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Dashing Through the Snow T-T

Destiny Hero

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So, I was playing Naruto on my Wii, and my mom got home. My dog was whining because she wanted to go outside.

Mom: Take Lucy out.

Me: Can't I just let her out? She comes back. T_T

Mom: Fine, but you're watching her.

Me: Open door.

So, Lucy runs outside and pees right next to the stairs (we have a deck). Then she ran off.

Me: Oh my god. T_T

I went to look for my other shoe, which she brought into another room, behind a table. Then I got my shoes on and bolted out the door. 32 degrees out, and a foot and a half of frozen, icy snow everywhere, and I've got sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt (I had a long-sleeve one this morning, but I dropped a muffin on it and got muffin stuff all over it and had to change it). She'd gone all the way to the end of the street (we've got a loop-one, and she ran about 3 blocks). I went down the icy stairs and through our icy driveway onto the non-icy street so I could avoid running through the snow. I caught up to Lucy, and then she bolted into the huge yard between our house and "their's".

Then, she kept running around things and I kept chasing her, and she was having a freaking blast T_T

The whole time, I was dashing through the snow after my freaking dog, which only runs away when I'm the one who lets her out. I also didn't know I could run through it that fast (it was almost like there wasn't any snow). Eventually I cornered my golden and tackled her into the snow. I had her pinned down, so I took a few seconds to breath and realized my throat was dry and I was completely out of breath. Finally, I dragged her back home.

And here I am now, with some wet socks and jeans, typing away on the computer. The End.

Edited by Destiny Hero
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Ha. You deserve it.

I second that. It's your fault for not doing as your momma told you to do.

I don't listen to my parents. Ever. They give bad advice.

Now, that's not a good excuse to not listen to your parents, especially when you say fuck you to everything we've ever told you on this forum! You need to stop being so self-righteous! :angry:

Now, I don't listen to my father. Why? 'Cause my dad never does a god-damn thing he tells me to do himself and he's telling me to do shit that I already do. Have an open mind? That I do, but when I try to reason with him over some stupid thing and he goes off on a rant about how nobody in the family agrees with him and then accuses me of being the hard-headed motherfucker. You see a disconnect here? I certainly do.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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I second that. It's your fault for not doing as your momma told you to do.

Now, that's not a good excuse to not listen to your parents, especially when you say fuck you to everything we've ever told you on this forum! You need to stop being so self-righteous! :angry:

Now, I don't listen to my father. Why? 'Cause my dad never does a god-damn thing he tells me to do himself and he's telling me to do shit that I already do. Have an open mind? That I do, but when I try to reason with him over some stupid thing and he goes off on a rant about how nobody in the family agrees with him and then accuses me of being the hard-headed motherfucker. You see a disconnect here? I certainly do.

You forgot the /rant.

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Now, I don't listen to my father. Why? 'Cause my dad never does a god-damn thing he tells me to do himself and he's telling me to do shit that I already do. Have an open mind? That I do, but when I try to reason with him over some stupid thing and he goes off on a rant about how nobody in the family agrees with him and then accuses me of being the hard-headed motherfucker. You see a disconnect here? I certainly do.

I'm kinda the same way with my mom. The only times I do listen to her is when she tells me to buy some useless crud. (I do it just to keep her happy. She really likes having things her way.) Other than that, she's pretty much all talk, no action. I don't see her doing what she tells me to do herself either. And she sits on the sofa all day, ranting and raving. And when she thinks of something me and my dad both know is wrong, either he or I argue with her to try to tell her how much she's wrong, then she'll come up with some of the most confounding logic I've ever heard and make it seem that she's in the right. And if things don't go her way (and they usually don't), she says she's gonna move out, dad tells her to do so (with the addition of saying "the sooner, the better"), but she never does.

Edited by Staraptor
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I'm kinda the same way with my mom. The only times I do listen to her is when she tells me to buy some useless crud. (I do it just to keep her happy. She really likes having things her way.) Other than that, she's pretty much all talk, no action. I don't see her doing what she tells me to do herself either. And she sits on the sofa all day, ranting and raving. And when she thinks of something me and my dad both know is wrong, she'll come up with some of the most confounding logic I've ever heard and make it seem that she's in the right. And if things don't go her way (and they usually don't), she says she's gonna move out, dad tells her to do so (with the addition of saying "the sooner, the better"), but she never does.

Really? My dad does more of the cop-out treatment by being all 'fine, you're the one who's right, now piss off'. It pisses me the hell off whenever I do that, and that makes me more angry as I'm already trying to placate him and am failing miserably at doing so.

But still, that does kind of suck, especially with the whole 'the sooner, the better' thing that your dad chimes in with as well.

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I'm kinda the same way with my mom. The only times I do listen to her is when she tells me to buy some useless crud. (I do it just to keep her happy. She really likes having things her way.) Other than that, she's pretty much all talk, no action. I don't see her doing what she tells me to do herself either. And she sits on the sofa all day, ranting and raving. And when she thinks of something me and my dad both know is wrong, she'll come up with some of the most confounding logic I've ever heard and make it seem that she's in the right. And if things don't go her way (and they usually don't), she says she's gonna move out, dad tells her to do so (with the addition of saying "the sooner, the better"), but she never does.

Really? My dad does more of the cop-out treatment by being all 'fine, you're the one who's right, now piss off'. It pisses me the hell off whenever I do that, and that makes me more angry as I'm already trying to placate him and am failing miserably at doing so.

But still, that does kind of suck, especially with the whole 'the sooner, the better' thing that your dad chimes in with as well.

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