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On an on-topic note, I brought my dog up to my room and she started digging on my bed. Then I played the Song of Time of my Ocarina and she suddenly stopped and stared at me. It was freaky @_@

It's the pitch. How high was the pitch on the ocarina? Dogs don't like high pitched insturments.

I hardly see anything erotic about nutsacks being sliced open, especially since that would result in a crapton of blood and you being castrated for all eternity. Also, the fact that it would be with a violin E-string disgusts me as well.

Whoa. And here I am thinking that hospital/funeral/burial playing was the strongest way music could affect a person... :blink:

Now that I think of it, the E-String would be horrible to cut somebody with . . .

Unless you are just a extremely fucked up person or Al Sharpton, there's nothing erotic about having your nuts cut off.

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It's the pitch. How high was the pitch on the ocarina? Dogs don't like high pitched insturments.

It was pretty low. And she wasn't like "OH MY GOD WHAT'S THAT I NEED TO EAT IT", she was more like "Oh, what's that? I need to eat it". It didn't startle her, she just acted like she wanted to know what it was.

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Unless you are just a extremely fucked up person or Al Sharpton, there's nothing erotic about having your nuts cut off.

don't forget andy warhol

Your dog is obviously related to the one in Clock Town which tries to fucking kill Deku Link every time you pass.

While I'm here, why, may I ask, do you hate the violin? Or the trumpet, for that matter?

playing viola makes my fingers sore

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playing viola makes my fingers sore

I heard that! :angry:

Ah. That makes a little more sense. I've seen my own dogs try to jump all over the place when I start whistling anywhere in the house.

Actually, make that 'dog' as one of my dogs is deaf and can't really seem to hear anything.

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Just for the record:





There's also some more instruments that begin with "vio"

PS: I don't play any instrument, though. Always wanted to play bass, or drums.

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Say wha--!?

That's not a viola! That's a guitar!

All the respect I had for you just evaporated. =P

The one on the right is a viola, with a violin next to it for size comparison.

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Chin rest is in the middle? Since when does THAT happen?

That's performer preference; some people play instruments where the chinrest is in the center of the instrument just because it feels better for them.

And hey, that's not the worst I've seen; I actually play without a shoulder rest.

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Say wha--!?

That's not a viola! That's a guitar!

All the respect I had for you just evaporated. =P

I searched viola. Might be a mistranslation though.

Ex: Guitar, in english might be the wooden one, that is called Violão, here in Brazil, or the Electric Guitar, that means Guitarra.

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I searched viola. Might be a mistranslation though.

Ah. That makes sense, although when looking up instrument names I would probably filter the search so that all the results are in English for the least amount of confusion. That, or check the English Wikipedia page.

Ex: Guitar, in english might be the wooden one, that is called Violão, here in Brazil, or the Electric Guitar, that means Guitarra.

From this, I'm gathering that the term in question translates to this:

Violão: Acoustic Guitar

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Ah. That makes sense, although when looking up instrument names I would probably filter the search so that all the results are in English for the least amount of confusion. That, or check the English Wikipedia page.

Yes, forgot to do that. My bad

From this, I'm gathering that the term in question translates to this:

Violão: Acoustic Guitar

I also forgot the right description for the "wooden" guitar, too. :P

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You started it, anyway. If you hadn't insulted the violin, none of this would've happened.

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How about you, I don't know, try to bring it back? Like this:

The Ocarina of Time is a pretty cool instrument that Link plays in two games. What do you think of it? Do you own one?

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I think the ocarina is a crappy instrument like the recorder which is overused and underpractised.

Just kidding, they can be good, it's just that very few people choose to master them.

Back on topic...

That's performer preference; some people play instruments where the chinrest is in the center of the instrument just because it feels better for them.

And hey, that's not the worst I've seen; I actually play without a shoulder rest.

That's not that bad, I've done it before. It makes shifting positions harder since your hand has to support to violin AND move upwards but it might be just me. Still, middle chinrest is weird =_=

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Eew violin. The only thing I hate more than that is a trumpet.

As a trumpet player with violINist friends...

I might have to cause a little injury for that remark.

Meh, whatever, I don't feel like caring now...

Back to the topic, ocarinas are indeed cool. My friend got one (the blue Zelda one) and I borrowed it a few times... I want one. (Even though the darn thing can't play more than an octave.)

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You can play more than one octave if you blow harder (seriously), I think. It works with the recorder, anyway...


An Ocarina sounds like a pretty cool thing to have. I just might be nerdy enough to get one someday....

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An Ocarina sounds like a pretty cool thing to have. I just might be nerdy enough to get one someday....

Why would you be nerdy?would you be nerdy if you got another instrument? :mellow:

And there are Double or triple ocarinas that can play more than an octave Double Ocarina in action (kinda)

I now want an ocarina but they are too expensive for me. :(

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