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1. Now that Nintendo has remade Fire Emblem 1 do you think they will remake ALL the NES ansd SNES games?

2. If they do what will the system be for the remade title be?

3. What should the system be?

4. How should they improve the original gameplay interface and story?

5. What extras if any would you like to see?

I will buy the FE11 remake with the hope that Nintendo will see the cash that can be made by rereleasing all of these games and if possible maybe connecting the first trilogy better since without an international release I have played none. I know they are remaking FE because they know from Super Smash Brothers there is a market for Marth and hopefully his whole trilogy along with Judgral.

It would also be cool to know what those other masses of land are connected to some of the FE continents not completely surrounded by water.

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1. Now that Nintendo has remade Fire Emblem 1 do you think they will remake ALL the NES ansd SNES games?

They never made an English FE6. What makes you think that they will remake the rest?

Edited by Dave
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Hm, lessee...

I think there's a good chance of them doing FE3 book 2 over if FE11 did well (unsure on the numbers on that). That'll presumably be on the DS. I think that 2, 4, and 5 all have considerably lower chances.

What should what system be o_o?

As I haven't played 3, I can't say how they could improve the interface ._. Looking at how they could improve 4 or 5 which I'm not sure will happen... I'm not sure how the interface could really be improved a great deal there. In some manners 4's interface is superior to even the latest ones (such as automatically ordering units by experience within level if you order them by level, whereas current games blithely throw units in in any old manner and don't even resort nicely if you sort by EXP then by level).

Improvements like being able to pin enemy movement to the map like in FE9 and so forth are always useful and should come standard in any new FE game.

Meanwhile FE4's ingame story needs massive, massive improvement being that it currently is pathetically sparse.

Can't think of any extras offhand.

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I doubt it. Aside from the third game, the other games do not have Marth. No Marth = No sales boost from the Smash players. Plus the SNES games are available for the Japanese Virtual Console, so I doubt remakes would sell very well there. If it doesn't sell in Japan, we're not going to get it.

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maybe japanese players dont care about smash

It's not as if NoA is the one who decides these things (in all likelihood). What works for American sterotypical players doesn't mean the same exists where the games are actually created it's too bad there's always that niche of people who think their section of the world dictates what should happen everywhere else--just looking up the release date of this game shows this fine and dandy

As for old titles being readily available, that doesn't stop any remake from selling, even if the titles were somewhat recently rereleased. There is a large amount of polish that can go into a remake--observe things like Resident Evil and Resident Evil GameCube edition.

Edited by Celice
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I actually would like to play FE2 since I liked the branchd promotions in 8. They might see it fit for rerelease anyways if they actually improve it enough. Think about the Mario Karts, all the rereleases of Zelda, and now Y's was just releases on virtual console and is being remade for the DS.

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As for old titles being readily available, that doesn't stop any remake from selling, even if the titles were somewhat recently rereleased.

It killed the Suikoden ports in Japan.

A good remake will probably sell fairly well in Japan, but remakes require investments -> risks. Making games available on VC is very cheap (no cartridges, extremely low distribution costs etc) ->no risks.

I would love to see English version of the older games on the virtual console, but hell will freeze over before that happens.

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I really liked the data transfer idea in FE9 and FE10, and I think something similar might be applicable to FE1 and 3, or FE7 and 6.

Of course, not nearly enough time has passed for an FE7 remake... but on the other hand, they are remaking Gamecube games on the Wii with Wii controls (the Wii being 100% backwards compatible with the Gamecube, no less), so I don't know what to believe.

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i would like to see remakes of all older FE games but it may not happen...an english remake of FE6 would be nice since its a prequel to FE7 which was released over here, AND and the end of FE7 you see it leading up to the events of FE6...the fact they never put it out over here due to that is beyond me..

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Most people would flock to an eventual cheat to start off with FE12 unlocked already. No one is going to want to set through more than 100 chapters for a small sneak peak of a new game. I know I'm not one to replay six entire games I've already finished more than once.

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I'd love to see a remake for all the Japan-only FEs, because I can't download any of them. Unfortunately, I don't think that's gonna happen. Maybe the other game with Marth in it, and possibly FE2 will be remade, but I doubt it. What I would really like to see is a FE6 remake. I mean, FE gets its popularity from people in SSB who recognize the characters, so why not release the game with Roy in it. He was in SSBM!(Wow, I'm starting to sound desperate <_< )

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1. Now that Nintendo has remade Fire Emblem 1 do you think they will remake ALL the NES ansd SNES games?

2. If they do what will the system be for the remade title be?

3. What should the system be?

4. How should they improve the original gameplay interface and story?

5. What extras if any would you like to see?

1. I highly doubt that they are going to remake every signle Fire Emblem game for NES and SNES.

2. If they do remake a game I would say it could be FE6. If they do remake this game, it will probably be on a nintendo Handheld console.

3. I think FE games should stop being made on Nintendo handheld consoles <_<

4. Not entirely sure. =/

5. I would like to see skills added to FE6 like in FE9 and FE10.

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I'd like to see remakes of all the earlier FEs or at least the best ones. I don't see Nintendo doing remakes if they don't think they'll sell well. Fire Emblem's not well known outside of people who played SSBM/B, which is also Nintendo's fault for not promoting the series. Maybe if Shadow Dragon sells well, they might remake a few more.

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Now that Nintendo has remade Fire Emblem 1 do you think they will remake ALL the NES ansd SNES games?

If they do it will be Either FE3 Book 2 or FE6 (IMO of course)

If they do what will the system be for the remade title be?

I hope it will be for Wii, but is Most Likely for DS

How should they improve the original gameplay interface and story?

FE3 became a sequel like FE10 is to FE9 XD

For FE6, they should put questions to see the Pairs that you did in FE7 (AND ADD LYN TO THE TRIAL MAPS!)

Edited by Gemini-Saga
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Now that Nintendo has remade Fire Emblem 1 do you think they will remake ALL the NES ansd SNES games?

If they do it will be Either FE3 Book 2 or FE6 (IMO of course)

If they do what will the system be for the remade title be?

I hope it will be for Wii, but is Most Likely for DS

How should they improve the original gameplay interface and story?

FE3 became a sequel like FE10 is to FE9 XD

For FE6, they should put questions to see the Pairs that you did in FE7 (AND ADD LYN TO THE TRIAL MAPS!)

Wow nice idea, about "putting questions on how you paired the characters", imagine, Eliwood and Fiora were Roy's parents and Hector and Farina/Florina were Lilina's parents and later Roy and Lilina marry, it will be like if Roy married his own cousin :mellow:

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Now that Nintendo has remade Fire Emblem 1 do you think they will remake ALL the NES ansd SNES games?

If they do it will be Either FE3 Book 2 or FE6 (IMO of course)

If they do what will the system be for the remade title be?

I hope it will be for Wii, but is Most Likely for DS

How should they improve the original gameplay interface and story?

FE3 became a sequel like FE10 is to FE9 XD

For FE6, they should put questions to see the Pairs that you did in FE7 (AND ADD LYN TO THE TRIAL MAPS!)

What the heck do you want it for Wii? The DS is portable.

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Because games like Seisen feel better on a large screen, while quick and small games like Rekka are best for the handheld :[


Huge Seisen maps+Wide screen=Awesome

Also a FE5 Remake/enhanced port would be good IMO.

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