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When Bizz contemplated hard enough, she came to a conclusion.

Christmas is indeed tomorrow, meaning that the excitement she was so wwaiting for will end tomorrow. The new year will then come, and then February. After her birthday, it will then be spring, her least favorite season.

Why have I started to lament for winter so early?

Maybe I am just a fool...

Albeit, what will happen on the next year when spring arrives?

Will Bizz be able to bear it?

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When Bizz contemplated hard enough, she came to a conclusion.


Christmas is indeed tomorrow, meaning that the excitement she was so wwaiting for will end tomorrow. The new year will then come, and then February. After her birthday, it will then be spring, her least favorite season.

Spring sucks.

Why have I started to lament for winter so early?

Comfort food?

Maybe I am just a fool...

I pity you.

Albeit, what will happen on the next year when spring arrives?

You'll waste your life on this forum.

Will Bizz be able to bear it?

If she's not banned, yeah.

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Actually, I may be spending less time on this forum in the coming new year for reasons of my own~

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When Bizz contemplated hard enough, she came to a conclusion.


No shit, Sherlock.

Christmas is indeed tomorrow, meaning that the excitement she was so wwaiting for will end tomorrow. The new year will then come, and then February. After her birthday, it will then be spring, her least favorite season.

Spring sucks.

No, see, that's where you're wrong. It's summer that's the season of suckage.

Why have I started to lament for winter so early?

Comfort food?

Because the snow is so beautiful?

Maybe I am just a fool...

I pity you.

I pity you harder, DH. I pity you harder.

Albeit, what will happen on the next year when spring arrives?

You'll waste your life on this forum.

And so will you.

Will Bizz be able to bear it?

If she's not banned, yeah.

You're likely to get banned first, though, so there! ;)

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