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I miss Heroes Omega. Sonic 2006 Omega was just a stereotypical robot.

I know.

Sonic 06 Omega is just...bleh.

Not to mention his 06 VA is Gamma's from Sonic X.

Still he's a little better in Sonic Chronicles due to lack of Voice acting.

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You know, those who try to make others look bad, are the real retards. ^^

You know, you're retarded. I would discuss things with you, but it never got me anywhere before, so I'll just re-iterate.

Your. Are. RETARDED.

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And you've just been reported. ^_^

Oh boy. I am frightened of you now. You want me to report you back? 'Cause you know, you never told me to stop. And you've called me retarded. So hey. LULZTOTHEWALLZD00DZ!

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Ok, guess that means I win. ^_^ Yay!

If by "Win" you mean; make a fool of yourself by perhaps getting some guy on an internet forum warned for something insignificant, proving that you have an ego as fragile as a piece of toilet paper in a flood, then yes, you have won.

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