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OMG it's a tier list


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The ones on the west don't help at all. Vika can't go left and then get back to the east side by turn 3 to save the civilians from the bandits there. In case it wasn't clear from my post, if a laguz does no damage in a battle while untransformed it builds gauge. If it does even 1 damage, it doesn't. Whether it does no damage because of missing or not attacking or pinging is irrelevant. So she simply needs a 16 def bandit or the dracoknight to magically get 16 def and she's fine. Since I assume the dracoknight would take many reloads and maybe never get 16 def I'll ignore him but the bandit on the east side still might.

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They need to be within 1-3 range to activate their supports. Since space is limited in almost all the GM chapters for anybody not named Haar, it's pretty safe to assume that Shinon and Boyd will naturally be close to Rolf, especially since they have similar movement...even Oscar can't really afford to ride any big distances away from the rest of the party and he has Canto. It's not actually that unrealistic to get 3 characters within 3 spots from Rolf, when 2 of them match in mov and the third has canto... there are like 20 possible spots to be in range for a support. So I don't think it hinders the army... and even when Oscar is away Rolf loses only 10 crit...

So you're telling me that Oscar/Boyd/Shinon will not only be close to their supporters, but will also be next to Rolf, so we have a pack of 6 units trailing Rolf JUST so he can get some crit and still hits for terrible damage for over half of part 3 because his str base is lolcrap? And for some reason this doesn't make Rolf one of the worst GMs ever and not a waste of time?

Instead of fielding Rolf, I could have fielded like any other unit available with less hassle because they don't suck dick in part 3 (or fuck not even field another unit, and funnel the kills and resources into my other units rather than rolf), and when 4-E comes around I can just throw in Stefan/Volke who are only slightly worse than Rolf would be (they lose att by a lot, but they have more AS/crit/durability).

If we're moving Rolf down, we should probably move Soren down as well. He's less durable than Rolf (2RKOd, instead of 3RKOd basically), doesn't double ever and thus often has issues even 2RKOing. He gets E staves after promotion, which is OK I guess, except once Rolf promotes he has +1 range and his growths actually make him a decent unit. Basically, he's nearly tied for one of the worst GM's. You can look at the Rolf vs. Soren debate for more details, but they're pretty close all in all.

Soren can actually 2HKO fairly consistently (or comes close to it) even at early-mid part 3, unlike Rolf who does so little damage he may as well not even attack. Rolf's offense in early-mid part 3 is like Mia's except without the whole "i double everything" feature, which means him attacking is a complete waste of time. This is really obvious vs generals, where Soren's damage is about the same or more as people like Titania/Gatrie/Haar, while Rolf's offense is "why even bother attack?".

Rolf has more durability, but Soren can actually counter something on enemy phase. Basically, if one enemy can reach them, Soren wins because he can counter for damage and Rolf can't. If two enemies can reach them, Rolf wins because he can generally avoid the 2HKO and not die. If three or more enemies can reach them, Rolf still wins, but since they're both probably going to die, that doesn't matter. This is at least even.

rolf's offense even after he gets out of his lolsuck isn't that impressive unless we throw an early crown, since otherwise he's going to have doubling issues vs faster enemies (his spd is going to be roughly the same as Gatrie without the 3-3 crown, who has his own issues doubling anything), and his durability is still mediocre. Like, "what if mia didn't have avoid" mediocre. Soren's durability is still worse, and his offense is worse now because Rolf can double the slow enemies, but at least now Soren can hang back and use staves if it's too dangerous to attack (not to mention the usual benefits that come with staves, like physic/restore/whatever), while Rolf just sits there with his thumb up his ass.

And if we're bending backwards to keep 6 other units next to Rolf so he can get some crit and the guys giving him that crit aren't being kept out of range of their supporters, we can just do similar crap to Soren like lolbexp or throw shade on him or provoke on some tank so Soren doesn't get attacked, etc., only I don't have to spend 5-10 minutes every turn planning on how to move my guys so I can keep everyone next to Rolf.

The reason why Soren > Rolf is that Soren can actually do stuff in early-mid part 3 because he has a crapton of att and hits res, while Rolf has sub-30 att and hits def and doesn't double, and for the rest of the game they're fairly comparable.

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The main point is that Soren is still one of the worst GM's. He's immediately outclassed by Ike, Shinon, Titania, Mia, Boyd, Oscar, Gatrie, possibly Rhys/Mist depending upon how much we value healing utility. Then there's Haar, Nephenee, Brom, Mordecai, Ranulf, and the hawks. Anytime Soren takes up a unit slot, he's beating out a unit better than him. Soren's problems don't go away over time, his durability pretty much always fails and he never doubles. I don't really see what makes him better than characters like Kieran or Geoffrey who are actually useful for some chapters. I do agree that Rolf>Soren, but that doesn't mean Soren isn't slightly overrated.

Edit: Who's he already under, nevermind. Any thoughts on moving up Volke/Lucia, or at least moving Makalov down? No one seems to want to defend Makalov.

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Simply because Rolf should move down doesn't necessarily mean Soren should move down. It would only make sense if Rolf was better than Soren, which isn't the case here.

I already said multiple times taht Volke, as well as Stefan, Tormod, and Nasir, should all move into middle. Note that almost everyone else in lower mid is either...

- Good for one chapter, which is less than being good for several.

- "not bad" for a few chapters, and then garbage for the rest of the game. They MIGHT become average towards the end of the game. This is still worse than being good for several chapters.

Lucia stays put. She's good in one chapter, and joins in part 4 as complete garbage. Her bases are only marginally better than Mia's (+4 HP, +1 str, +1 def, -1 spd), except Mia joins in 3-P while Lucia rejoins in 4-2. That's how awful she is outside of 2-2.

Mak should move down, below Rolf at least, though Edward should follow. They're so bad before part 4, their peak performance is simply being average (other than Edward's 1-P which is a ridiculously short chapter), and it only goes downhill (rapidly) until they reach third tier, where they MIGHT bump back up to average.

For that matter, why are Edward and Leo almost a tier apart, let alone Edward > Leo? Leo's ability to avoid counters in DB chapters helps him far more than Edward's ability to melee, since they both are getting 2HKO'd at ridiculous hit rates, but at least Leo doesn't get raped in the face anytime he tries to do something and doesn't constantly require my healer to tag along to heal him. Edward wins part 4, but certainly not by enough to beat Leo.

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Rolfs supports with Boyd/Shinon/Oscar go both ways. It's not like they don't want a crit/dodge boost either. Boyd sure wouldn't mind a +10 for crit when he has a killer axe...same with Shinon.

In fact you don't even need Rolf to attack. You can just have him walk next to Shinon/Boyd/Oscar to improve their Player Phase turn. Even if Rolf doesn't attack at all he can still play a similar role as a dragon but for a much longer period of time. And Rolf can actually safely attack from ~2 range even if the damage is craptastic without critsn... it sure helps.

Because somebody mentioned it: Sanaki should stay top of bottom imo. IIRC she can One shot the Wyverns in the desert @ base level. In that chapter she also has decent enough mobility to weaken things for others. She does hit hard unlike the other bottoms and she doesn't have to go through many chapters of utter fail.

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The question is though whether that 10% crit bonus is worth a unit slot. I mean, sure +10 crit is nice and all but it's not nearly as good as the boosts the dragons provide, so the comparision isn't exactly valid.

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The question is though whether that 10% crit bonus is worth a unit slot. I mean, sure +10 crit is nice and all but it's not nearly as good as the boosts the dragons provide, so the comparision isn't exactly valid.

If Rolf and Boyd stand next to each other both characters get +10crit, and +10 dodge. And Rolf doesn't join just before 4-E but in 3-P and has like 12 chapters or so of utility (not counting his ability to attack from ~2 range with potentiall very high crit). GM chapters in general have many unit slots (3-2 has 16, 3-4 has 12, 3-5 has 16, 3-8 has 12, 3-10 has 14 and 3-E has 12). There's enough room to deploy Rolf and he can do a nice job - supporting 3 units (two of them are in the upper half of the tier list) without taking resources and a good number of options for crits (a +hit support + gamble + bond supports), which helps units with doubling issues.

In pt4 there's even more room for deployment, since the groups are seperated and again all chapters have at least twelve slots to deploy units. Even a base level Rolf can do a decent job at supporting ...

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I definitely can't muster any righteous indignation over using a GM unit slot as a Bond support, and it's something I'd recommend whenever possible if people are using the BoydxOscar combination (gives them both an offensive boost that they need quite badly).

If you're actually dumb enough to deploy enough combatants to fill all of the GM's deployment slots in Part 3 Hard Mode, you're going to land in Part 4 with a lot of people still in tier 2. At best, the strongest argument that you could make is that Rolf is really, really bad at shoving people with his 6 Con, so his being deployed is preventing you from using a meatier Shove-machine, or perhaps a Rescue-bot, or perhaps a better weakener.

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For that matter, why are Edward and Leo almost a tier apart, let alone Edward > Leo? Leo's ability to avoid counters in DB chapters helps him far more than Edward's ability to melee, since they both are getting 2HKO'd at ridiculous hit rates, but at least Leo doesn't get raped in the face anytime he tries to do something and doesn't constantly require my healer to tag along to heal him. Edward wins part 4, but certainly not by enough to beat Leo.

Eddie can just use vulneraries on the player phrase and face attacks on the enemy phrase only.Leo has to be protected from enemies on the enemy phrase otehrwise he loses his next player phrase without Laura.

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Eddie can just use vulneraries on the player phrase and face attacks on the enemy phrase only.Leo has to be protected from enemies on the enemy phrase otehrwise he loses his next player phrase without Laura.

With beastfoe, crossbow and Lughnasahd, Leo helps complete the chapter faster in the safest manner, while Eddie's crit rate might screw him over, and no vulnery will save him there.

Also keep in mind Leo at 3-13, where he's the REAL 3-13 archer. Beastfoe crossbow insta-blicking all laguz, and let's not forget the ballistae, where no one else can use it and kill hawks from 10 spaces away before they can be a threat to anyone, including himself.

Yes, I also agree that Leo is better than Eddie, though I don't think Eddie should fall, but rather just Leo and Stefan rise above him, with Mak falling below him (seriously, how did Mak get above Eddie?). Hell, Leo can use BEXP better than Eddie as well. LOTS better.

Lughnasahd is also a perfectly viable Endgame weapon, as it means he only needs 29 speed to be usable endgame rather than 34. Eddie on the other hand...There are 2 swords, but you have to consider every swordmaster, where even Lucia is starting to look better endgame now. Hell, Stefan's pre-packaged, Eddie might be the worst swordmaster out of all of them. His resistance if I recall is also the worst by a long shot, which screws him up post Dehg (where with Dragonfoe Arbalest, Leo can insta-blick freaking dragons. No other class can do this outside of Reavers).

In fact...Anyone think Leo might be vastly underrated?

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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Edward isn't that bad ... you can give him Leo's cancel + support him with Leo and he is quite usable. He is also a strong contender for a Master Seal, since he will reach his caps regardless ... you can promote him at like lvl 14 and he will still reach his most important caps (skl, str, spd). Whereas other units are screwed by their early promotion, Eddie benefits from the promo boosts and doesn't really suffer in the long run...on the contrary ... his instant boosts help him right away and the stat losses will be covered by his very good growth rates. He also has access to very good weapons (Wind Edge, Killing Edge, Brave Sword). If you give him a Brave Sword + Cancel there's a decent chance for him to avoid counter attacks...

I'm not sure about his poition on the list - especially in comparision to Leo. I just wanted to bring up a counter argument to all that "Eddie sux ololololo" talk.

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With beastfoe, crossbow and Lughnasahd, Leo helps complete the chapter faster in the safest manner, while Eddie's crit rate might screw him over, and no vulnery will save him there.

Bronze Sword = No crit. Problem solved.

Also keep in mind Leo at 3-13, where he's the REAL 3-13 archer. Beastfoe crossbow insta-blicking all laguz, and let's not forget the ballistae, where no one else can use it and kill hawks from 10 spaces away before they can be a threat to anyone, including himself.

Beastfoe? Nolan makes just as good a use of Beastfoe, Sothe might, although he does have Beastkiller. Jill also might like it, as it helps her out of her hole of epic suck faster.

Yes, I also agree that Leo is better than Eddie, though I don't think Eddie should fall, but rather just Leo and Stefan rise above him, with Mak falling below him (seriously, how did Mak get above Eddie?). Hell, Leo can use BEXP better than Eddie as well. LOTS better.

I agree with this statement, except for the part about Leo going above Edward. Stefan could rise above him, and Mak should fall below him, but I think that we should draw the line at Leo<Eddie.

He also has access to very good weapons (Wind Edge, Killing Edge, Brave Sword).


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Protecting Leo isn't much of a problem on most maps, but it is a negative all archers, mages and herons have. Edward has better offense than Leo in part 1 because he is able to double most enemies. In part 3 if Leo uses his bow his speed becomes comparable with Edward, but by 3-13 even if Leo uses his bow he won't be able to double cats while Edward starts to borderline double them.

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Edward isn't that bad ... you can give him Leo's cancel + support him with Leo and he is quite usable. He is also a strong contender for a Master Seal, since he will reach his caps regardless ... you can promote him at like lvl 14 and he will still reach his most important caps (skl, str, spd). Whereas other units are screwed by their early promotion, Eddie benefits from the promo boosts and doesn't really suffer in the long run...on the contrary ... his instant boosts help him right away and the stat losses will be covered by his very good growth rates. He also has access to very good weapons (Wind Edge, Killing Edge, Brave Sword). If you give him a Brave Sword + Cancel there's a decent chance for him to avoid counter attacks...

I'm not sure about his poition on the list - especially in comparision to Leo. I just wanted to bring up a counter argument to all that "Eddie sux ololololo" talk.

Yes, lets give him a BIGGER crit rate for part 3! Eddie is arguably the worst DB unit to seal outside of Nolan. With that same seal, Leo can pull off insta-kill abilities for part 3. The minor boosts the promotion gives Eddie I doubt will be enough to help his part 1 any.

As for Cancel, yeah...Zihark could do the same thing with better results (brave sword use, cancel AND Adept). Hell, Nolan could use it as well, Sothe could use Cancel (with Beast Slayer? Would certainly help), Jill could put it to use with her brave axe if we decide to give her beastfoe instead. As much as he needs the brave sword to be relevent (needs, as he's not pulling out any better weapon until part 3, and even then it's questionable because Caladbolg in my opinion is a shitty weapon), Wing Edges are not really that great with weak might and shit for accuracy, and Zihark would put the killer edge to better use (whereas he wouldn't need the brave sword that badly).

Speaking of skills, Eddie has Wrath, where with his durability is more a problem than an advantage...

To Gordon concerning the bronze sword, guess we gotta kill Eddie's offense to make sure he's not accidentally dying. Eddie cannot possibly win part 3, as it's where swordmasters are at their worst. Even Zihark's not having a wonderful time here due to his class. It's either he has no defense and is a detriment to the effort, or he has no offense of which he is making hte mission go by more slowly.

As for Beastfoe, Jill has to risk a miss and waste uses on a valuable weapon to put it to good use, and Nolan isn't as safe as he ALWAYS has to counter and risk killing, whereas Leo does not. Leo is the safest unit you could ask for part 3.

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The only part 3 chapter where high offense is bad is 3-6. 3-12 enemies aren't as dangerous and in 3-13 there aren't as many laguz concentrated in one spot.

It's still a defensive played chapter, and Eddie is terrible defensively, whereas Leo can just play the simple act, shooting over people's shoulders to weaken them for the frontliners to kill in an easier fashion. It helps the chapter go by faster, and Eddie's not exactly durable. He's not really having the defense, or the avoid. Eddie might be better here, but he's still risky. Only thing he can do safely is go frog gigging with Tauroneo.

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Yes, lets give him a BIGGER crit rate for part 3! Eddie is arguably the worst DB unit to seal outside of Nolan. With that same seal, Leo can pull off insta-kill abilities for part 3. The minor boosts the promotion gives Eddie I doubt will be enough to help his part 1 any.

You solve that with something called a Bronze Sword.

As for Cancel, yeah...Zihark could do the same thing with better results (brave sword use, cancel AND Adept). Hell, Nolan could use it as well, Sothe could use Cancel (with Beast Slayer? Would certainly help), Jill could put it to use with her brave axe if we decide to give her beastfoe instead. As much as he needs the brave sword to be relevent (needs, as he's not pulling out any better weapon until part 3, and even then it's questionable because Caladbolg in my opinion is a shitty weapon), Wing Edges are not really that great with weak might and shit for accuracy, and Zihark would put the killer edge to better use (whereas he wouldn't need the brave sword that badly).

Which is why Z is higher that Edward on the tier list.

Speaking of skills, Eddie has Wrath, where with his durability is more a problem than an advantage...

The remove it.

To Gordon concerning the bronze sword, guess we gotta kill Eddie's offense to make sure he's not accidentally dying. Eddie cannot possibly win part 3, as it's where swordmasters are at their worst. Even Zihark's not having a wonderful time here due to his class. It's either he has no defense and is a detriment to the effort, or he has no offense of which he is making hte mission go by more slowly.

Why? Bronze Swords mean that we don't have to worry about a wtfcritrate killing Edward. And by your own logic we don't want to let Edward kill anything, so his having horrible offense is moot.

As for Beastfoe, Jill has to risk a miss and waste uses on a valuable weapon to put it to good use, and Nolan isn't as safe as he ALWAYS has to counter and risk killing, whereas Leo does not. Leo is the safest unit you could ask for part 3.

Crossbows much?

As for your Jill point, I'll just do this:

Jill could put it to use with her brave axe if we decide to give her beastfoe instead.


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Yes, lets give him a BIGGER crit rate for part 3!

I wouldn't mind, even if it increases his enemy exposure. Pt3 is full of chokepoints that can be blocked if you play it right.

Eddie is arguably the worst DB unit to seal outside of Nolan.

That's BS, my friend.

With that same seal, Leo can pull off insta-kill abilities for part 3.

There is more than one Master Seal in part 1.

The minor boosts the promotion gives Eddie I doubt will be enough to help his part 1 any.

It will obviously help ... it's basically a free lvl up anytime Eddie is lvl 10+. And unlike Leo Edward hasn't craptastic growth rates.

As for Cancel, yeah...Zihark could do the same thing with better results (brave sword use, cancel AND Adept).

Yeah, let's shove our most valuable resources in pt1 into Ziharks ass, despite the fact that he can rape lots of enemies in pt1 with a forged sword only. If you really want you can give Cancel to Zihark in pt3, where his performance really matters. In pt1 he doesn't even need Adept/Cancel/Brave Sword to be good so giving it to him would be ineffective as hell.

Hell, Nolan could use it as well,

But Nolan doesn't have a weapon that lets him attack twice in a row to increase the chances of activating Cancel. He also has never as much spd as Edward does. Base Edward has more spd than base Nolan and the same growth rate ... but Edward will grow faster as he is lower leveled.

Also, Nolan can hit with Hand Axes as well, which is a lot safer.

Sothe could use Cancel (with Beast Slayer? Would certainly help)

Why would it help? Sothe can already 1HKO cats in 1-4, 3-6 and 3-13. Cancel doesn't give him a notable boost.

Jill could put it to use with her brave axe if we decide to give her beastfoe instead.

But that's pt3, not pt1.

As much as he needs the brave sword to be relevent (needs, as he's not pulling out any better weapon until part 3, and even then it's questionable because Caladbolg in my opinion is a shitty weapon), Wing Edges are not really that great with weak might and shit for accuracy, and Zihark would put the killer edge to better use (whereas he wouldn't need the brave sword that badly).

So what are you saying? That Eddie is the best user for the Brave Sword? I completely agree.

Wind Edges aren't that bad ... they are weak, yes but Eddies support gives him +hit, so it's not like he'll never hit...

Speaking of skills, Eddie has Wrath, where with his durability is more a problem than an advantage...

Wow, what a horrible argument. Just remove it, give it to Miccy, problem solved.

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You solve that with something called a Bronze Sword.

Now Eddie's doing piss damage, which slows down our progress of the chapter, as the point of it is to kill units. But the enemies are strong enough to 2RKO just about everyone on the team, even a blessed Aran. We don't want to kill on enemy phase, and since Eddie's stuck with melee he has to counter always. So it's either risk a crit and he gets another laguz to attack him which case he dies, or he equips the bronze to do piss weak damage. He can't win.

Which is why Z is higher that Edward on the tier list.

Which shows that Eddie has to deal with someone better than him for the same resources. Who else is using bows part 1 and 3?

Thought so.

The remove it.

It's more a part 1 problem. You know, the early chapters where I can't remove it, but I gladly will, as Eddie puts it to shitty use.

Why? Bronze Swords mean that we don't have to worry about a wtfcritrate killing Edward. And by your own logic we don't want to let Edward kill anything, so his having horrible offense is moot.

Well the point of the chapter oddly enough is to kill a certain amount of enemies. Eddie can't risk killing enemy phase so his offense sucks then, then he has to land two blows with something else (possibly more) to kill on player phase no matter what whereas with Leo it easily only takes 1 hit. Leo's great player phase while still being able to wall>Eddie sucking at both.

Crossbows much?

Eddie wishes he could use them. If we got 'em, we're using them to greatest effect.

As for your Jill point, I'll just do this:


As we can see, Jill needs beastfoe to land two shots to kill something (where she can also possibly miss, especially if bio's not on her side) with a very valuable weapon, whereas Leo can use it to only need to land one shot (his skill and luck with crossbow accuracy? Never gonna happen) with a significantly less valuable weapon. Leo wins, he gets dibs on beastfoe before she does.

3-12 and 3-13 doesn't have to be played defensively and if you're going to use the DB you should play it offensively.

...You on drugs?

Also to dracoknight, the answer is after she uses Healing Hand/Sacrifice. Imagine her might with 50 crit behind every shot...

I will respond to Yojinbo's post, but I don't wanna double post, nor copy/paste into this one.

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When are you actually going to see Micaiah at half HP and not dead?

When she uses Sacrifice. Micaiah with Wrath + Sacifice + a forged light tome with a crit boost and Thani against Armors/Pals can just one shot like everything.

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In part 4, Eddie >>>> Leo:

Level 14/7 Eddie with a forged silver sword, 'A' Leo: 34.5 HP, 35.5 Atk, 22.5 AS, 60-62 Avo, 15 Def, 9 Res

Level 14/7 Leo with Lughnadsea, 'A' Eddie: 29 HP, 33 Atk, 22 AS, 60 Avo, 15 Def, 17 Res

Offensively, Eddie has more Atk and potentially more crit if it's a +crit forge. Also, Leo has no enemy phrase.

Defensively, mages just aren't common enougth to make that Res lead matter much, so I'd say Eddie's 5.5 HP and possible 2 avo leads win it for him.

With beastfoe, crossbow and Lughnasahd, Leo helps complete the chapter faster in the safest manner, while Eddie's crit rate might screw him over, and no vulnerary will save him there.

I was talking about part 1. Leo has no enemy phrase in part 1. Eddie > Leo part 1.

Also keep in mind Leo at 3-13, where he's the REAL 3-13 archer. Beastfoe crossbow insta-blicking all laguz, and let's not forget the ballistae, where no one else can use it and kill hawks from 10 spaces away before they can be a threat to anyone, including himself.

Nolan can do teh same, Volug can do teh same, Eddie can do the same with a Tempest blade or brave sword.

Yes, I also agree that Leo is better than Eddie, though I don't think Eddie should fall, but rather just Leo and Stefan rise above him, with Mak falling below him (seriously, how did Mak get above Eddie?). Hell, Leo can use BEXP better than Eddie as well. LOTS better.

In fact...Anyone think Leo might be vastly underrated?

I don't, I think he's overrated. I recall pretty much everyone agreeing that Ilyana > leo.

Yes, lets give him a BIGGER crit rate for part 3!

Eddie does more in part 3 for simply chokeholing, something Leo can't do.

When she uses Sacrifice. Micaiah with Wrath + Sacifice + a forged light tome with a crit boost and Thani against Armors/Pals can just one shot like everything.

Resolve Micaiah's better as she still kills everything from doubling things yet gets better avoid to help her survive enemy phrase.

Edited by kirsche
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...You on drugs?

??? The enemies may be tough, but I can usually get everyone that I'm using down to the bottom floor. I don't think I've had a PT where I didn't kill Ike as the GM showed up.

The only chapter that I wouldn't play offensively is 3-6 because of the swamp and FoW.

Resolve Micaiah's better as she still kills everything from doubling things yet gets better avoid to help her survive enemy phrase.

Except everyone wants Resolve while no one wants Wrath.

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