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Jill is actually very good once part 3 comes around for being able to fly around unhindered. Also, I hope you used Laura, she is almost necessary for the DB chapters. Aran is nice, but being doubled = bad.

If I were you, I'd definitely go with Nephenee over Oscar. She is generally better statistically, has 3 part 2 chapters, better endgame potential, and isn't hindered by such chapters as the mountain one (3-4) and 3-7.

Use Mia and Shinon also.

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Jill is actually very good once part 3 comes around for being able to fly around unhindered. Also, I hope you used Laura, she is almost necessary for the DB chapters. Aran is nice, but being doubled = bad.

If I were you, I'd definitely go with Nephenee over Oscar. She is generally better statistically, has 3 part 2 chapters, better endgame potential, and isn't hindered by such chapters as the mountain one (3-4) and 3-7.

Use Mia and Shinon also.

Oscar has better movement, a better affinity, and he gets bows.

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Oscar has better movement, a better affinity, and he gets bows.

His movement is often hindered in many maps.

His affinity I can't argue, but the TC is doing IkexSoren anyway, right?

She gets better speed and a critical bonus. If he could wield the Double Bow, that would be a major plus, but he can't.

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Oscar has crap stat caps and bows are bad weapons (Javelins and the sort are better).

Hardly! His caps are decent, not crap. Also, the endgame's the easiest part of the game. You could solo the first 2 with Caineghis. :/

Bows aren't bad weapons for Oscar. For one, they have much better accuracy and might than loljavelins and his Canto allows him to escape any type of danger he might be in without 1-range.

His movement is often hindered in many maps.

His affinity I can't argue, but the TC is doing IkexSoren anyway, right?

She gets better speed and a critical bonus. If he could wield the Double Bow, that would be a major plus, but he can't.

Please name those maps. The only ones I can think of would be 3-4 and 3-7. The rest have rather large spaces for him to ride around in.

(TC?) OscarXIke > All other supports.

20/20 stats, maybe. The only substantial lead then is Res, anyway. He's only losing by 2 speed. :/

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Hardly! His caps are decent, not crap. Also, the endgame's the easiest part of the game. You could solo the first 2 with Caineghis. :/

They are crap. No way near decent.

Bows aren't bad weapons for Oscar. For one, they have much better accuracy and might than loljavelins and his Canto allows him to escape any type of danger he might be in without 1-range.

Bows = no action in enemy phase = less exp = less levelups = less weapon exp = bad. And Javelins aren't the only lances which can attack from far.

Edited by Julius
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Please name those maps. The only ones I can think of would be 3-4 and 3-7. The rest have rather large spaces for him to ride around in.

(TC?) OscarXIke > All other supports.

20/20 stats, maybe. The only substantial lead then is Res, anyway. He's only losing by 2 speed. :/

3-4, 3-7, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5. He also gets hurt more by terrain, and horses are generally overrated in this game anyway.

Topic creator. And obviously, but (without looking) I remember him mentioning he was doing IkexSoren.

And before that, they are more or less equal. She's even better defensively and has a better Mastery skill.

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They are crap. No way near decent.

Bows = no action in enemy phase = less exp = less levelups = less weapon exp = bad. And Javelins aren't the only lances which can attack from far.

Most the (M) Silver Knight's caps are exteremly close to (F) Sentinel. Oscar had 2 more HP and 1 more STR. Nephenee has 1 more SKL, 2 more SPD, 3 more Defense, and 5 (wtf) more Res. It's not a huge difference. :/

By the time the endgame rolls around, he and Nephenee should be 20/8~. By that point, you're probably going to be relying on BEXP for your level-ups. He'll probably already be B~ bows if you've been using them frequently. Nephenee probably won't be soloing the endgame, either. :/ Also, what else is there? A short spear or two? lol

3-4, 3-7, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5. He also gets hurt more by terrain, and horses are generally overrated in this game anyway.

Topic creator. And obviously, but (without looking) I remember him mentioning he was doing IkexSoren.

And before that, they are more or less equal. She's even better defensively and has a better Mastery skill.

So, 3 chapters total? He's not going to be in all 3 groups. Also, EVERYONE gets slowed down by the terrain in 4-3 and 4-4 except flying units, something Nephenee isn't.

He is, but it can be adjusted. He's not in Part 3 yet.

But Oscar has better movement and Bows. That > a little defense. Also, Sol > Impale. You sap HP. That = good.

Edited by Harold
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Bows = no action in enemy phase = less exp = less levelups = less weapon exp = bad. And Javelins aren't the only lances which can attack from far.

Crossbows and the like say "hi". And attacking from three spaces away as a Marksman = bad???

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Most the (M) Silver Knight's caps are exteremly close to (F) Sentinel. Oscar had 2 more HP and 1 more STR. Nephenee has 1 more SKL, 2 more SPD, 3 more Defense, and 5 (wtf) more Res. It's not a huge difference. :/

By the time the endgame rolls around, he and Nephenee should be 20/8~. By that point, you're probably going to be relying on BEXP for your level-ups. He'll probably already be B~ bows if you've been using them frequently. Nephenee probably won't be soloing the endgame, either. :/ Also, what else is there? A short spear or two? lol

And her caps are better for endgame. Resistance, defense, and Speed makes her much better for the last 3 maps especially.

There isn't that much BEXP in hard mode, so you won't be doing much BEXP levelling for anyone like you can in normal.

Let me also mention that she will always have a speed lead on him, as long as they are on the same team.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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And her caps are better for endgame. Resistance, defense, and Speed makes her much better for the last 3 maps especially.

There isn't that much BEXP in hard mode, so you won't be doing much BEXP levelling for anyone like you can in normal.

IF you ever reach 20/20, which is REALLY unlikely. You can't BEXP abuse Nephenee's defense up as easily at the endgame in HM. On average, she's only got 1 more defense than Oscar's cap.

That's a point against Nephenee, too. Also, why do you need a lot of EXP come endgame? Everyone's just about done leveling.

His higher strength and Earth affinity counter her slightly higher speed.

Edited by Harold
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IF you ever reach 20/20, which is REALLY unlikely. You can't BEXP abuse Nephenee's defense up as easily at the endgame in HM. On average, she's only got 1 more defense than Oscar's cap.

That's a point against Nephenee, too. Also, why do you need a lot of EXP come endgame? Everyone's just about done leveling.

His higher strength and Earth affinity counter her slightly higher speed.

She still has more throughout the game.


Before promotion, she has +3 speed on him and she always leads. She's doubling more often, off-setting his (barely) higher strength. Don't forget, crit bonus and better mastery skill.

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She still has more throughout the game.


Before promotion, she has +3 speed on him and she always leads. She's doubling more often, off-setting his (barely) higher strength. Don't forget, crit bonus and better mastery skill.

Bolly! That's only if they're on the same level as each other! Do you honestly believe that Nephenee will gain 11 levels in 3 chapters, the first two with terribly sparce enemies, and the latter where she can't take on more than one enemy at once?

Once again, that's assuming that they're both the same level. Oscar'll be promoting when she's level 15~. To be fair, they have about the same stats, but Oscar gets his mastery skill (the better of the two because of it's secondary effect) and promotion gains earlier.

Ugh, gtg. ;-;

Edit: hahahahaha I lied

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Bolly! That's only if they're on the same level as each other! Do you honestly believe that Nephenee will gain 11 levels in 3 chapters, the first two with terribly sparce enemies, and the latter where she can't take on more than one enemy at once?

Once again, that's assuming that they're both the same level. Oscar'll be promoting when she's level 15~. To be fair, they have about the same stats, but Oscar gets his mastery skill (the better of the two because of it's secondary effect) and promotion gains earlier.

Ugh, gtg. ;-;

Edit: hahahahaha I lied

Maybe not 11, but easily 4-5, and she's growing faster than him in part 3 anyway. She still has more speed by the time they join and similar defense, seeing how Oscar is only gaining 1 or 2 levels before they join, or possibly none at all.

Impale > Sol, easily. Why? Two reasons:

1. Activation rate. Impale is (Skill)% and Sol is (Skill/2)%, so she'll always have a higher activation rate, ~double his.

2. Capacity. With Impale, Nephenee still has 25 more capacity, while Oscar only has 20 more with Sol.

And +5 crit to +10 crit is better than no crit bonus. And how could I forget Wrath to boost that Critical even higher when she gets low on health?

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Maybe not 11, but easily 4-5, and she's growing faster than him in part 3 anyway. She still has more speed by the time they join and similar defense, seeing how Oscar is only gaining 1 or 2 levels before they join, or possibly none at all.

Impale > Sol, easily. Why? Two reasons:

1. Activation rate. Impale is (Skill)% and Sol is (Skill/2)%, so she'll always have a higher activation rate, ~double his.

2. Capacity. With Impale, Nephenee still has 25 more capacity, while Oscar only has 20 more with Sol.

And +5 crit to +10 crit is better than no crit bonus.

Assuming that she'll be killing as much as Oscar, you mean. Oscar's extra movement means he can reach and kill enemies quicker.

1.) Fair enough.

2.) 5 extra capacity is rather negligible.

Impale doesn't regain HP. They're about the same. She doesn't have the HP or the Def early on to use Wrath at all.

And Bows and being mounted > no secondary weapon and non-mounted.

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Assuming that she'll be killing as much as Oscar, you mean. Oscar's extra movement means he can reach and kill enemies quicker.

1.) Fair enough.

2.) 5 extra capacity is rather negligible.

Impale doesn't regain HP. They're about the same. She doesn't have the HP or the Def early on to use Wrath at all.

And Bows and being mounted > no secondary weapon and non-mounted.

Reach them easier, but not always kill them easier. Lower speed.

That 5 extra capacity means she can take a 15 capacity skill and a 10 capacity skill. Oscar can only take 1 one 15 capacity skill or two 10 capacity skills. That is a significant difference.

Oscar's earth affinity says he hardly needs to recover HP anyway, right? And she actually does have pretty good HP and defense for using Wrath. Sol would cancel that out entirely, so Impale is better.

Crit bonus > bows, especially since Oscar can't use the Double Bow. Being mounted hurts often enough to make it almost as much of a bad thing as a good thing. Also, his mount brings Canto, which is as good as it is bad because it takes more capacity from him. And in hard mode with the absence of a weapon triangle, secondary weapons aren't special.

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Reach them easier, but not always kill them easier. Lower speed.

That 5 extra capacity means she can take a 15 capacity skill and a 10 capacity skill. Oscar can only take 1 one 15 capacity skill or two 10 capacity skills. That is a significant difference.

Oscar's earth affinity says he hardly needs to recover HP anyway, right? And she actually does have pretty good HP and defense for using Wrath. Sol would cancel that out entirely, so Impale is better.

Crit bonus > bows, especially since Oscar can't use the Double Bow. Being mounted hurts often enough to make it almost as much of a bad thing as a good thing. Also, his mount brings Canto, which is as good as it is bad because it takes more capacity from him. And in hard mode with the absence of a weapon triangle, secondary weapons aren't special.

Slightly lower. It's a miniscule difference.

Not enough to warrant choosing one character over another. Canto is a skill that's extremely useful. Does it matter if it's mandatory? No. Not being able to equip Shade and Adept at the same time won't kill Oscar. You forgot to mention that he still has room for 20 capacity skills, which are normally quite good.

Just because his dodge is amazing, that doesn't mean he'll never get hit. When he does, Sol's a useful tool for recovering HP without wasting a turn on a Vulnery or using a Healer. They both kill. Sol just has a neat secondary effect that's very useful. In Part 2 and early Part 3, Nephenee's almost never going to be attacking with below 30% of her HP because that'd be suicidal. The enemies would kill her in one hit. Wrath is really only useful in the latter part of the game, which is often considered the easiest. It's not that great, is it?

I politefully disagree. Bows are a completely different weapon type. They get increasingly more powerful. He starts with a C rank bow. That's pretty high. He can already use longbows and Killer Bows, which are useful for not eating counterattacks. He'll eventually get that up to an A, giving him access to Silver Bows, which have 2 less might than Silver Greatlances, and 25 more hit. It's an astoundingly high amount. He has bows, he has longbows, he has crossbows. Nephenee has 10% extra critical. As if Impale didn't already do that's job.

Canto's extremely useful. The move again ability is one of the reasons why the mounted units in FE4 were some of the best in the game. If it took no capacity, it would be borderline broken. It's justified.

I'm not comparing Bows based on the WT. Bows aren't affected by the WT. They're much better than lances, though.

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Slightly lower. It's a miniscule difference.

Not enough to warrant choosing one character over another. Canto is a skill that's extremely useful. Does it matter if it's mandatory? No. Not being able to equip Shade and Adept at the same time won't kill Oscar. You forgot to mention that he still has room for 20 capacity skills, which are normally quite good.

Just because his dodge is amazing, that doesn't mean he'll never get hit. When he does, Sol's a useful tool for recovering HP without wasting a turn on a Vulnery or using a Healer. They both kill. Sol just has a neat secondary effect that's very useful. In Part 2 and early Part 3, Nephenee's almost never going to be attacking with below 30% of her HP because that'd be suicidal. The enemies would kill her in one hit. Wrath is really only useful in the latter part of the game, which is often considered the easiest. It's not that great, is it?

I politefully disagree. Bows are a completely different weapon type. They get increasingly more powerful. He starts with a C rank bow. That's pretty high. He can already use longbows and Killer Bows, which are useful for not eating counterattacks. He'll eventually get that up to an A, giving him access to Silver Bows, which have 2 less might than Silver Greatlances, and 25 more hit. It's an astoundingly high amount. He has bows, he has longbows, he has crossbows. Nephenee has 10% extra critical. As if Impale didn't already do that's job.

Canto's extremely useful. The move again ability is one of the reasons why the mounted units in FE4 were some of the best in the game. If it took no capacity, it would be borderline broken. It's justified.

I'm not comparing Bows based on the WT. Bows aren't affected by the WT. They're much better than lances, though.

It's a notable difference. It's the difference between doubling and not doubling, and the gap only increases.

Shade and Adept? There are plenty of other combinations to use. Vantage and Adept works wonders when combined with her Wrath. Maybe replace Adept with Cancel. And Nihil is the only good 20 capacity skill for either of them, and that's only useful at the end of the game. Unless you want Nullify, which Nephenee doesn't even need.

It doesn't matter as much when it only activates half as often. Take into account Impale is also more likely to kill because it's X4 and not X3. Granted, they'll both kill most every enemy, but Impale will kill those that Sol will not and activates much more often. And having innate Wrath > not having any innate skills.

Oscar can't use Crossbows buddy. Those are for Warriors/Reavers and Snipers/Marksmen only. Longbows have terrible accuracy and Oscar is generally better with Lances anyway. Bows aren't a big advantage for him in hard mode.

This isn't FE4....And it does take capacity. It's overrated in this game because it brings restrictions with it unless you can fly.

If you're Astrid, bows are better than Lances because you can use the Double Bow. Otherwise, they're pretty much even because of having the Wishblade (Which I could easily argue Nephenee is better with also).

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Usually when I get stuck in this kind of debates I'd make a new thread for it so the OP can have his thread back...just sayin'.

There was a debate about the very same two units earlier on GameFAQs. From pure theoryfe alone, I'd say on HM Oscar > Neph. His durability lead is quite ginormous, and Nephenee is a part 2 detriment.

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It's a notable difference. It's the difference between doubling and not doubling, and the gap only increases.

Shade and Adept? There are plenty of other combinations to use. Vantage and Adept works wonders when combined with her Wrath. Maybe replace Adept with Cancel. And Nihil is the only good 20 capacity skill for either of them, and that's only useful at the end of the game. Unless you want Nullify, which Nephenee doesn't even need.

It doesn't matter as much when it only activates half as often. Take into account Impale is also more likely to kill because it's X4 and not X3. Granted, they'll both kill most every enemy, but Impale will kill those that Sol will not and activates much more often. And having innate Wrath > not having any innate skills.

Oscar can't use Crossbows buddy. Those are for Warriors/Reavers and Snipers/Marksmen only. Longbows have terrible accuracy and Oscar is generally better with Lances anyway. Bows aren't a big advantage for him in hard mode.

This isn't FE4....And it does take capacity. It's overrated in this game because it brings restrictions with it unless you can fly.

If you're Astrid, bows are better than Lances because you can use the Double Bow. Otherwise, they're pretty much even because of having the Wishblade (Which I could easily argue Nephenee is better with also).

What enemies? Examples, please.

But any of those combos could be on other characters. They're not garanteed to be for Nephenee. Skills don't make a character unless they're mandatory or are innate.

And even if it does happen half as often, it's still got a nice side effect of being almost a full heal a lot of the time. It can possibly save a unit's life. Impale kills someone. Whoo, we wasted 30 capacity on a skill that's a critical hit with no added bonuses. Having an innate skill does > having no innate skill, I'll give you that.

Eh, whatever. Crossbows aren't the awesome anyway. :> A Silver Longbow has the same accuracy as a Silver Greatlance. If the longbow's accuracy is "terrible", so are greatlances. Longbows, however, have the added bonus of _never_ eating a counterattack.

Restrictions such as? It lets you act, then retreat. It perfectly compliments Bows.

Having 2 weapon types to choose from > having 1. It doesn't matter whether he can use the SS rank weapon.

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It's probably best to give Sothe beastfoe then. Nolan and Zihark will have an A support so they will dodge most things anyway.

Do Beastfoe and Beast Killer stack up? I don't think Sothe needs beastfoe since he does at least 50% damage with Beast Killer alone, and I'm not sure if he's doubling the tigers in 3-6 (if he is, then it only helps him against cats).

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