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Movies are trash these days.

Destiny Hero

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The difference is that B Movie has a Bee./lame joke]

Also, nowadays the terror movie are kinda lame. Or they can't live up to the hype(Cloverfield), or they are good but don't get any attention.

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What im tired of in the film industry other than remakes, is those bratty teen movies and horrible stupid comedy (Superbad, etc)
I understand the general sentiment, but Superbad was freaking hilarious, you should give it another chance. Then again...I'm 18. XD
i mean come on! the whole "Porky's" humor has been done to death, lets get on with it!! i cant stand most comedies anymore..the only comedy i can stomach these days are stuff like Burn After Reading (that shit was funny!)...
I wanna see that. I'm into whatever genre you'd classify stuff like Snatch and Pulp Fiction as. Hilarious movies.

EDIT: My apologies for reporting a post that had already been handled.

Edited by YokaiKnight
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Alot of movies aren't worth people's time, but some are. Movies I'm thinking of are films such as Transformers and Hot Fuzz...

Wait, please tell me you're not saying Transformers fall into the category of movie worth people's time! That movie was a diarrhea sundae with piss sauce.

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Wait, please tell me you're not saying Transformers fall into the category of movie worth people's time! That movie was a diarrhea sundae with piss sauce.

What the hell is with the Transformers hate? I absolutely loved it and I know plenty of others that did as well.

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Being a media lover (and watching almost every single movie from the 20's onward, yes, I have a lot of time on my hands :P), I completely agree that movies are trash these days. Here: try comparing Poltergeist (80's), one of the greatest horror movies of our time WITH a PG rating, to uh, a typical zombie movie nowadays with so much blood you'll puke. Horror Movies back then were there to entertain, like Poltergeist, not have as much blood and people die without completely destroying the story. Hell, let's go back even further. Phantom of the Opera (20's, personal favorite), Waxworks (20's), Dracula(30's)! Phantom of the Opera was scary as shit, but only the Phantom died, and it was entertaining. Waxworks was also scary as hell, yet no one died. Dracula, people died, but it wasn't a holy crap Gorefest (highly doubt they'd be able to do that without getting banned, and even if they did, it wouldn't have been a cult-classic), it was great. And thats just horror, dun get me started on ever other friggin genre out there. Closing Comments: Fuck you Hollywood :D

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What the hell is with the Transformers hate? I absolutely loved it and I know plenty of others that did as well.

Short answer: Michael Bay.

Long answer: A badly put together romance movie about a boy trying to get laid with some hot chick he probably has no chance in hell of getting with while I cringe for over an hour at their little back and forth chance meeting. Followed by 15 minutes and hide and seek and masturbation discussion with his parents all while the government's team of experts unable to put 2 and 2 together while the "hot girl" just out of college scientist was right all along about an alien invasion.

Oh yeah, there were some piece of moving scrap metal designed to look realistic doing some shit.

Woah, here comes the Transformers!!! OMG epic music. OMG, he's Optimus motherfucking Prime but let's over look the fact that he looks emo and old! OMG, it's Ratchet... or General Traag from TMNT? Whatever, I'll pretend he's Ratchet since Optimus says so. "Judging from his pheromone level, I think the boy wants to mate with the female." Oh my god... *cringe*

That about sums up the movie.

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And I'd also like to say that there were bad films back in the day, but the good films now aren't near as good as back then. The best films out right now would be forgotten if a new Star Wars series (meaning one as good/popular) came out.

I wouldn't forget the awesomeness of any Pixar movie (except maybe Cars which was just "pretty good" instead of "awesome") such as WALL-E and The Incredibles.

I wouldn't forget The Departed,Letters from Iwo Jima, Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings,Spirited Away, Wallace and Gromit and many others.

In fact, you can consider LOTR "the new star wars"

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Being a media lover (and watching almost every single movie from the 20's onward, yes, I have a lot of time on my hands :P), I completely agree that movies are trash these days. Here: try comparing Poltergeist (80's), one of the greatest horror movies of our time WITH a PG rating, to uh, a typical zombie movie nowadays with so much blood you'll puke. Horror Movies back then were there to entertain, like Poltergeist, not have as much blood and people die without completely destroying the story. Hell, let's go back even further. Phantom of the Opera (20's, personal favorite), Waxworks (20's), Dracula(30's)! Phantom of the Opera was scary as shit, but only the Phantom died, and it was entertaining. Waxworks was also scary as hell, yet no one died. Dracula, people died, but it wasn't a holy crap Gorefest (highly doubt they'd be able to do that without getting banned, and even if they did, it wouldn't have been a cult-classic), it was great. And thats just horror, dun get me started on ever other friggin genre out there. Closing Comments: Fuck you Hollywood :D

To be truthful, there are several 70's and 80's horror flicks that beat out most modern horror flicks along the lines of gore. Case in point: The Evil Dead series.

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To be truthful, there are several 70's and 80's horror flicks that beat out most modern horror flicks along the lines of gore. Case in point: The Evil Dead series.

Cannibal Holocaust, etc. I get what your saying, but they're enjoyable and great movies right? Unlike some of the newer "dead" movies and Feast, and all that. Great movies? No. Evil Dead? Yes. Its not about the gore really, its about how some modern movies just focus on that, forgetting the entertainment aspect.

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What the hell is with the Transformers hate? I absolutely loved it and I know plenty of others that did as well.

I think it was an okay movie. There were lots of things that could of been done better (Read: WHERE IS MY ROBOTIC CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT????, less overly prominent Baysplosions, and "Get to the building!"), but overall it certainly wasn't that much of a crap film.

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I think it was an okay movie. There were lots of things that could of been done better (Read: WHERE IS MY ROBOTIC CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT????, less overly prominent Baysplosions, and "Get to the building!"), but overall it certainly wasn't that much of a crap film.

It gets extra crap points from me because we essentially guessed the entire plot and how it would play out almost 2 years before the film is completed. When they announced the cast and minor plot details, you can pretty much guess where it's going.

It's also especially bad when you're watching a movie called Transformers, and the Transformers are rarely on screen. It's not like they can't carry the plot since they are walking talking robots.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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What the hell is with the Transformers hate? I absolutely loved it and I know plenty of others that did as well.

People have their own opinion Fox. Like the movie When A Stranger Calls 2006 version. Many people liked it while many other people hated it.

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What have you seen lately?

Many good ones, tbh. I wont mention them though, because I dont care whether you people say they are good or not, to me, they are, and that's all there is to it. XD

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Many good ones, tbh. I wont mention them though, because I dont care whether you people say they are good or not, to me, they are, and that's all there is to it. XD

Relax hahaha look at you all defensive. I was just curious that's all.

Anyway movies depend on my mood at the time Im watching them. For example I went to watch Epic Movie (or something like that) and it tremendously suck, I really hated it. But then, recently I watched Disaster Movie but know I had my mind set that it was going to be full of shit, and even when it sucked I actually enjoy some parts of the movie. So now I really don't have high expectations on any movie.

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country of shitbags


I'm sorry that I have nothing else to add but thinking about somebody actually saying this is funny

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I went to watch Epic Movie (or something like that) and it tremendously suck, I really hated it. But then, recently I watched Disaster Movie but know I had my mind set that it was going to be full of shit, and even when it sucked I actually enjoy some parts of the movie. So now I really don't have high expectations on any movie.

I learned my lesson from, Epic Movie not to watch any movie with the word "Movie" in the title. With Disaster Movie, I think they're trying to make the worst movie ever and are in competition with the people who made Meet the Spartans. I just don't get it. The film industry used to mean something, now these rookie directors are intentionally trying to fuck things up. Thank god Ron Howard and Clint Eastwood are still around otherwise, this month, the move theater's would've been full of fail.

I feel the same as you do sometimes, Edorian. I often like movies that get bad reviews, such as Righteous Kill and Yes Man. They were supposed to be shitty but I just loved them.

Edited by Aggron
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