still, 35 Spd cap allows her to double auras and some Swordmasters, which Haar cannot. Haar performs better for the majority of the game undisputedly though.

I ended up giving Nolan the Urvan in the end because his Str was lacking a bit, though. Ended up giving Jill a Brave Axe.

Oscar can EASILY be 20/5 by that point in the game. Ike/Oscar is one of the best supports in the game. He can use stronger lances and still double, so his str isn't that big of a problem. Paladins aren't very good at the endgame, but the endgame is the easiest part of the game.

Haar's still better even if Jill has transfer bonuses. He's around longer, pwning longer and starts promoted. If you were seriously that obsessed with doubling auras and Swordmasters, you could just send Ike or a Trueblade. Everything else that Jill doubles, Haar doubles.

Tarvos > Urvan for Nolan.

Also, don't bring Naesala to the endgame. He can double, but the damage he deals out is meh. Caineghis, Gifficia, and Tibarn > him. Caineghis and Gifficia are totally broken.

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You could use Gatrie instead of Nephenee. You have no Armor Knights.

Also, Giffca (I butchered his name last post, lol) has the same caps as Caineghis, and his base stats are basically equal to Caineghis.

Edit: Missed your last post. Oscar.

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