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Uexpected game moments

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I tried A support with Soren and unlocking the memory scene. The base conversation with Soren before the battle with Ashera was supposed to trigger it. But somehow I didn't get it. And yeah, I have a transfer file with A support Soren/Ike.


Nvm, found it on the first place I was supposed to look: GameFaqs.

Edited by Legault
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How do you unlock that scene anyways?

I've had little OMG moments on the whole game, because my brother kept playing and playing. When he was on 4-E-2 and lost (the moron had taken Nihil out of Ike) and Zelguis was revealed without a helmet and I was just happened to innocently passing by I was like "OH FUCK, WHY?!" Not that I hadn't figured out, but I wasn't really sure and... yeah it ruined the surprise.

When Sephiran remembers the moment in which Greil snaps and kills Elena. Ike would have been scarred for life otherwise.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

That would be weird if Ike did grow up knowing this. Imagine if Ike actually did fight Greil to avenge his mother.

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I tried A support with Soren and unlocking the memory scene. The base conversation with Soren before the battle with Ashera was supposed to trigger it. But somehow I didn't get it. And yeah, I have a transfer file with A support Soren/Ike

the step thats necessary and very difficult (atleast for me) is Soren attacking Micaiah in Rivals Collide..thats the only step i couldnt do..i guess if you cant do that, you dont get the scene cuz i did everything else many times and didnt get it..

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I was really suprised when in the preview of part 3 it implied that Ike and Micaiah were enemies.

and even more when it was shown and true

Intersecting Vows being the name should imply that half hte cast will fight the other half of the cast. Well, it's more like 2/3 vs 1/4 but oh well. (I'm aware it doesn't add up, there's still like 1/12 that you haven't recruited yet).
-There was no mention of Zelgius beeing Ikes brother ore something like that. Befor Radiant Dawn was announced I thought alot about the connection between the Black Knight, Zelgius, Greil, Gawain and Ike. I already figured back then that Zelgius was the Black Knight because otherwise there would just have been no real purpose to him along a line of other things. Also the Black Knights real identitiy HAD to be somewhere in the game because there were lots of hints in PoR for a sequel and I thought it would be stupid not to reveal the BK true identitie as a person you had already walked over in PoR. And Zelgius was the only one who resembled the Black Knight enough to actually beeing him. And he had blue hair like Ike. I thought he could be Greils first son. He teached him swordfighting and all that stuff and years later the evil twin comes back, kills his mentor and father but ultimately gets stopped by his brother. It would be so damm fitting and cliche. I know now it was a stupid idea but I was soooo sure it would be like that.
This was a fun rumor to hear back when the game was released. I really wanted the game to be like that...
-Jill will marry a man who is as old as her father.
So? Haar is a fucking badass.
the step thats necessary and very difficult (atleast for me) is Soren attacking Micaiah in Rivals Collide..thats the only step i couldnt do..i guess if you cant do that, you dont get the scene cuz i did everything else many times and didnt get it..
Try bringing the Meteor tome to the Mercs and hitting Micaiah with it.

Killing Hetzel in 4-E-1 wasn't really nice either. I mean, he can't attack, he's forced to be there and he can't even surrender.

Staff attack? :P Edited by Nathan Graves
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Killing Hetzel in 4-E-1 wasn't really nice either. I mean, he can't attack, he's forced to be there and he can't even surrender.

Yeah, that was pretty cruel,

although somebody did find a conversation while going through the unused data where Hertzel survives the war


For me, though, I didn't find Sephiran being behind everything too surprising because his monologue at the end of Path of Radiance hints that he knows more about the situation than he would care to expound on. I was caught off guard by the revelation that he's Lehran, though.

Also, the real culprits behind the Serenes Massacre.

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Yune hidden as a bird.

But the bird was called by the name of the goddess as well, so as soon as I saw the goddess was called Yune, I was all, 'Oh, hey, it's the goddess of finches!' :P

Seriously, though, this plot twist wasn't that hard to figure out.

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