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So hows the game?


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It depends. Storywise, is bad. It definitely feels a bit dated, but at the same time, classic. Think about the original Final Fantasy 4. Gameplay wise, is doesn't have many of the loved features (skills, retreating movement for horsemen, help command), but it has the class swap system, keeps all the interface updates from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn while introducing its own (skipping enemy turn, choosing weapon in the pre-battle screen, touch controls) and online. Online is like a game of its own, but if you are not into farming a team and abusing arena for money, then you may not consider this option.

For me it's better than any of the three GBA games (for some reason I despise them), but inferior to the 3D ones.

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Story is nothing to write home about, I bought it for the gameplay. They removed many features from previous games, but the basics couldn't have been more perfect. The class swap system encourages players to try other characters and it's fun to mess around with.

Online matches aren't that interesting, since it's all very limited (it's certainly no Advance Wars) and there are already some cheaters active. If you want a challenge, you'll get it from the main game on harder difficulties. Of you could attempt a speedrun, Shadow Dragon is very suitable for speedruns.

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Friend Code WiFi is the best, since both players will actually use strategy (while it's said that hackers will not), and is different enough from Advance Wars to be enjoyable.

But FEDS definitely has a lot for its single player. Hard modes that make it the hardest non-Japanese FE game. Class swap can add replayability as well.

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