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That was a good dream.

Destiny Hero

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You misunderstood me. Look at your quote;

you rob someone...I can really beat the shit out of someone.

So let's say I rob a person. You'll go after the person I robbed instead of me. How nice. ;D

Edited by Yuli
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Yes, I would, because drugs are horrible things. Anyone who uses drugs is almost 100% useless to society and will create nothing but problems. I don't care whose choice it is, because that doesn't matter.

Musicians count?

Like that makes sense.

Yes, it makes. From all the worst threads, this one is the best.

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Yes, I would, because drugs are horrible things. Anyone who uses drugs is almost 100% useless to society and will create nothing but problems. I don't care whose choice it is, because that doesn't matter.

People claim Albert Einstein was on opiates. Go beat his corpse, that wretched slime-ball that contributed nothing to society.

Right? Who's with me?

Edited by Harold
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Yes, I would, because drugs are horrible things. Anyone who uses drugs is almost 100% useless to society and will create nothing but problems.

Actually, my dad would not get any money if it wasn't for drugs.

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Not all drugs are bad. perscription medications are considered drugs.

you have one sad, sad life, destiny zero.

@wander: many, many things are wrong with destiny zero.

edit: @noremac: see, this is what i mean. not all drugs are bad.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Not all drugs are bad. perscription medications are considered drugs.

you have one sad, sad life, destiny zero.

@wander: many, many things are wrong with destiny zero.

edit: @noremac: see, this is what i mean. not all drugs are bad.

I never said they were.....

My dad is a narcotics police officers, he gets rid of the drugs that are bad, without people having drugs, he couldn't find them, thus not be able to do his job, thus making no money.

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Destiny Hero, you are not dreaming anymore. You're not Batman or the Punisher. Wake up.

Destiny Hero, what gives you any right to judge a drug user or a robber?

Because they're dumbasses, period. And society has no use for dumbasses.

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Yes, I would, because drugs are horrible things. Anyone who uses drugs is almost 100% useless to society and will create nothing but problems. I don't care whose choice it is, because that doesn't matter.

You dont know this world enough to have the right to say.

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Because they're dumbasses, period. And society has no use for dumbasses.

[sings] Do you see what I see? [/singing]

Yes, I do. I've been through life.

Kid, you're fuckin 14. What you know about life?

Also, since when you became an Internet Tough Guy? YOu know, that you claim the next drug dealer you see, you gonna fuck him or her up?

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society has no use for dumbasses.


Yes, I do. I've been through life.


Edited by Wander
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If he's been through life at 14 I've been through life and a fourteenth.

Destiny Hero, have you ever worked before? Like, in a job?

Hell, Destiny Hero, you don't even have a sex drive. Forget I asked you anything.

Edited by Wander
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If he's been through life at 14 I've been through life and a fourteenth.

Destiny Hero, have you ever worked before? Like, in a job?

Hell, Destiny Hero, you don't even have a sex drive, forget I asked you anything.

To add to that:

Have your ever . . .

-Paid for a love one's funeral arrangement?

-Pay bills (Not phone or cable bills. REAL bills like heat, lights, gas, water, electric, etc.)

-Pay taxes

-Hold a steady job

-Take care of children that you brought in the world

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To add to that:

Have your ever . . .

-Paid for a love one's funeral arrangement? not an animal's

-Pay bills (Not phone or cable bills. REAL bills like heat, lights, gas, water, electric, etc.)

-Pay taxes

-Hold a steady job

-Take care of children that you brought in the world

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To add to that:

Have your ever . . .

-Paid for a love one's funeral arrangement?

-Pay bills (Not phone or cable bills. REAL bills like heat, lights, gas, water, electric, etc.)

-Pay taxes

-Hold a steady job

-Take care of children that you brought in the world

No, but I've been through a hell of a lot more than most people.

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he's been raped and kidnapped more than anyone can imagine

he has also thwarted the plans of team rocket over 9000 times

and is a orphan

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No, but I've been through a hell of a lot more than most people.

That's a very high claim to make, one that I doubt you can back up.

I'm closing this topic because it's turning into a flame war.

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