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This is my first time playing, I'm in normal mode, and I'm wondering...

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Nolan isn't that hax. He's not doing so much alone until Sothe comes, and then some even when Sothe does come.

Really? He 2 rounds everything in 1-1 while being 5-7HKOed so you just have him soak up a bunch of hits on enemy phase then have your weaklings pick off the enemies on player phase. In 1-2 you could just wait for Sothe to show up and have him kill everything, though Nolan is fine doing most of the work. He never faces WTD and the first 3 enemies he'll face are soldiers with bronze lances, which he laughs at. 1-3 and 1-4 can easily done with Nolan and Sothe only then once you have Volug, you're set.

Over-using just a few units is probably bad anyway.

What makes you think that? On the contrary, it usually tends to make the game too easy to focus on developping fewer characters since you can concentrate your resources better and the people being used will quickly become overlevelled.

Pretty much every character you have is 1-2 rounded in 3-6, including Edward.

ROFL at Volug getting 2 rounded. He has 49 hp and 18 def at base level along with earth affinity and the highest speed on the team. If 40 hp/19 def is getting 4HKOed, then Volug certainly isn't being 2HKOed.

Jill and Zihark could easily be getting 2HKOed, but Zihark has that huge avoid lead on Edward and Jill has that mobility advantage, which is especially useful considering she can move freely in the water areas that hinder everyone else's movement, enemies included.

As for Aran, that's another LMAO statement. At 20/1, he already has 34 hp and 22-23 def depending on what kind of support you give him, so tigerss are only doing ~10 damage per hit. That's 4-5HKO range when you factor in cat attacks.

He has the best BEXP potential in the game as well as capping his more important stats fairly fast. And I said "turns into" not "is overall."

No he doesn't. I've studied BEXP potential and the best people for that are Aran, Haar, Nephenee, Soren, Geoffrey, Stefan, Gatrie, Mia, Zihark and a couple others. Check how early they cap 2-3 stats in second and third tier if you don't believe me.

Overall, they are better than him, I won't deny that. However, he is capping his stats much easier than the other two with the exception of lolMagic and Resistance. He has a fairly bad start, but he turns out amazing. And his start isn't as terrible as some seem to think.

"Turning out amazing" is nothing special in this game because the BEXP system makes it ridiculously easy for any given character to cap all their stats so long as they were raised to 20/20/20 properly and fed BEXP at the right moments.

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Really? He 2 rounds everything in 1-1 while being 5-7HKOed so you just have him soak up a bunch of hits on enemy phase then have your weaklings pick off the enemies on player phase. In 1-2 you could just wait for Sothe to show up and have him kill everything, though Nolan is fine doing most of the work. He never faces WTD and the first 3 enemies he'll face are soldiers with bronze lances, which he laughs at. 1-3 and 1-4 can easily done with Nolan and Sothe only then once you have Volug, you're set.

I don't recall him 2-rounding everything in 1-1. Maybe that's because he always misses for me. But, I do see your point. The problem is that you make that sound easier than it really is. Doing all that isn't the easiest thing in the world.

What makes you think that? On the contrary, it usually tends to make the game too easy to focus on developping fewer characters since you can concentrate your resources better and the people being used will quickly become overlevelled.

On any map where you have to spread your team out a bit is when it becomes bad, chapters like 3-6 and 3-13 especially.

ROFL at Volug getting 2 rounded. He has 49 hp and 18 def at base level along with earth affinity and the highest speed on the team. If 40 hp/19 def is getting 4HKOed, then Volug certainly isn't being 2HKOed.

ROFL at you not reading everything I wrote.

Jill and Zihark could easily be getting 2HKOed, but Zihark has that huge avoid lead on Edward and Jill has that mobility advantage, which is especially useful considering she can move freely in the water areas that hinder everyone else's movement, enemies included.

Jill moving around that much is more likely to get her killed, won't it? She'll be alone in the enemy territory.

As for Aran, that's another LMAO statement. At 20/1, he already has 34 hp and 22-23 def depending on what kind of support you give him, so tigerss are only doing ~10 damage per hit. That's 4-5HKO range when you factor in cat attacks.

What mode are you playing? When I played hard mode, he was being two rounded by both because Cats were doubling him and tigers took off a chunk of HP. I don't remember how well he did in normal mode, but I don't recall it being so much better.

No he doesn't. I've studied BEXP potential and the best people for that are Aran, Haar, Nephenee, Soren, Geoffrey, Stefan, Gatrie, Mia, Zihark and a couple others. Check how early they cap 2-3 stats in second and third tier if you don't believe me.

At first tier alone, Edward can get it from level 18. The only other first tier character that can use it any better is Laura.

He can get it at 2nd tier from about level 12. That is better than Haar, Zihark, and Geoffrey, about the same as Gatrie, and barely a level or two behind the others except Aran who is getting some earlier. Even so, that's still damn good.

Come third tier he's getting it at about 11 on average, and that's without the possibility of capping defense early from 2nd tier BEXP. Better than Haar, Soren, Geoffrey, Stefan, and Zihark, and still barely behind the others.

I checked, and I don't believe you. This is also considering you have enough BEXP to dump on all of them. Edward, unlike most of these people, doesn't actually need it as much because his more important stats (Str, Skl, Spd, HP, Luck) cap rather fast anyway. Hell, even his defense caps on average.

"Turning out amazing" is nothing special in this game because the BEXP system makes it ridiculously easy for any given character to cap all their stats so long as they were raised to 20/20/20 properly and fed BEXP at the right moments.

True enough, though not quite for everyone. Plus, not needing BEXP (Which Edward really doesn't, he just uses it well) > needing BEXP to fix problem stats.

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What mode are you playing? When I played hard mode, he was being two rounded by both because Cats were doubling him and tigers took off a chunk of HP. I don't remember how well he did in normal mode, but I don't recall it being so much better.

Aran's awesome in normal mode. Cats do minimal damage to him, maybe no damage if his defense is high, and he takes less damage from tigers than most of, if not all the DB. I do think he's a little overrated cause he's not very good at dodging and he's so slow without bexp. He's an awesome tank in normal mode.

I totally agree with that last part of your post about not needing bexp > needing bexp to fix stats. Sometimes, I wish there wasn't so much bexp in this game (on easy and normal) cause it's a cheap way to make characters better.

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I don't recall him 2-rounding everything in 1-1. Maybe that's because he always misses for me. But, I do see your point. The problem is that you make that sound easier than it really is. Doing all that isn't the easiest thing in the world.

I’m not sure how I’m making things sound easier than what’s reality. Eddie/Micky/Leo can chip in if it’s constructive, but Nolan/Sothe are doing most of the work. They’re durable enough that they can hurt stuff on enemy phase and take a vulnerary every player phase with everyone else cleaning up the mess. In Sothe’s case, he’s usually killing the enemy outright, such as in 1-4 with beastkillers or if you forge him iron knives.

On any map where you have to spread your team out a bit is when it becomes bad, chapters like 3-6 and 3-13 especially.

I don’t see how those 2 examples validate your point unless you’re aiming for max turn-wise efficiency or something. In 3-6 you can have Sothe w/ savior rescue Micaiah and sit in a corner unarmed until the BK shows up and have him solo and in 3-13 it’s just a defence chapter so put some losers on the ledges, have 2-3 durable people block the middle stairs and wait, healing as necessary. No need for any units who started at tier 1 at all on any mode.

Jill moving around that much is more likely to get her killed, won't it? She'll be alone in the enemy territory.

Laguz have a whopping 1 move in the water while Jill has 9. So long as you use a torch staff and see what Jill is up against, you can easily space her such as to limit her enemy exposure while wandering in the water.

What mode are you playing? When I played hard mode, he was being two rounded by both because Cats were doubling him and tigers took off a chunk of HP. I don't remember how well he did in normal mode, but I don't recall it being so much better.

Normal mode. How can we even talk about Edward seriously on HM (he can get 1HKOed by 1-3 steel axe users and even if you use him, he’ll probably only reach trueblade by 4-3), or about BEXP ramming when BEXP is nonexistent on HM?

At first tier alone, Edward can get it from level 18. The only other first tier character that can use it any better is Laura.

Agreed, but 2 levels ain’t going to lift his averages too much.

He can get it at 2nd tier from about level 12. That is better than Haar, Zihark, and Geoffrey, about the same as Gatrie, and barely a level or two behind the others except Aran who is getting some earlier. Even so, that's still damn good.


He’s got hp capped but is still a ways off of capping skl and spd while str is relatively close. He only caps 3 stats at lv 20/16 whereas Zihark caps skl, spd and res at 20/15, Geoffrey is basically ready to ram right away since he’s 1 away from most of his caps, Haar can ram at 20/16 since he’s only looking to gain spd from BEXP. And Edward’s not only a level or two behind other people. Soren caps 3 stats at 20/10 (6 levels), Neph at 20/12 (4 levels).

Come third tier he's getting it at about 11 on average, and that's without the possibility of capping defense early from 2nd tier BEXP. Better than Haar, Soren, Geoffrey, Stefan, and Zihark, and still barely behind the others.

Edward only has def capped at 20/11 and that’s generously rounding up 25.6. He may be close to capping a lot of other stuff but so are just about any other unit worth their salt.

True enough, though not quite for everyone. Plus, not needing BEXP (Which Edward really doesn't, he just uses it well) > needing BEXP to fix problem stats.

Yeah, that argument’s more for people who like to brag about how good their Fiona or Meg turned out, or make topics asking whether Sothe capping every stat at 20/20/15 is normal and such nonsense.

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Everyone, I thank you so much for chipping in to help me out. I'm on Chapter 5 right now, and after a lot of thought and consideration, I have decided to focus on the units Edward, Aran, Micaihah, Jill, and Nolan. The one I'm most unsure of is Edward, but looking at Zihark, I'm not sure how much I even can focus on him anyways, I don't really think he'll be gaining much experience anyways in this part of the game, so Ima use Edward just to see how he compares to Zihark at Level 20/1.

So far though, his growths have turned out amazing for me. He seems to get stat ups to 4-5 stats a level up fairly often, and he is actually pretty strong compared to most of the ones who haven't been prepromoted.

By the way, why are the Master Seals so important? You can promote dudes just by gaining 100 experience after getting to Level 20 right?

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I’m not sure how I’m making things sound easier than what’s reality. Eddie/Micky/Leo can chip in if it’s constructive, but Nolan/Sothe are doing most of the work. They’re durable enough that they can hurt stuff on enemy phase and take a vulnerary every player phase with everyone else cleaning up the mess. In Sothe’s case, he’s usually killing the enemy outright, such as in 1-4 with beastkillers or if you forge him iron knives.

Edward can sit around popping Vulneraries just as easily.

I don’t see how those 2 examples validate your point unless you’re aiming for max turn-wise efficiency or something. In 3-6 you can have Sothe w/ savior rescue Micaiah and sit in a corner unarmed until the BK shows up and have him solo and in 3-13 it’s just a defence chapter so put some losers on the ledges, have 2-3 durable people block the middle stairs and wait, healing as necessary. No need for any units who started at tier 1 at all on any mode.

They're two of three part 3 DB maps and can be very difficult if you don't know what you're doing. Plus, a BK slaughterfest doesn't sound like a very great idea. Some peeps need experience.

Laguz have a whopping 1 move in the water while Jill has 9. So long as you use a torch staff and see what Jill is up against, you can easily space her such as to limit her enemy exposure while wandering in the water.

Point taken.

Normal mode. How can we even talk about Edward seriously on HM (he can get 1HKOed by 1-3 steel axe users and even if you use him, he’ll probably only reach trueblade by 4-3), or about BEXP ramming when BEXP is nonexistent on HM?

Have you played hard mode, because I am damn sure that's not correct. Plus, BEXP is not "nonexistent" in hard mode, it just has to be used more sparingly. You aren't ramming as much but it can still make part 4 a cakewalk. Plus, if we're talking about normal mode, which you just said you are, Edward uses that BEXP quite nicely.

Agreed, but 2 levels ain’t going to lift his averages too much

It's still a +2 in something like Defense.


He’s got hp capped but is still a ways off of capping skl and spd while str is relatively close. He only caps 3 stats at lv 20/16 whereas Zihark caps skl, spd and res at 20/15, Geoffrey is basically ready to ram right away since he’s 1 away from most of his caps, Haar can ram at 20/16 since he’s only looking to gain spd from BEXP. And Edward’s not only a level or two behind other people. Soren caps 3 stats at 20/10 (6 levels), Neph at 20/12 (4 levels).

Ok, I'm getting my averages from this site, I just trust it more. Our info. on this is bound to be different.

EDIT: Yeah, I'm not trusting your page. It even says at the top "Note: I am not 100% sure on the deviations yet." and it has his 2nd-3rd tier promotion gains in Luck, Defense, and Resistance wrong. Hell, it's not even totally sure about Sothe's transfers.

Edward only has def capped at 20/11 and that’s generously rounding up 25.6. He may be close to capping a lot of other stuff but so are just about any other unit worth their salt.

So he's still a great unit at this point. Others being just as good doesn't make him bad.

Yeah, that argument’s more for people who like to brag about how good their Fiona or Meg turned out, or make topics asking whether Sothe capping every stat at 20/20/15 is normal and such nonsense.

Because Edward sucks just as hard as Meg and Fiona, right? Having >50% growths in HP, Str, Skl, and Spd and then 50% in Luck, combined with being around from the very beginning of the game sucks hard. Add in the fact that he is one of few who can take a hit and live for the first few chapters and what the fuck is he doing failing so hard? Why can't he have terrible joining conditions like Fiona and Meg? Why can't he be in need of BEXP to cap more important stats fast like so many other units do?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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By the way, why are the Master Seals so important? You can promote dudes just by gaining 100 experience after getting to Level 20 right?

You can use them to save 100 EXP, which can then go to someone else. In addition, you can use them if you don't feel like BEXP abusing. For example, Mia caps Spd pretty quickly, so if you want her Avo to grow further after she does that, you can Master Seal her.

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I would suggest to use Zihark, and Haar when you get him. I don't really know about who's good in the Dawn Brigade. I've never mad good use of Jill, but I hear she's excellent.

Elincia is pretty good in this game, but once you get to part 4, she automatically gains the mercy skill, which leaves enemies at 1 HP if they should've been at 0. You probably want to get rid of this skill.

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Edward can sit around popping Vulneraries just as easily.

Not if he can only take half as many hits as Nolan/Sothe/Volug.

They're two of three part 3 DB maps and can be very difficult if you don't know what you're doing.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, then a strategy RPG isn’t a good choice for a game to play.

Plus, a BK slaughterfest doesn't sound like a very great idea. Some peeps need experience.

You really stand firmly by the belief that there’s anyone in this game who needs serious growing. If you have a BK slaughterfest, beat 3-12 using Tauroneo on a ledge and with NPCs mostly and turtle like hell in 3-13, you’re not going to get punished in the long run because in part 4 you have Skrimir, Naesala and the option to adopt stronger people from other armies. Haar doesn’t particularly care for his 2 move loss in 4-4 and levelling him like crazy in 4-5 is pointless since he’s one of your highest levelled units, so Micaiah’s route is pretty logical for him, especially with the desert appeasing all his mobility advantages. The desert is also a good choice for any high powered non-royals you have since they won’t face as many 1-2 range attackers on Micky’s route and don’t have to worry about transform issues as much in the desert since enemies will move like 2 spaces while they move back 6-8 to pop some olivi grass. Then in 4-E you have the royals, and we all know how good they are.

Though, just to be thorough, Ike has Titania, Gatrie, Shinon, Oscar, etc so his army is set and Tibarn could solo his maps with ease, not even crossbow hits can kill him and even if they tried, he’d probably just dodge it or activate pavise anyway. Plus, he has Elincia, Ranulf and Tauroneo, which are all pretty decent units and Lucia offers a free earth affinity, etc etc. There really is absolutely no reason to grow a DB unit, so you might as well stick to using the powerful ones who won’t waste your time sucking at life.

Have you played hard mode, because I am damn sure that's not correct.

Of course I’ve played hard mode, I just don’t particularly care for having to raise fewer units and counting out enemy ranges all the time since that’s more of an annoyance than a challenge.

Anyway, I have had that happen to me before and I have evidence to support it.


2x Fighter lvl 9 (Steel Axe, south Fighter also has a Hand Axe)

HP 27, Atk 25, AS 10, Hit 103, Avo 26, DEF 8, RES 2, Crit 5, Ddg 6

That’s right, if Edward only gained 1 hp and 0 def up to 1-3, he gets OHKOed. Also, Edward only has about 38 avo, so he’s facing 65 display (76 true) and that can get really ugly when factoring in biorhythm. So sure, if Edward gets in 3-4 level-ups before 1-3, he likely isn’t getting 1HKOed, but that’s still a testament to how much friggin damage he is taking on HM. I know for a fact that a single 1-4 tiger hit puts Edward into wrath hp, I even used this to my advantage in my speedrun. And I assure you the numbers don’t magically improve for Eddie aside from the def he gets from supports, I’ll show Edward’s durability compared to part 1 enemies in every chapter according to interceptor’s stats if I have to.

Plus, BEXP is not "nonexistent" in hard mode, it just has to be used more sparingly.

Well I certainly don’t see Edward using much of it, in any case. Remember he has to compete with like 6 other people for BEXP, which is actually nonexistent in part 1. I tallied it up, there’s 9150 BEXP available by 1-E, so a level 18 Edward uses up 21% of your BEXP supply just to get from level 18 to level 20. If you’re using 6+ characters, he’s already using more than his fair share. As for part 3, the only place he could even conceive of using BEXP is in 3-13 since otherwise he’s hurting his stats with below average level-ups. By then, Edward has amassed enough suck that it won’t cancel out whatever infallible performance he may have in part 4.

Ok, I'm getting my averages from this site, I just trust it more. Our info. on this is bound to be different.

Pretty sure the only major difference is that average stats slow down as you approach a cap, which is statistically sound. If you take 100 samples, say 30 of which are RNG blessed and 30 of which are RNG screwed, the blessed sample will just cap reasonably early while the screwed sample will drag down the average.

Anyway, you made your point, Edward cap rams better than I originally thought.

So he's still a great unit at this point. Others being just as good doesn't make him bad.

I never said he was bad if you ever got him to trueblade, he’s just not the best swordsmaster and barely an above average unit, whereas some people seem to hail him as god when he hits TB.

Because Edward sucks just as hard as Meg and Fiona, right? Having >50% growths in HP, Str, Skl, and Spd and then 50% in Luck, combined with being around from the very beginning of the game sucks hard. Add in the fact that he is one of few who can take a hit and live for the first few chapters and what the fuck is he doing failing so hard? Why can't he have terrible joining conditions like Fiona and Meg? Why can't he be in need of BEXP to cap more important stats fast like so many other units do?

You’re misinterpreting me here. BEXP ramming makes even the most worthless units great, so a 4-E comparison comes down more to which classes are better than to which characters are better, which is yet another reason why Edward is inferior to Zihark/Mia and isn’t a standout unit in the late part 4 chapters.

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Well, I'm already at Chapter 8, and personally, Edward is now one of the best units I have. By the time he was Level 16, he was actually able to cap strength, speed, and skill, which I thought was pretty damn awesome! After that, I fed him bonus experience until he promoted (this is so I can use all the Master Seals on Aran, Jill and Nolan), and check out his stats!

Edward: Level 20/1

HP: 32

Str: 21

Magic: 3

Spd: 21

Skill: 21

Luck: 19

Def: 12

Res: 7

Equal to Zihark in stats, but better since he has more strength and HP and almost as much defense. I don't know if I was blessed or not, but I'm very glad I put an investment into him.

Nolan is level 18 and has just capped his skill. He's been very useful and is pretty durable, Jill is pretty good, but I really wish she would gain more HP. And Aran? He's actually pretty useful, though in a different way then the other three. Basically it comes down to his HP and defense, really good skill, and decent stength and speed (which means he doesn't double much).

Volug kinda stinks though. So far, it seems to me the only reason he was potent was because of a high starting level, because enemies still seem to hit him pretty hard, and his strike level is taking forever to level up (I've been leveling it since Chapter 5, and it still is only at about 80%).

So, guys, now I'm wondering, how do I save all the hostages in Chapter 8? Every time I try, at least one gets slaughtered, and I'm not really sure what I should do...

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Not everyone has to survive of course you'll lose bonus XP and all but if only one dies don't let it get to you.

If you are still determined to save them all if its one in the west just have the wolves rescue them but the west is usually safe for me. For the east you could buy Oilvi Grass(sp?) and get Vika shift into a raven and kill the Dragon-Knight whos killing them or rescue the one thats about to die. It would be easy if you had Jill but she doesn't come for some reason. (I understand Fiona since swamps and horses don't mix but Jill?! Even the enemy has dragon-knights)

And your Edward turned out as mine usually does he will usually catch up on defensive stats ltr on though.

wait your Aran got decent speed. I've used him twice and when he hits 20/1 he is at about 13 speed or so...he eventaully cathes up though just like Edwards defenses

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Aran? He has 14 speed at level 16 for me now. Oh, and don't worry, I managed to save all the villagers by having Zihark and Muarim rescue the two lower right villagers and killing the dragon knight next turn.

So now what I'm wondering is who in Part 2 is worth using. I know Nephenee is a no brainer, but is there anyone else who deserves focusing on?

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If people die, don't reset the game for them. You probably won't be using anyone on the DB for Endgame on your first playthrough. Don't touch Fiona, but don't let her die either since she has good skills and gives Micaiah her Thani in 1-E. Edward should be used for early chapters, but he's definitely replaceable on the second half of Part 1. Nolan is great, he's pretty reliable and has a great affinity. Support him with Volug for awesome avoid. Don't grow too attached to Leonardo. Laura is pretty critical for Part 1, but don't worry about leveling her up, since she should not be attacked EVER. Micaiah should be about level 12 by 1-9. Aran is a reliable unit and can provide cover. Zihark and Jill are definitely worth using. Ilyana won't help you later on, and she's not too helpful on Part 1. Just because Sothe is a Jeigan, doesn't mean you should completely neglect him. He still gets a good amount of exp in later Part 1 chapters.

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Micaiah should be about level 12 by 1-9.

This is my only issue. One-shotting half the part 1 enemies, including some bosses, as well as Sacrificing can easily have her at level 18-20 by 1-9. More like 15-18 in hard mode, but I don't think this person is on hard mode on their first playing....

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Aran? He has 14 speed at level 16 for me now. Oh, and don't worry, I managed to save all the villagers by having Zihark and Muarim rescue the two lower right villagers and killing the dragon knight next turn.

So now what I'm wondering is who in Part 2 is worth using. I know Nephenee is a no brainer, but is there anyone else who deserves focusing on?

That's actually pretty good considering his speed growth. If you're not using Leo or Zihark you can take off their skills and give them to other people. Aran works well with Adept especially, but cancel wouldn't be bad either. Don't forget to take Resolve off of Tauroneo (if you're not using him, but he doesnt need it) and give it to Micaiah. She'll probably need it

Do this when you get them back of course

Use Haar, Marcia, Nephenee, Haar, Elincia, Haar, Astrid, Keiran, and HAAR

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Aran? He has 14 speed at level 16 for me now. Oh, and don't worry, I managed to save all the villagers by having Zihark and Muarim rescue the two lower right villagers and killing the dragon knight next turn.

So now what I'm wondering is who in Part 2 is worth using. I know Nephenee is a no brainer, but is there anyone else who deserves focusing on?

Definitely Haar. Brom is still worth using. Mordecai is actually pretty good too. As for the Paladins, use Kieran and Geoffrey (since you're forced to use them anyway, it's all good). You could train Geoffrey enough to that you can solo a later Part 3 chapter. Heather could be trained a little, since you need her for thieving utility.

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Now another question, you know that elevation bonus a unit gets when they attack a unit lower than them? Well, does the mage using Meteor on the Part 1 Endgame get that bonus too? I wouldn't think so, but I just wanna make sure, cuz he keeps on killing Jill.

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Now another question, you know that elevation bonus a unit gets when they attack a unit lower than them? Well, does the mage using Meteor on the Part 1 Endgame get that bonus too? I wouldn't think so, but I just wanna make sure, cuz he keeps on killing Jill.

He doesn't.

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So since he has only a 61 % chance of killing Jill, I could theoratically keep on resetting the game till Jill survives? Cuz I really don't want to restart the level, it's incredibly annoying...

Theoretically, I believe so.

Edited by Harold
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So now what I'm wondering is who in Part 2 is worth using. I know Nephenee is a no brainer, but is there anyone else who deserves focusing on?

Actually Nephenee is pretty meh in part 2 and will need a lot of level ups to catch up with the Greil Mercs for part 3. She's one of the best user of the Wishblade in endgame though.

Otherwise, Haar and Elincia are a given. Marcia's ok, bur her availability is quite low. The laguz aren't that great, except Leanne for Heron reasons and Mordecai makes a good tank when transformed (tip: let him blockade an area in 2-E, without him attacking, only using Olivi Grass ). Brom's a fine tank, but you'll possibly want to discard him in part 3. Heather's a standard thief. She can be useful with Disarm/Steal combo but otherwise she's rather meh.

Try not to kill many people in 2-3. Few units you use there are valuable in the long run, though if you wish to focus on a few units, preferably do so with Geoffrey and Marcia, with maybe some Kieran on the side. Not killing enemy units in this chapter brings alot of bonus experience to the team later on. Just have them advance, preferably either unequiped or with Bronze weaponry. Have Kieran open the door ( axes get a bonus and he can open it in one hit ), kill the boss and seize.

Finally you get Calill. She's a fine Sage for endgame thanks to Rexflame's speed bonus if you manage to train her but she has low availability.

If you want to transfer some items to the GMs, give them to Heather, Haar, Brom or Nephenee as they appear earlier than the others.

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Nolan/Boyd - Urvan

Kieran/Titania - Urvan

Jill/Haar - Urvan

Gatrie - Urvan

Oscar - Wishblade

Marcia - Wishblade

Nephenee - Wishblade

Soren - SS Wind

Shinon - Double Bow

Edward/Mia - Vague Katti or Ettard

Volke - Baselard

This is some final chapter options that this sites walkthrough for this game presents. But, I'm confused, are there really four different Urvans and three different Wishblades in this game, cuz those sound like legendary weapons, and I don't think there are usually more than one copy of a legendary weapon in an FE game...

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This is some final chapter options that this sites walkthrough for this game presents. But, I'm confused, are there really four different Urvans and three different Wishblades in this game, cuz those sound like legendary weapons, and I don't think there are usually more than one copy of a legendary weapon in an FE game...

You shouldn't use that guide at all, it's pretty outdated. There is only 1 Wishblade and Urvan, the list just gives ideas.

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