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I have a horrible dream last night ;_;


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I had a dream that the numbers '4749' were the mark of the devil and every time you typed it on a computer you'd get a virus and the number was all over the news, everyone was panicking and I could hear ir everywhere.

Some time in the dream the 'virus' was a bot on SF posting things like "7 is the mother, 9 is the father and the fours are their children! Childrean! You must obey" and nonsensical things that were scaring me


... someday, if I ever become a famous writer, I could write a horror novel on it

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4749 now you shall all acquire a virus which shall attach to your computer and become a time bomb and shall explode in 10 seconds! bwahahahaaaaa

But I've had a dream where Princess Peach tried to rape me. Tell me that isn't ten times worse.

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I had one like that. There was a virus on my camera and every time I deleted the picture it was on, the virus would jump onto a different one.

ANd your dream could have been worse. You could have been the guy who knocked over my mailbox.

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ANd your dream could have been worse. You could have been the guy who knocked over my mailbox.

Yeah, you could've been beaten up to death by a 14 year old, THEN be smashed in the head with his ocarina.

EDIT: And let's not forget the gender issues.

Edited by Lex
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The person I killed? My ocarina? Everyone at the party who just watched?


"You could have been the guy who knocked over my mailbox."

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Well, for any gender, you are pretty weird. You're like our resident weirdo.

I've been told that, but it's okay, it's way better than being in the present-day stereotype of teenage girls~

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