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Movies are trash these days.

Destiny Hero

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Wasn't there a movie that critisized directly the somking and stuff, or the opposite effect?

It was about a guy that did advertisements for cigarettes or something like that.

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Movies are trash these days. They really make America look like a country of shitbags.
Coming from someone who thinks "we've got the shittiest government in the world," doesn't that make movies accurate?
My brothers got Step Brothers and Tropic Thunder and they watched them. For some reason, the writers of those movies think that they need to include fuck, shit, and any other word they can think of in nearly every line possible. What the hell happened to the FCC or whoever the hell censors things?
Freedom of speech, negro.
And it's not just movies, too. Video games are full of trash now, too. The next generation of kids is going to be so horrible, they'd be better off dead.
You're in that generation. Why are you still alive? :3
The whole world is trash. First, we've got people trying to make our kids think the world is happy and safe. Then when they grow up, movies and shows everywhere are encouraging them to smoke and do drugs.
Not only is that not entirely true, but parents & professional/academic society are screaming louder at them to abstain from drug use.
Then, we've got the shittiest government in the world, which is entirely composed of contradictory cover-ups and lies.
Really? What makes you so sure there isn't one government that's worse than the USA's, especially when you've only lived here?
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I heard from someone I trust a lot more than DH (no offense) that Tropic Thunder was pretty good. Also, nothing wrong with a little swearing.

Also also, are you fucking nuts dude? ENCOURAGED to smoke and do drugs? More like have discouragement shoved down their throats at every possible moment. Besides, there are some soft drugs that will barely do a thing to you, so it's not like that's a problem.

Tropic thunder is a watch and forget movie, that's all.

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That's two movies. Plus, kids TECHNICALLY shouldn't be seeing those movies in the first place. They're for a much older audience. Did you think that "17 and older" thing on the "R" rated dvd was just for shits and giggles?

The same goes for video games. The rating system is for a reason. You should check that out next time for both games and movies

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The internet is trash these days. So many porn sites and people pretending to be someone they're not so they can rape a girl they met online.

Shit happens, the world changes. Deal with it.

I didn't see Step Brothers, and I didn't really like Tropic Thunder, not for your reasons, I just didn't find it funny.

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The internet is trash these days.

Real life can be trash too. Looking at these people who are simple-minded (or even just plain stupid), hypocritical, etc, etc.

Which is why I rather have a small number of friends.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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While yes, movies that came out on Christmas are largely garbage(Marley and Me being probably the best, unless you can find Slumdog Millionaire), such a blanket statement is stupid/

However, you have no right to denounce such titles until you spend christmas night working in a movie theater.

Do you realize how many people I had to tell that The Spirit sucked? It was ridiculous.

On the plus side, three girls wanted my number. That's 3 in some 3000 people I talked to, though. So odds were in my favor.

But in getting movies for free, I can tell you the number of movies that don't suck is actually pretty decent. Your problem is you're looking for a name, when 9/10 named actors actually come out to making 1 good movie in every 4-6 movies they make.

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None of the movies were good for Christmas day. Some were good, most were bad, but none for Christmas day.

Considering how Seven Pounds ends, Desperaux and Bedtime Stories were made for kids, only the first 15 minutes of The Spirit is good, Four Christmases is eh, Nothing like the Holidays is depressing and most theaters can't carry more movies than that.

Frost/Nixon is another great movie, but not built for Christmas.

Mine still has Twilight, Quantum of Solace, and Transporter 3, but they are less christmas than the other 7 movies.

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Most of those movies that you mentioned are not even annouced as "Coming Soon".

And now that you mentioned 007, QoS sucked hard, IMO.

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Most of those came out yesterday, actually.

Having a theater with 24 screens means we keep shit longer than dirt sometimes.

Transporter 3 was crap too.

Holy crap, 24 screens! Mine doesn't even have half a dozen(small city but what can you do)

Transporter 3 was crap in which way? Bad action, bad story?

Edited by Lex
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You're 13 aren't you?

Edit; Damn I was close. Stop the dramatics, you are a child, you don't know enough of the world to judge the entire thing.

You really shouldn't ever judge someone by their age. I've run into people who do that all my life and I've proved every one of them wrong.

That's two movies. Plus, kids TECHNICALLY shouldn't be seeing those movies in the first place. They're for a much older audience. Did you think that "17 and older" thing on the "R" rated dvd was just for shits and giggles?

The same goes for video games. The rating system is for a reason. You should check that out next time for both games and movies

Yeah, and lots of parents don't even care about them. They'll just say things like "It's just a game", when things like that leave impressions on people that tell them what's okay and what isn't.

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You really shouldn't ever judge someone by their age. I've run into people who do that all my life and I've proved every one of them wrong.

Yeah, and lots of parents don't even care about them. They'll just say things like "It's just a game", when things like that leave impressions on people that tell them what's okay and what isn't.

Proving them wrong? How? You've proven no one wrong here, that's for sure.

Um, 'k. So, your parents don't read labels. That doesn't mean you shouldn't.

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I wouldn't say movies are crap now a days, there are just alot of bad movies, but the good movies are great. Look at the Dark Knight, Gladiator, Meet the Parents, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rush Hour, only to name a few. I mean yeah there is utter crap out there like, Borat, Transporter, Twilight, and Zohan, but the good mives are strong. TV shows are pretty good too, it depends on what you like, personally I don't like old movies (oldest movie I like is "my cousin Vinnie") or old TV shows, but it all depends on what you like.

As for video games......... Modern Video games ftw.

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all my life

Totally feeling you there. It's so goddamn annoying when they say "Got yer nose!" as if you're a moron. Six, yes, but not a moron. Made me want to snap their necks.

I've proved every one of them wrong.

Quoted for grammar error and because I don't think you've proven anyone on this site wrong.

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Wow... they couldn't have made it any worse >_>.

Yeah, I've actually had to see it. There are tons of continuity errors throughout the film as well, and there's some shit in there that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. (If the name of your secret place is put on a signpost, how is it secret?)

The worst part, though? I have to see it again and again because my younger brother actually likes it. (To his credit, though, he's disabled and he's not very familiar with the original Tom and Jerry cartoons, so yeah...)

You really shouldn't ever judge someone by their age. I've run into people who do that all my life and I've proved every one of them wrong.

Judging from how you have never managed to beat any of us at the forest in an argument, I'll bet it was because all of those people had brains the size of a pea and could not back their statements up. ;)

Yeah, and lots of parents don't even care about them. They'll just say things like "It's just a game", when things like that leave impressions on people that tell them what's okay and what isn't.

That's no excuse; if your parents don't follow the rules of the ratings system, it's your responsibility to judge. Hell, whenever I buy video games I'm the one in charge of getting most of my games. And I took ESRB so seriously that I didn't buy a single M-rated game until after I turned 17 (Which wound up being No More Heroes, which proves that excellent video games can still be made with enough imagination and enough effort.). And at least 90 percent of the time my parents didn't even look at what the game was rated.

Sadly, though, most parents don't teach their kids to be responsible for themselves, so when that happens it's their job to make sure that their children are not being exposed to senseless violence. And sadly, that attitude from parents will just promote video-game related violence. It's not the game's fault for being violent; it's the parent's fault for either not being responsible enough to watch what their kids play or for not instilling a sense of self-responsibility in their children.

And as for movies being bad, I honestly can't comment on that because I'm usually more in the concert hall/opera house crowd than the movie theater crowd. And if they're playing something like the Schoenberg Five Orchestra Pieces on any given concert, I am not one to pass up the concert hall in favor of the movie theater.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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I have to agree. Quality has always been the exception rather than the norm, but movies are still in a lot more turmoil than any other art form I can think of right now, by a landslide (or maybe they're tied with theatre at best). Even music. Charismatic actor showings are gradually being lost. Prestige pieces are in a serious funk. Premises to springboard and presumably sustain movies off of get even sillier (c'mon, Slumdog Millionaire? Benjamin Button?). Spielberg continues his populist downspiral after Jaws, the Coen Brothers are running out of steam like whoa, remakes or other gimmick films with comic book figures or whatever are the rage, etc. These days I can practically tell something is going to underwhelm like Quantum of Solace based on its trailer - and Casino Royale was just okay.

While animated features have seen an increase since the '90s, they've been a very mixed, worsening bag. Too many are melting into this haze of useless cliched product, often dollied up with CGI. I think the most interesting output to follow has been Satoshi Kon's overall - although Paprika sucked it's a more interesting failure than most to watch unravel for what it's worth, then Tokyo Godfathers is very solid and strangely melancholic. I can't stand The Incredibles or that Were-Rabbit thing. Spirited Away was estimable, The Emperor's New Groove is a lot of fun, Finding Nemo's entertaining enough. Metropolis and Howl's Moving Castle aren't bad, but really aren't that good - too skeletal. Etc.

The last 'four star' movies were made in the first half of this decade (2000-2004) - Oldboy, Battle Royale, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (the only Kaufman-scribed project worth anything) to name a few, and there weren't that many. I watch a fair share of movies every year, not enough to qualify me as a buff or anything, but have been growing rapidly discouraged with their quality, from mainstream to 'arthouse' to foreign, since 2005. I haven't been to the cinema for a long while. Needless to say, those first five years were suffused with empty garbage themselves like Gladiator, 2046, Million Dollar Baby, Adaptation., Pirates of the Caribbean, Kung Fu Hustle, Crash, a Star Wars prequel, Kinsey, and so forth.

I doubt we'll get event fare as admirably ambitious as the LOTR trilogy any more at this sorry rate - I can watch the Extended Editions over and over, they're impeccably performed, they're shot with sheer cinematic confidence and coolness, but I think they're a little too statuesque and archetypal to count as GREAT, although the first two I will defend as belonging to ***1/2 territory. The finale in particular shoehorned the most pretty gurl power into it for screentime by far and didn't SUFFER for it at all, but didn't excel either.

Christopher Nolan's Batman movies are the strongest contenders we have now in that regard, but the bottom line that they boil down to watching a dude in a bat costume dart around a fair deal in the process just undermines their bids for gritty realism and excellence a lot more.

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