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The most awkward thing that happened to me in my life at work today


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So I have this friend who is homosexual and he works at the starbucks in the grocery store i work in. He gave me and my other co worker a 10$ star bucks gift card for Xmas. So we were like "Dude we need to give you something in return" and he said "Either cigs or porn" And then I went ".....now when you say porn........" and he was like "Duh! Gay porn!" and i was like " ._. I see."

Now, i dont have much money, and finding that stuff for him would be free but........yeah. So theres another homosexual guy who is his manager at the starbucks so i went to him and said up front "Know any gay porn sites?" and he was like "O_O I though you were hetero eric" and i was like "I am. Its for ******* since he got me something i wanted to get him something too." So he wrote down the sites on a piece of paper. I havent opened it. I fear to see what the name of the sites would be XD

But yeah being hetero and going up to a guy going "Gimme sum ghey porn!" is rather awkward and embarrassing but sorta funny at the same time XD

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I'm not sure if it would be any worse than approaching someone in a public place and asking for gay porn.

1.He knows i know hes homo

2.He knows the guy i wanted to get stuff for is homo since he works with him and he know's we're friends so i think its better than googling gay porn :/

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<_< what f-ing douche asks for THAT crap for Xmas, I mean srsly, that's like random gift you give for some lesser occasion, he has totally offended me -as a homo-, now me I want a better webcam so I can make actually decent movies from game clips recorded off my TV :mellow: but well, I guess he figured he ask you for crap he could just as easily get himself since gift cards really are "I didn't know what to get you, and I'm doing this so you don't think any less of me" heh -_-

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1.He knows i know hes homo

2.He knows the guy i wanted to get stuff for is homo since he works with him and he know's we're friends so i think its better than googling gay porn :/

I wasn't referring to the person you were talking to, I was referring to the fact that someone walking in on such a conversation would likely be just as bad as someone walking in on your Google search.

Anyway, make him something. Gifts from the heart are always the best.

Edited by Dave
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1.He knows i know hes homo

2.He knows the guy i wanted to get stuff for is homo since he works with him and he know's we're friends so i think its better than googling gay porn :/

Lol, and you idiots thought I was the only one who said that word. Shame on you.

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Now Masu, is this really your FRIEND we're talking about?

Keep in mind that we love you for who you are. No one will judge you here. We're all still friends, no matter what. ^_^


this was why i was thinking of NOT making this topic. because of stupid immature responses like this

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So I have this friend who is homosexual and he works at the starbucks in the grocery store i work in. He gave me and my other co worker a 10$ star bucks gift card for Xmas. So we were like "Dude we need to give you something in return" and he said "Either cigs or porn" And then I went ".....now when you say porn........" and he was like "Duh! Gay porn!" and i was like " ._. I see."

Now, i dont have much money, and finding that stuff for him would be free but........yeah. So theres another homosexual guy who is his manager at the starbucks so i went to him and said up front "Know any gay porn sites?" and he was like "O_O I though you were hetero eric" and i was like "I am. Its for ******* since he got me something i wanted to get him something too." So he wrote down the sites on a piece of paper. I havent opened it. I fear to see what the name of the sites would be XD

But yeah being hetero and going up to a guy going "Gimme sum ghey porn!" is rather awkward and embarrassing but sorta funny at the same time XD

I'm starting to believe it was the other way around.

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